Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • they have the right to protest,,,,,I have the right to not have my house or business looted....or lose my life.

    they have crossed the line.....there will be hell to pay....I’m afraid Kent State will look like a church picnic....

    Every democrat Politician is giving them the green light to do whatever they want....this isn’t democracy anymore........

    Just heard they are expecting 1 million people to flood DC this weekend....they won’t be singing Kumba ya.....and cooking some mores...the showdown happens this weekend....

  • Nobody sings kumba ya anymore. They sing, "Lean on Me" and line dance. Have you not been watching the News?

  • When you "dismantle" your Slingshot to add better parts and get rid of bad parts. What are you left with?

    Did your Slingshot ever stop being a Slingshot?

    Is it a better Slingshot after the dismantling process?

    Defying unlawful and morally questionable orders is a soldiers job and oath. Lawyers in a court will decide if it was a good or bad order after the fact. I remember you defending and applauding a ships captain recently for such defiance of orders.

  • I read an article Mark Cuban may be considering a run at the Oval Office. That would probably give Trump an easy win on one hand and a whole lot better alternative than Biden on the other. The battle of the billionaires and Uncle Joe - what a show 😂😂

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • watch this guy talking about what’s going on....(first video...)

    The military takes an oath to protect the country from threats both foreign and DOMESTIC....this is war and those doing the rioting are DOMESTIC terrorists......And we are under attack....disguised as a peaceful protest.....They want to cause distraction, destruction and chaos ....and taking us closer and closer to socialism/communism.....I say if you don’t want to die....then don’t do stupid shit. the peaceful protests have stopped being peaceful.....If you want to seriously make a change go home you made your point. You don’t want to be lumped in with the real troublemakers. Go home now.

    and actually remember what this is really about.....Trump is ready to take down the deep state....they know they are going to gitmo and probably hung for treason.....this is their last stand. They might already be Secretly leaving Or trying to leave the Country hiding behind the distraction...they are going to be arrested by the military.....and taken straight to gitmo....for the military tribunals. Some Arrests could be taking place as we speak..they think getting rid of the police will save them from being arrested....this Protest/riot is a giant false flag event....

    They have conducted many of them over the years.... remember them saying never let a good crisis go to waste......meaning how can we use this to our advantage....And do you really think they are worried about the body count? They are fighting for their lives....they need to get trump out of office....that’s the ploy....the protestors are their expendable pawns.

    Does anyone in the crowd know what they are doing has gone way past a peaceful protest? So they know it’s wrong......and that It could come with grave consequences...They aren’t even organized...they are just walking around...what happened to George Floyd was totally wrong and unacceptable.....I’m in my living room...Armed and safe...and smart. This protest isn’t worth getting hurt or if the country was being invaded/attacked by a foreign country....I’d be in the street...We aren’t at the that point yet...the police and military can handle these punks...

    so far people aren’t getting shot sitting in their living rooms...Being good.

    Something else to consider.....all these democrat controlled states are broke begging for a bailout......if they get rid of the police...all the pension obligations and healthcare....legacy costs Will disappear....politicians will still get theirs..

    .A country without police....that should scare the living crap out of everybody...

  • "Deep State conspiracy, Deep State conspiracy". Every single person from every walk of life, every political position, every profession, every age, every color, every sex, every country, thousands that speak poorly of Trump are part of "The Deep State". Every one of them, in your mind, is a liar involved in some big conspiracy.

    If you walk into a school and many teachers, students from different grades, Bus drivers, janitors and Donnie's neighbors tell you , "little Donnie is a lying, manipulative, mean, dishonest, selfish, nasty little boy".

    Maybe, just maybe, the simple answer is, little Donnie is the problem.

    Seems far more plausible than a complex orchestrated effort by all branches of many governments, members from all political parties, regular citizens from all over the U.S. and many other countries, every news outlet (now including FOX) and many people Trump himself nominated or appointed to positions.

    Ya think? :/

  • watch this guy talking about what’s going on....(first video...)

    The military takes an oath to protect the country from threats both foreign and DOMESTIC....this is war and those doing the rioting are DOMESTIC terrorists......And we are under attack....disguised as a peaceful protest.....They want to cause distraction, destruction and chaos ....and taking us closer and closer to socialism/communism.....I say if you don’t want to die....then don’t do stupid shit. the peaceful protests have stopped being peaceful.....If you want to seriously make a change go home you made your point. You don’t want to be lumped in with the real troublemakers. Go home now.

    and actually remember what this is really about.....Trump is ready to take down the deep state....they know they are going to gitmo and probably hung for treason.....this is their last stand. They might already be Secretly leaving Or trying to leave the Country hiding behind the distraction...they are going to be arrested by the military.....and taken straight to gitmo....for the military tribunals. Some Arrests could be taking place as we speak..they think getting rid of the police will save them from being arrested....this is a giant false flag event....

    so far people aren’t getting shot sitting in their living rooms...Being good.

  • You just haven’t been red pilled yet....

    the deep state is real and will become fully exposed’s what’s going on in the senate hearings right now....they want to subpoena up to 50 Obama administration and FBI, CIA and others ...Swamp creatures.....the FISA declassification will expose’s called ObaMAGAte ...notice the the middle of it...

    Obama fired Mattis.....he’s a swamp creature....

    Apples and oranges........the captain was trying to save 5,000 people from being exposed to the corona virus..... those sailors weren’t burning down the country....what would he have done if they wanted to sabotage the ship......By blowing up the nuclear reactor? Let it happen? To prevent that he would have probably shot somebody.....and we would still be calling him a hero...

    You can not let the fox guard the door to the hen much of the country needs to be destroyed before we you decide enough is enough? What would you do if they were marching down your street smashing, burning and looting? Would that change your mind? Would you want the cops or the military there to save you and your family?

    They have destroyed Thousands people’s livelihoods....businesses and jobs have been destroyed....Never to much of the the country should we surrender to CRIMINALS? Show my that part of the constitution.....innocent people are dying.....where’s my right to be protected from assholes like that?

    Do you think trump just decided on a whim to designate Antifa a terrorist organization? They are Not Out collecting Model citizen merit’s CRIMINAL activity....How many millions of dollars in damage has already been done,,,,,,That’s YOUR tax money...being wasted. Just let them have their fun.....

    What are you going to do when your family goes shopping and rounds the corner into a Crowd of “peaceful” protesters with no way to escape? And not a cop in sight.....Same CRIMINALS....but that’s OK...It’s the first amendment, right? Only they have it....and you don’t? Constitution is for everyone equally......But even the constitution has built in red lines...When it turned criminal the first amendment ended....they willingly gave it up....they gave it wasn’t taken from them....that’s the difference....and when they gave it up they stepped on my rights.....

  • I dunno - can you explain the 3 year Russia hoax - who is behind that??

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • has it ever occurred to you that perhaps it is really just the circles that you personally run in? The circles of a government employee? - School teachers bus drivers, janitors?

    if Trump is as bad as you clearly think he is then tell me why the vast majority of the good hard working people who are members of this forum seem to support him?

    Do you believe that virtually everyone here, except for you, is stupid, uneducated or brain washed?

    Trump is against big government - you work for the government - - - - - seems like a conflict of interest might be impacting you opinion - - - - seriously you have skin in the game that even if you dont realize it affects everything you do or say - - its human nature

    its why the vast majority of government employees are liberals - - - cant blame them, but cant ignore it either.

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    Edited once, last by Edward Neal ().

  • As info about the killing of George Floyd continues to trickle out more questions need to be asked. Now we know that at least one of the officers involved was being trained by Derek Chauvin. If the reports of Chauvin's past misconduct are true why was he used as a training officer? The DOJ is starting a probe into the department but the media appears to have little interest. In other incidents involving police the media, politicians and activists call for those in charge to be fired or step down, not in this case.

    I don't know what the Field Training Program looks like in Minneapolis but it doesn't look like the one we used. Training officers were selected by a long list of criteria. The big question we always considered; If the trainee turned out like the FTO would you be happy with the results? Maybe nobody at the MPD asked themselves that question or maybe they did.

  • Police and National Guard can handle it. They are already stepping up their response.

    Trump designated Antifa as a terrorist group, it isn't official, because he needs to designate them to send in the Army and Marines.

    With your big conspiracy theories, you haven't paused to think. Q said you will be surprised who you're talking to. Trump wouldn't be a surprise. Putin would be a surprise, Obama would be a surprise. What if the people planned to be "rounded up in Gitmo" are Trump and a bunch of Republicans. What if the piles of "evidence" are against them. Will your belief in the conspiracy survive, or will that just be another attempt by the Deep State to control people?

    Everything is a conspiracy.:D

  • yeah - how bout that stock market?? I was white knuckled there for quite a while seems it’s on the way back. My broker has way bigger balls than me but then again it ain’t his 💰. The next big tank will be if Joe Biden wins😩😩

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it