Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I've spent my life investing into my life. In effect becoming self insured. I expect little from the government. Among them protection, infrastructure upkeep and other necessary functions for society to progress. I don't have any kids (with the exception of step children and step grandkids). I understand the necessity of education and I'm willing to pay taxes for that purpose. That being said to an extent, no massive free ride. In some cities the inner city drop out rate is 50% or more! Could it be that's an issue? The last I heard a high school education is still provided by the government for free? Could dropping out of school be an issue? The tools are there and provided. Stop the excuses! Fix that and go from there. I have no problem with the government supporting physically disabled that need help to accomplish day-to-day tasks. Makes me wonder when someone parks in a handicap parking space and jogs into the store?

    I am worried about socialism. I'm not looking to take. I only want to hold on to what I have worked so hard for without giving it up to people who have neither put into the system or have no intention of contribution into the system. I understand the youth and their desire for socialism, after all they haven't contributed to the system, therefore they have nothing to loose, only an opportunity to gain. That gain is placed upon my efforts. I am bothered when someone comes into this country and is entitled to receive benefits I have paid into my whole life, yet I'm not entitled to those benefits! That's not right!

    Not liking socialism, but fearing it's just around the corner.

  • I've spent my life investing into my life. In effect becoming self insured. I expect little from the government. Among them protection, infrastructure upkeep and other necessary functions for society to progress. I don't have any kids (with the exception of step children and step grandkids). I understand the necessity of education and I'm willing to pay taxes for that purpose. That being said to an extent, no massive free ride. In some cities the inner city drop out rate is 50% or more! Could it be that's an issue? The last I heard a high school education is still provided by the government for free? Could dropping out of school be an issue? The tools are there and provided. Stop the excuses! Fix that and go from there. I have no problem with the government supporting physically disabled that need help to accomplish day-to-day tasks. Makes me wonder when someone parks in a handicap parking space and jogs into the store?

    I am worried about socialism. I'm not looking to take. I only want to hold on to what I have worked so hard for without giving it up to people who have neither put into the system or have no intention of contribution into the system. I understand the youth and their desire for socialism, after all they haven't contributed to the system, therefore they have nothing to loose, only an opportunity to gain. That gain is placed upon my efforts. I am bothered when someone comes into this country and is entitled to receive benefits I have paid into my whole life, yet I'm not entitled to those benefits! That's not right!

    Not liking socialism, but fearing it's just around the corner.

    you need to understand their motivation....they really don’t care if anybody lives or dies....they just want your vote when the time comes.....every election we will throw you a bone ....a vote is all we want in return....after we increase the living crap out of your taxes to support us, ... our new green deal slush fund money....keep falling for our BS we love.......your vote...

  • Rock on President Trump! It was so refreshing to have a leader who put America first. Sad that in todays society it's frowned upon and greeted with finger pointing, i.e. racism, xenophobia, white privilege, etc. Even with helping 92 other countries people will still find fault!

    Perhaps other countries will never strive for their own betterment? But then again why should they when they can use our resources? America will fix it for everyone else, again and again.

    Trump to sign coronavirus vaccine executive order prioritizing Americans over foreign nations | Fox News

    "The order will also call for work with organizations focused on donation of resources, so that the U.S. government can be sure to aid in low-income countries — specifically Gavi, the vaccine alliance, which will work with USAID to support “92 low to low-middle income countries.”

  • how come everything pertaining to the Obama administration (from him on down) is stooped in CHINESE corruption....mostly you can see why they want Trump out.....they are all part of the swamp......just to be fair....some republicans were and are also involved .....but it’s clearly way more democrats....

    Build back Beijing ......they cheated to get Biden elected because they need him to make everything go save their treasonous asses.....they sold out America......the only thing going away will be the swamp rats.......if it takes suspending the constitution, martial law and 10,000 armed soldiers on every street corner.....let’s do it...start tonight.....if you still want the America you grew up’ll be on board....and jumping up and down when it does...

  • trump team going through the corrupt court system legal proceedings is just to show the public how corrupted everything is....its a trap....

    A politician can be a swamp rat, a judge can be a swamp rat, a cop can be a swamp rat...a lawyer can be a swamp rat, an FBI agent can be a swamp rat.....there aren’t any special qualifications except being open to being bought willing to sell out your country for money....

  • a judge just ruled to block the tic toc deal saying that the users would be negatively impacted...

    same excuse was used to shoot down the voter fraud argument ....too many voters would be disenfranchised.....

    starting to see a pattern here....

    and guarantee the judge is a democrat and this ruling helps Biden to help China spy on us...

    1st campaign promise kept....Building back Beijing better......China joe come on man..