Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Who might actually make their own decisions?... And it could be a trick question...

    I feel one just wants to "win" and then they'll allow decisions to be made by others... One might have their own agenda... Small picture versus big picture...

  • P.S. Just in a 9th victim claims the Trump sexually harassed her as well. I truly hope Hillary put this pervert in a orange jumpsuit while she is in office.

    No way in hell..If Hellary hasn't been locked up by now, proves How Fucked up and corrupt this Fucked America is! You have to be a fool to believe all these allegations. Pretty damn Funny no one says boo for 30 years & ALL THE SUDDEN 3 weeks before voting these woman just all come out of the wood work. I'm sure someone dug deep, made more corrupt deals, seems to be the way to gain advantage in Hellarys F'ed up campaign. How come these woman come out now & not when he was gaining steam 4 months ago?? All the sudden now?, coincidence? (Yeah where's Bernnie? Oh yeah paid off sitting in his new home in NH)

    I would take a man RUMORED to have what Im sure were a form of a relation, or a 2-way interaction at the time that got twisted, who knows with all LIES? America can't even separate LIES from Truth, Facts from Fiction. Media is BS Shit storm. Hellary: Lying, Corrupt, Killing, Nasty, Decrepit, 30 year failure that won't do shit-Those are Facts! :whistling:

    So once again before we shoot our mouth lets look @ both candidates. Lock them both up cause there mirror images of each other in 2 separate forms for different /events. They should lock them up in the same cell. they can mate and create the real DEVIL CHILD!

    AND JUST IN.......My wife is coming forth that Trump forced himself on her While visiting Yale 14 years ago...Oh it's True, it happened she said so! so now that's 10 woman!

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • I understand the concerns with the timing of these woman coming forward. It clearly looks like an attempt to knock Trump down.

    Before you call people stupid, think as a person. When all those woman came out against Bill Cosby he wasn't running for anything. Yet, they all came out rather quickly from incidents that spanned decades.

    I think the bus audio sparked their memories and pissed them off. He said, This is what I do and they let me. Like the Cosby scenario more woman started coming out as more came out. When Roger Ailes was fired from Fox, it was because one came forward and many followed.

    Are they all victims? I always give the woman the benefit of doubt first, because they get run through the ringer, called liars, sluts, and every other name. Not just when accusing political figures, but every time woman come forward, they take so much crap. That "taking crap" can explain why they don't come forward immediately and also add validity to the claim when they do. Who would want to go through that, especially if you were already traumatized.

  • Ask yourself who most people's favorite president. Many would answer Kennedy. We all know about his sexual games while in the White House.

    Now I am not saying, in anyway, that Trump is a Kennedy. But notice how no one gave a shit about his zipper!

    YLM. Your Life Matters

  • Are they all victims? I always give the woman the benefit of doubt first, because they get run through the ringer, called liars, sluts, and every other name. Not just when accusing political figures, but every time woman come forward, they take so much crap. That "taking crap" can explain why they don't come forward immediately and also add validity to the claim when they do. Who would want to go through that, especially if you were already traumatized.

    If a woman says it , it must be 100% True.. I say things for what they are and how I feel, Im not going to sugar coat anything to think it's what people wanna hear, that's False on what Im about and not being true to self..So with that..Men get put into situations and called out when "SOME" women have a game plan. Look at all the accusations against Trump, Pro Athletes, Actors etc. Wealthy, popular figures. it's so hard to believe things when you know the outcome is to "get something" or a "Payoff" Most things just seem to disappear with an average Joe. Like you said look @ the woman who came out after The Cosby ordeal, funny how they build off stories? So lets put the shoe on the other foot.. Your a celebrity lets say, your rich and woman throw themselves @ you. Some woman flirts, teases and makes moves on you. Things advance/ happen now she turns around either the following day , week , months, years & says he raped, touched , forced etc himself on you, beat you or whatever? Really, who's word is true? who's responsible? Everyone is responsible for there own action & the best excuse is to not have one. There are so many scams to get $ so who gets the benefit of the doubt when something happens & who do you honestly believe. A false accusation can crush a person if it's true or false, honest or a lie. When something happens you come out right then & there if it's a TRUE ACT! Years, months later stories can be twisted, staged etc. You have time to come up with a game plan and prepare mentally. If there's no report or anything and YEARS LATER someone comes forth it didn't happen. I have no sympathy for any person, Woman or Man who knows wrong from right and does an act they know is wrong. Again brings me to the Point of how DISHONEST Americans are. This is not an argument, but just the old case of HE SAID/ SHE SAID. Who knows people mindsets, I just call BS on most issues..

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • I could care less about Trump's sexual escapades or Bill Clinton's for that matter. If they broke the law they should have been arrested and the time of the offense!! As for Hillary she clearly has broken the law and should be tried and convicted. If it were not for the governmental corruption she would be trying to stay out of jail not running for President.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • With all these sexually allegations against Trump about forcing his tongue down women throats and pussy grabbing. Imagine if that was your spouse stating these allegations against this man, I bet like hell your assess would be in a uproar and ready to pound his head into the ground. Most women accusers do not come out right away for varies reasons: retaliation, fear of losing their job, embarrassment and many other reasons. I bet most of you all believe Bill Clinton raped a woman and sexually assaulted many others. So why is Donald any different? Could it be you will be voting for him 8 Nov 2016 and he is your true blue candidate. Regardless of your choice, sexual assault of women should always be taken serious and not be classified as "locker room banter" until this happen to your love one you can't imagine what these women are going through. I hope when he goes to prison he gets grab by the pussy! <X

  • I'm surprised Bill Clinton is liked by so many people after all his stuff @KZ1. I wouldn't shake his hand. I was just trying to bring a logical thought process to the Trump allegations. Hillary's campaign clearly chose when to drop the bus bomb. It was a bomb that Trump created though.

    That's right cause she always takes the High road..."When people shoot low, we shoot High" :whistling:

    Doesn't matter the Bombs that get dropped on her, that's all pushed under the Crooked table cause so many are Blind to her acts

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • With all these sexually allegations against Trump about forcing his tongue down women throats and pussy grabbing. Imagine if that was your spouse stating these allegations against this man, I bet like hell your assess would be in a uproar and ready to pound his head into the ground. Most women accusers do not come out right away for varies reasons: retaliation, fear of losing their job, embarrassment and many other reasons. I bet most of you all believe Bill Clinton raped a woman and sexually assaulted many others. So why is Donald any different? Could it be you will be voting for him 8 Nov 2016 and he is your true blue candidate. Regardless of your choice, sexual assault of women should always be taken serious and not be classified as "locker room banter" until this happen to your love one you can't imagine what these women are going through. I hope when he goes to prison he gets grab by the pussy! <X

    Enough is enough Dude! Again "ALLEGATIONS" vs Hellarys "FACTS". He's gunna go no where & keep building off Hellarys failures if she Becomes "YOUR" president. She has proved to America, that you can get away with just about any crooked act and nothing happens.

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • @Sling Beast looks like according to you Trump should not be elected because he ALLEDGEDLY had inappropriate contact with women YEARS ago. Tell you what / you take the FACTS and prosecute Trump - I will take the FACTS plus Hillary's own words and prosecute her. I am confident I could get a conviction 10 out of 10 times. Trump is not protected by ANYONE and believe me :D if there was any proveable criminality on Trump's part he would have already been perp walked on national news!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • More unflattering stories will be out soon on this Super sexual predator, he should pack up camp now and hide in the basement of his Trump Tower. Game over!

    Game over is when this whole deal is done..Then where do you go on Forum?? Just curious..You Fight and defend the Worst America has to offer...

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/