D.U.I.D.E. Law

  • Not surprising. Washington state is also becoming as commieful and liberal-loopy as Massachusetts, California, or New Jersey. It's the bad influence of the tree-hugging, furry-armpitted, liberal loons who run Seattle politics.

    Amen Brother! BTW there is no open season on King County liberals. :( Oregon just passed a similar law making it illegal to hold a cell phone or electronic device while driving.

    This comment isn't a ding on LEOs.

    Have you ever noticed how distracted LEOs can be while driving? Typically they are keying in a plate number on the laptop mounted next to them and reading the screen to see if any issues are on the record.

    AMEN Brother! The city cop that took us home from the accident that wrecked our Sling barely looked away from his computer for the 5 miles he drove us. I told him left on 144th. He started to turn left on 159th and I stopped him. He would have drove past 144th but I reminded him (again). Sheesh!

    Having known a lot of LEO over the span of my career I have learned a little about them. They do a job that many of us would not have a stomach for. They have to go into situations and make split second decisions that can effect many people's lives forever. Ninety nine percent are in it for a true desire to help the public and keep us safe. They have to wear many hats - such as a counselor or referee for example. Be subjected to insults many of us would have a hard time brushing off - and all that with the possibility of some scumbag walking up assasinating them for no reason in today's environment. IMO there was a respect for the law - and the badge - that has deteriorated since my youth and should be restored. ALL THIS - and they sure ain't in it for the big bucks!! God Bless all LEO !!

    AMEN BROTHER! I've always avoided jobs that include 'being shot at' in the description.

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)