Washington DC needs to pass a Lemon Law

  • NOTE: The following is an UNPAID Political opinion

    November 3rd, 2020, this country went out to find a NEW "vehicle" that would steer the country properly for the next 3 years. For whatever reason, they didn't think clearly of what features mattered the most. Now 10 months after making a HUGE mistake, the polls show that over 20% of voters who voted for the "guy in White House (who at times thinks he's at the WAFFLE House eating all that ice cream) are having buyers remorse.

    Since Jan 20th, 2021 when the "old car" was officially retired and replaced with an "old, worn out jalopy. here's a list of the important breakdowns that have happened in less than 8 months

    On Jan 20th, before he even had time to eat his first ice cream, the ceremonial pens came out and wiped out over 1,000 CURRENT jobs (and a total of over 11,000 jobs in total counting part time jobs that would have been hired to complete the keystone XL pipeline), A loss of over $2 BILLION in wages. (Goes to show you that your mileage may vary applies to jobs as well)

    On the very same day, the Old Jalopy signs an Executive order to negate the Stay In Mexico order that Donald Trump put in place to control the illegal aliens crossing the border. This order stopped the practice of keeping them in Mexico while their application was being processed. As a result, over 1 MILLION illegals have crossed our Southern boarder during the worst pandemic this country has seen in over 100 years. These undocumented and untested Covid carriers were either shipped by bus or put on planes WITHOUT being tested to spread the Covid virus all over the country. No records are being kept so there is no way to know who or where they are. This defect was so serious, the SUPREME COURT Ordered that the old jalopy returns to the old policy that was in place on Jan 19th

    As the Covid virus spread and caused states to shut down and put people out of jobs, the Government told people not to worry. They would be paid to stay home. They even made it so renters could use this money any way they wanted and not to worry about paying their rent - The guy in the White House would sign off on a ban on evictions. As the vaccines were being used to control the virus, the businesses started to reopen, but the free money kept flowing. So much so that businesses found it hard to hire employees who would actually WORK and take home less than staying home watching Jerry Springer. The old jalopy KNEW what he was going to do was illegal, but he didn't care. He extended the moratorium on the evictions improperly. He said so himself when he said "by the time we are ordered to reverse this decision, we would have time to do it the right way". Guess what? The SUPREME COURT Ordered that the old jalopy cease that extension as it was illegal.

    The old jalopy gets something in his head, he doesn't change. I guess it gets too tough to remember which option he says he would go with. Hence, if things go wrong, he blames whoever he can. He actually said that President Trump made a deal with the Tliban to get out of Afghanistan, so he on;y had 2 options. To send in more troops and stay there other 20 years or get out by the deadline. REALLY? He had no problem undoing 52 of Trump's policies in the first 100 days. What's one more? As he always says "the fact of the matter is" that the agreement was based on a lot of issues that the Taliban had to commit to. One was to stop their movement to grab more land, which was ignored this summer. That alone voided the agreement. PLUS the details of the agreement had the US out by MAY and NOT August. But the old guy dragged on and basically did nothing until the shit was hitting the fan. I won't go over all the lies and screw-ups he did on the last 3 weeks, but he is THE ONLY US PRESIDENT TO RETREAT AND LEAVE AMERICANS BEHIND. He then parades in front of the crowd and declares this mission to be a success. WOW. I wonder why the Captain of the Titanic didn't declare his voyage was a success since he was able to save 706 people

    The jalopy sticker said it would ELIMINATE the Covid virus once you BOUGHT it. Funny how 400,000 people dies from Covid under Trump when there was NO vaccine and we knew so little about it - mask or no mask, travel or no travel, safe to be outside but not inside with no family members etc. But with this new Jalopy AND a vaccine, in only 8 months, there's already over 200,000 deaths. I guess he can call that a success as well!!

    I think you get the picture. With all these defects, not to mention the stalling during meetings, hesitation when accelerating, unstable over bumps going up stairs to board a plane and I'm sure the check engine light is either still on or burnt out already, if Washington had a lemon law, this piece of crap would be sitting in some dealers lot rotting away and a shiny new one would be in its place

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • Thank you. Now if I can get someone to start a go fund me account to raise enough funds to give me a chance in the 2024 election, you just KNOW things will get straightened out real fast without caving into special interest groups. I'll get the job done in one term and not have to sell my sole to keep a career in the swamp

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • I normally try to stay away for this topic anymore, but the fact is you first have to have the approval of one or the other major political party. Then the next thing you need is money. That comes from the special interests and PACS. Without them, you're dead in the water. The fact is that it is BIG MONEY that controls our political system. If by some miracle you don't know that before you get there, you find out really quick that if you want a future you need the cash. By the way, you spend a lot of you time fund raising for those who got you there. Nothing is easy in our system and no longer is it "For The People". That's not where the cash is.........


  • I normally try to stay away for this topic anymore, but the fact is you first have to have the approval of one or the other major political party. Then the next thing you need is money. That comes from the special interests and PACS. Without them, you're dead in the water. The fact is that it is BIG MONEY that controls our political system. If by some miracle you don't know that before you get there, you find out really quick that if you want a future you need the cash. By the way, you spend a lot of you time fund raising for those who got you there. Nothing is easy in our system and no longer is it "For The People". That's not where the cash is.........

    When the Supreme Court ruled that companies are "people", and PACs can contribute unlimited sums, the real people lost.

    At least it's nice to know that we have the best government that money can buy.