Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • The good natured fun stopped when he posted a photo of a dead child on the forum. If that is acceptable then the fun is going away.

    Wonder if we need to start posting pictures of aborted fetuses,
    which, by the way, they are killing future wage earners and TAX PAYERS, which they need to support those 100,000 immigrants she wants to import EVERY YEAR, not even counting all the other ILLEGAL immigrants.

    HEY DEMOCRATS, if you want more of peoples money and businesses money,

  • Trump is the the cure for the problem? You must be joking, right! No matter what this scumbag does his supporters with sop up anything that comes out of his mouth. This guy is so full of shit it's pathetic. I said this once before this idiot will never and I mean never become president. Mark my words!!!!!!!!!!

    Saw a packed venue for a Trump speech a few miles away on Monday. The news reported standing room only for a place that held 8500 and many more stood outside with a heat index near 100 to hear him speak. The news actually showed a wide angle shot showing the place was packed. Ever notice how when Hil-liar speaks they always seem to have a tight shot so as not to show how anemic her attendance numbers are? The major networks are doing their best to get her elected.

  • I can't believe one person can screw up what used to be a very interesting thread!

    I can't help it that your candidate is a scumbag, You all will not silence my voice on this forum. You have a right to say as you please and you better believe I will speak my peace. Just because I am the only one who opposes this idiot that you support I will continue to speak out against the Donald.

  • I can't help it that your candidate is a scumbag, You all will not silence my voice on this forum. You have a right to say as you please and you better believe I will speak my peace. Just because I am the only one who opposes this idiot that you support I will continue to speak out against the Donald.

    Peace means quiet, tranquil, and calm. Perhaps you meant to speak your "piece".

  • I must say one of the times I was ashamed of the legal profession was when Slick Willie said "it depends on your definition of "is". At least Slick Willie had charisma - Hillary doesn't even know the definition !!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Block me all you want to, I will keep on posting the things that are true. That's what makes America great buddy, freedom of speech!

    Just so we're all clear..."freedom of speech" is a freedom from oppression of government based on what you say (or write), and a freedom of repercussions or censorship. Nothing in "freedom of speech" prevents backlash from private citizens, individual repercussions, removal of privileges, etc. Just sayin'.

    I can't believe one person can screw up what used to be a very interesting thread!

    I'm honestly surprised at your disbelief. Not being a dickhead, but just look at it. We are so hypersensitive to other people's words and actions, we have the ability to respond (without thinking) in a nanosecond to a very large audience, people now feel they have the right to write anything they want, throwing labels and names around like so many free electrons without thought to what those words mean...this is the meanest and lowest-common-denominator time in history. The average Joe has spoken, in anger....and Joe is a fucking moron. (Well, people in groups are morons in general, but that's a topic for another time.) So when the topic turns to religion or politics, which is where many people invest a lot of emotion, for a lot of reasons (also a topic for another time), it should not come as a surprise that the hypersensitivity and instantaneous judgement come to the fore and are expressed with volatility and language that is both excessive and disturbing. Hence, it's no longer "fun" (if it ever was) to engage in civil debate about a "hot-button" topic, because invariably someone is going to go over a line, and not just a little.

    That's one of the reasons I rarely engage on those debates, except with a few friends (who I don't always agree with) who I trust not to be abusive. Life is too short for that shit.

    IMHO, this forum is about a topic that we all have common ground in. This particular thread really doesn't belong, or maybe it ought to be moved to NSFW, or something. Or maybe I just need to start ignoring it and move past it, shows up as an unread thread, and my OCD won't leave that alone. So I guess that's just my cross to bear....

  • Just came across the wire not long ago. ISIS has made a "possible" chemical weapon attack on a military base in Iraq. How much longer do you think Obama and Hillary can sing Kumbya denying ISIS is an ever growing threat. Liberals better wake up or we are gonna be sucking mustard gas or worse on US soil !!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I have been heavily involved in the political thread on the dark side and started this one. It seems to me that anytime the conversation sinks below the rules of etiquette and civil discourse it has been a left leaner that has led the charge. Appears to me that this is the scenario playing out on the national stage?? We the People deserve better IMO!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it