Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • @Funinthesun yep that is the one we started on. We bought the Atari at the Exchange on our way to GTMO. Actually unboxed it and played it in our room at the motel. I actually did repairs on Atari console. Probably have some chips around here yet. After the Atari we went through every game consoles that hit the market. Gaming changed when the internet came along. We didn't have to hold monthly Lan Parties anymore. Will say I miss all night Lan Parties and drinking Jolt to stay awake. But most of all I miss the interaction with friends in the room.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • I wonder if any of the politicians or media people who constantly say things intentionally intending to divide people based on political ideology realize that the very division that they constantly sew is one of the primary forces that can lead to events like what just took place in Uvalde Texas???

    When you constantly sew division and hate it should come as no surprise that some people actually think its okay to kill other people.

    1 John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

    Until our leaders. on all sides, and those we rely on for information start sewing the seeds of love and trying to unite us these things will not stop - - calling for gun control or even better mental health are a waste of time if when you are doing it you are also casting blame, hate & division at half of the population of the country for your own political gain.

    I don't blame guns for what happened, I dont blame mental health, I blame our leadership and our media for constantly preaching division and hate - - Guns didn't do this you did!!!

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • It is so easy to point a finger and say..... I do not believe any politician can fix society... society is where the problem is. I blame people for what is happening in the US because the majority fall into divide and wholeheartedly believe the rhetoric rather than think for themselves...

    While this was so tragic I do not have words to describe it... and the fault is hard to pin point, we need to figure out what makes a person for several days, weeks, months plan and decide to kill a bunch of people. The majority of these things are done by very young and distraught individuals... How did they get that way... I do not believe political division makes one shoot grade school kids..

    Every day 5 CHILDREN die from abuse and neglect in the US. Almost 1800 a year... There are almost 100k "reported" cases of abuse in the US every year... This seems to be largely overlooked, but I feel it is a greater tragedy than what just happened again.

    If anyone would like to see some very distressing statistics take a look... These are just from one year...…G6RcaFY9FiBc6tTtiK43on8O0

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • When the highest up leaders of the country and the media and others on their behalf preach hate and division it may not be the only cause of events like this, but there is no doubt it is a contributor - - you can't constantly push a message like this and expect it not to have an impact.

    When it becomes okay to hate those you disagree with you have stepped away from God - - - - the end result will never be good

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

    Edited once, last by Edward Neal ().

  • Well said!

    Whether you consider yourself a religious person or even prone to a particular denomination I think you must admit that since we have kicked God out of every corner of schools and public life there has been a steady decline in society. Government is its own God and it feeds mercilessly on the electorate.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • Its been dead in here since I have been gone. You all pat each other on the back, and agree with each other. Is there not “other” opinions? Or are those with different opinions afraid to speak out for fear of getting flamed?

    Lack of religion and god has nothing to do with it IMO. Lack of respect for others, and a lack of social skills in the younger generation is causing more to become “loners and outcasts”. The zombie generation knows nothing except what they see and read on their smart phones and computers. Violent video games to an outcast can become a kind of reality, its crazy I know. Where are are the parents when all this is happening? As pointed out by echoraven, it could have an impact and his parenting skills kicked in, realized a potential issue and stopped it. It’s not a blanket statement, but it happens. Its not due to religion or politics, its due to no one caring and teaching how to respect others, which in many cases falls on the family.

    You don’t have to be religious to have respect for others, if you are brought up properly.

    Remember religion and politics are the number one cause of war.

    Peace out.

    Just an alternate opinion from the Great white North.

  • Perhaps…. And at the end of the day you, me, and all others must look in the mirror because we have stood by or had an active hand in creating this generation. As for my participation in creating two additions to this generation one is on the left and one is on the right but both have heart, show respect, and are grateful. These traits are shown and taught.

    And even though we have a difference of opinion - yes I am very afraid of being “flamed”!

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • That is a very common sense take on our current state of affairs of which I cannot disagree. We can debate the why, why, why until the end of time. The one thing that is just about irrefutable is that this younger generation does not respect the sanctity of human life. The only thing I can see is not all the “feel good” remedies but fear!! If you commit a crime killing anyone with a gun you are either killed at the scene, executed expeditiously, or at the very least spend the rest of your natural life in a cage. Criminals that commit murder need to know society demands retribution - NOT societal programs preparing them for release to kill again !!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Hey Sparcky

    Organized religion and living with God in your heart are two very different things and I believe a person who lives in love towards others, but has never stepped foot in a Church is more connected to God than the majority of people who go to church every Sunday.

    Organized religion is a creation of man and as such is subject to all of the corruption and flaws of man

    Real love is a creation of God and as such has no flaws

    Personally I have no use for organized religion and I am highly suspicious of any man who tries to tell me that his religion is the only path to God - - - The path to God is not through some ritualistic man made obligation - - - As I posted above 1 John 4:16 - - And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is Love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

    look at that - read it, It doesn't say that those who are religious live in God or have God in them - - It doesn't say that those who pray or go to church live in God and God in them - - heck it doesn't even say that those who call themselves Christians or any other thing live in God and God in them - - - - - - It is very simple and has only ONE requirement - - Those who live in LOVE live in God and God in them - - - - - - I highly suspect that some of the most Godly people on this planet dont even acknowledge being of any faith or religion - - - they just live it

    Yes you are right and I couldn't agree more - Religion has created and been the cause of more anti God behavior than just about any other of mans creations.

    and yes politics is a very close second :thumbsup:

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

    Edited once, last by Edward Neal ().

  • For the most part up here in Canada, God and religion go hand in hand, which is where my comments are based. There is very little, if no talk of "god" unless you are in an organized religion. I am not religious, and do not follow any organized religion or believe in a "god". Never have, never will. Could not tell you much about any scripture or the bible, and definitely could not quote any of it.

    I was brought up to respect my elders (and others), stand up for what is right (and for what I do believe in), and not to judge and treat people differently based on their thoughts being different from mine. That is set out in my morals, and ingrained in me from a young age by my parents, grandparents and family. Sure I was a shit disturber when I was younger, everyone has rebellious years. All of my friends eventually grew out of that, just as I did. I played a lot of video games when I was younger. But they were not the same kind of violence that are in todays games. Street fighter and Mortal Kombat were the extreme back then. I was more in the Pong, Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Defender, etc and pinball era.

    Parenting skills in this generation are often lost. Parents working 2 jobs, just to make ends meet, single parent families as divorce is very prominent today, video games and smart phones non stop. What happened to enjoying the outdoors, hanging out with friends in person, instead of online. Socially awkward, is the new norm for many of the younger generation. I see it first hand with a family member related by marriage. Single parent, poor parenting skills, no discipline, and a screw everyone attitude, has now created an introverted, socially awkward, loner, whose thoughts are not reality. As a society in Canada, we see these people and don't think about shootings and fear as we are not brought up with guns like the US. There is also no help for these people, unless they commit a crime or are violent. They are essentially ignored by the system and society, which can make it worse.

  • For the most part up here in Canada, God and religion go hand in hand, which is where my comments are based. There is very little, if no talk of "god" unless you are in an organized religion. I am not religious, and do not follow any organized religion or believe in a "god". Never have, never will. Could not tell you much about any scripture or the bible, and definitely could not quote any of it.

    I was brought up to respect my elders (and others), stand up for what is right (and for what I do believe in), and not to judge and treat people differently based on their thoughts being different from mine. That is set out in my morals, and ingrained in me from a young age by my parents, grandparents and family. Sure I was a shit disturber when I was younger, everyone has rebellious years. All of my friends eventually grew out of that, just as I did. I played a lot of video games when I was younger. But they were not the same kind of violence that are in todays games. Street fighter and Mortal Kombat were the extreme back then. I was more in the Pong, Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Defender, etc and pinball era.

    Parenting skills in this generation are often lost. Parents working 2 jobs, just to make ends meet, single parent families as divorce is very prominent today, video games and smart phones non stop. What happened to enjoying the outdoors, hanging out with friends in person, instead of online. Socially awkward, is the new norm for many of the younger generation. I see it first hand with a family member related by marriage. Single parent, poor parenting skills, no discipline, and a screw everyone attitude, has now created an introverted, socially awkward, loner, whose thoughts are not reality. As a society in Canada, we see these people and don't think about shootings and fear as we are not brought up with guns like the US. There is also no help for these people, unless they commit a crime or are violent. They are essentially ignored by the system and society, which can make it worse.

    Hey Sparcky - God and religion NEVER go hand in hand - - that's just the myth organized religion uses to try bring in and hold followers - - - organized religion goes hand in hand with money, power and control

    As to not believing in God - - - to me that's the same as saying you don't believe in love, caring, kindness - - - all of those things come from God without Him those things do not exist - - - - - - - I know this to be fact, because when I was at my lowest and alone and didn't want to be here anymore God came to me and held me in His arms and changed my life - - not some religion telling me, not some sales person trying to sell me their myth, but God himself and I know this to be as true and fact as I know I am typing on this keyboard - my relationship with God is personal, and my God does not need people acting as His sales person or PR staff - my God came to me and saved my life and when He did I hadn't even acknowledged Him or joined any cult or done any of the other things men will tell you you need to do to be close to God - Men try to sell some needy god that require you to join some organization an do penance and tythe/ pay them a tax to somehow save your soul - - - I don't know that god - and frankly I will tell you that any so called god that is that needy isn't a god at all

    anyway - you sound like a very good person with good values and love in your life - - I suspect you know God better than think :)

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Hey Sparcky - God and religion NEVER go hand in hand - - that's just the myth organized religion uses to try bring in and hold followers - - - organized religion goes hand in hand with money, power and control

    As to not believing in God - - - to me that's the same as saying you don't believe in love, caring, kindness - - - all of those things come from God without Him those things do not exist - - - - - - - I know this to be fact, because when I was at my lowest and alone and didn't want to be here anymore God came to me and held me in His arms and changed my life - - not some religion telling me, not some sales person trying to sell me their myth, but God himself and I know this to be as true and fact as I know I am typing on this keyboard - my relationship with God is personal, and my God does not need people acting as His sales person or PR staff - my God came to me and saved my life and when He did I hadn't even acknowledged Him or joined any cult or done any of the other things men will tell you you need to do to be close to God - Men try to sell some needy god that require you to join some organization an do penance and tythe/ pay them a tax to somehow save your soul - - - I don't know that god - and frankly I will tell you that any so called god that is that needy isn't a god at all

    anyway - you sound like a very good person with good values and love in your life - - I suspect you know God better than think :)

    Another misnomer, not believing in a god does not mean you don't believe in love, caring and kindness. It means I do not believe in a high singular power that can affect me, thats it, nothing more. I live my life to the fullest, enjoy it, and honestly don't have any relationship with a higher power, which I am ok with and don't need. My morals are what I rely on. None of this affects who I am friends with, or how I look at people. They do them, and I do me. We are all happy at the end of the day, and the differences in beliefs never even enter the conversation.

  • Another misnomer, not believing in a god does not mean you don't believe in love, caring and kindness. It means I do not believe in a high singular power that can affect me, thats it, nothing more. I live my life to the fullest, enjoy it, and honestly don't have any relationship with a higher power, which I am ok with and don't need. My morals are what I rely on. None of this affects who I am friends with, or how I look at people. They do them, and I do me. We are all happy at the end of the day, and the differences in beliefs never even enter the conversation.

    Sparcky - you miss understand - I was not saying without one you can not believe in the other

    I am saying that without God there is no love - - - period. - - love can not exist without God.

    like I pointed out above 1 John 4:16 - - read it again - "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is Love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."

    This is not just words open for interpretation - it is literal God is Love - - - - -

    and like it or not, if you have love in you - you have God in you - - - period, end of story - - :thumbsup:

    anyway - I am done with this subject in this thread, not my job to convince anyone of anything you all have a great day - - - Im going to take my Slingshot and go for a ride over to my wife's farmers market and help her set up for the day, and then I might go cruise downtown and let all of the out of town visiters see how sexy my little red slingshot looks 8o8o

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • God and religion NEVER go hand in hand - - that's just the myth organized religion uses to try bring in and hold followers - - - organized religion goes hand in hand with money, power and control

    Consider this:

    Canada was formed by the French and British, both of which had monarchies at the time who controlled the religion of their countries and demanded their Government and church be seen as one and the same. With their monarch said to be placed and ordained by God himself so the direct leader of their church. In effect their Government was god.

    America was formed from the landing of the Pilgrims specifically to do away with this direct linking of church and state and while our Government was founded on Judaeo Christian principles great pains where taken to limit the direct action of the church on our lives unless we choose it. At most our Government answered to God.

    As much as either may think they are not influenced by their founding if you step back and take a real hard look you can still see it which IMO is why the Liberals had a much easier time in Canada and the EU where historically to question the Government is to question God himself but in the US to question the Government is a God given right..

    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

    Edited once, last by Orangeman ().