Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • @sideseatdriver - You are most certainly correct but I had an inside look at a class action suit involving a LARGE financial institution. This example is a look at a huge portion of the financial collapse of the housing market.

    Once upon a time ______ Lending Company accounting finds that quarterly profits are down. The CEO from his ivory tower issues a new set of commands which threatens everybody's employment all the way down to the loan originator who is told they have to lend a specific dollar quota a month or start looking for new employment. John Doe, loan originator, is now panicked he could be in the soup line. In walks in J. Smith walks in and wants a home equity loan. Mr. Doe takes the credit app then sends out a third party appraiser for required appraisal. Mr. Doe get the appraisal back and finds that the value of the collateral is not enough to meet loan to value guidelines. In fear for his job Mr. Doe calls the appraiser and says YOU HAVE to relook at Mr. Smith's house - I need it to be valued at $75k more to make the loan. Now the appraiser is panicked because a huge portion of his business is dedicated to this lender. VOILA!! That $150k house is now (on paper) worth $225k. All is good now - Mr Smith happy, Mr Doe Happy, Supervisors HAPPY, CEO Happy, Stockholders Happy. Multiply this by thousands of loans and millions upon millions of dollars in loans. All is good until Mr. Smith gets laid off and can't pay - he can't sell the house because he owes more than it's worth. The lender doesn't want the house back because when they short sell it shows as a loss ultimately making stockholders UNHAPPY!! This was the housing crisis in a small nutshell. NOW?? WHO'S FAULT?? The originator or appraiser trying to keep a job, the supervisors pushing for more and more loans, the CEO that will claim he has no idea that type thing was going on. There is a lot of blame to go around everywhere on this issue including borrowers, lenders, and government!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • this thread.... should be renamed.
    It should be....



    I compare this feeling to being a kid, and your mama has told you all week long that she is gonna take you to get ice cream this weekend.... and you can have whatever toppings and candy you want added to it. Now do you guys remember....
    How DAMN LONG that week was?! I do !
    For the love of all things frozen and chocolate flavored... i sure wish the weekend would hurry up so i can get my damn ice cream!

    All statements, posts, and general discussions made on this forum by me purposely reflect my opinions and personal experiences. 8)

  • How bout that stock market??? Ya think business is glad to see Ocrappa go and Trump come in!! Gonna be interesting to see what the market does when the Fed raises the rate though.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Let's be honest here - one of the major reasons that the housing crisis occurred was because people actually believed they could afford a $600k house on a $30k annual salary. Were there other issues? Yes. Should housing prices ever have been that inflated? Probably not (although they will probably do so again). But if we, as individuals, are not smart enough to look at that and go...." yeah, not a good idea", then we can't blame banks for taking advantage of our _________________ (naivete? stupidity? fill in the blank).


    @sideseatdriver - You are most certainly correct but I had an inside look at a class action suit involving a LARGE financial institution. This example is a look at a huge portion of the financial collapse of the housing market.

    Once upon a time ______ Lending Company accounting finds that quarterly profits are down. The CEO from his ivory tower issues a new set of commands which threatens everybody's employment all the way down to the loan originator who is told they have to lend a specific dollar quota a month or start looking for new employment. John Doe, loan originator, is now panicked he could be in the soup line. In walks in J. Smith walks in and wants a home equity loan. Mr. Doe takes the credit app then sends out a third party appraiser for required appraisal. Mr. Doe get the appraisal back and finds that the value of the collateral is not enough to meet loan to value guidelines. In fear for his job Mr. Doe calls the appraiser and says YOU HAVE to relook at Mr. Smith's house - I need it to be valued at $75k more to make the loan. Now the appraiser is panicked because a huge portion of his business is dedicated to this lender. VOILA!! That $150k house is now (on paper) worth $225k. All is good now - Mr Smith happy, Mr Doe Happy, Supervisors HAPPY, CEO Happy, Stockholders Happy. Multiply this by thousands of loans and millions upon millions of dollars in loans. All is good until Mr. Smith gets laid off and can't pay - he can't sell the house because he owes more than it's worth. The lender doesn't want the house back because when they short sell it shows as a loss ultimately making stockholders UNHAPPY!! This was the housing crisis in a small nutshell. NOW?? WHO'S FAULT?? The originator or appraiser trying to keep a job, the supervisors pushing for more and more loans, the CEO that will claim he has no idea that type thing was going on. There is a lot of blame to go around everywhere on this issue including borrowers, lenders, and government!!

    ... And to make matters worse the mortgage companies were unloading millions of these "upside down" mortgages by bundling them up with other high risk debt such as student loans, credit card and auto loans. These "bundles" became Asset-backed securities and were sold by brokers on the bond market ultimately leaving the private investor (you and I) holding the virtually worthless paper. :00008862:

  • Michael Moore calls for protesters to 'disrupt' Trump's inauguration
    Michael Moore calls for protesters to 'disrupt' Trump's inauguration | Fox News

    I can't believe these liberal, tantrum throwing, sore loser a$$holes that will not shut up about Trump's victory. We conservatives had to swallow Obama for 8 years no matter how distasteful. Michael Moore is a rich, arrogant dickhead that should have his citizenship revoked and send him to Russia so he could protest Putin - sure like to see how that worked out for him.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Now you all know I didn't vote for Trump. But He is our next President. Now grow the fuck up and work together to create and grow.

    Michael Moore is making noise to get noticed, Don't feed the pig.

    I mighta not voted for Trump either if there was somebody else that could have beaten the Wicked Witch

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it