Bill Cosby's conviction overturned - Bill to be released from jail

  • The title says it all. Mr. Bill (no relation to OUR Mr. Bill) has had his rape conviction overturned. I guess the evidence wouldn't stand up in court. After being in prison, I'm sure he's going to no longer do jello commercials and he'll be doing PUDDIN commercials

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • I do not know if Cosby is guilty or not - - I wasn't there and I haven't heard all of the evidence.

    What I do know is that a prosecutor made an agreement with him not to prosecute him - and I do not think it should be allowed for a different prosecutor to come along later and go back on that agreement (apparently the court now agrees with this)

    I also know that I don't think it is right or fair to make judgements about the actions or words of a person that happened a long time in the past by the standards today - - -people can never know what future standards might be and as such past actions and words need to be judged by the standards that were in place at the time those actions were taken or those words spoken

    anyway that what I think

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  • What I do know is that a prosecutor made an agreement with him not to prosecute him

    IF a past prosecutor made this deal, and I am assuming they did.

    It tells me that the evidence was not there to convict or prove his guilt beyond a REASONABLE doubt.

    Legally, if there is no evidence of a crime, then a crime did not happen.

    So with that in mind, I am left to assume that this was just a money grab, like the kids did with Michael Jackson.

    Wasn't it funny that Jackson's payday made all those accusing him shut the hell up?

    I was just a money grab, the ghetto lottery as we now say.

    Yes, Michael was odd, wayyyy odd, but he did not have a child hood and as an adult wanted to have one, so he acted childish and enjoyed himself.

    No pain, no gain

    No evidence, you must acquit.

    According to the law.

  • truer words have never been said, actions should be judged in a vacuum based on the era/time they were committed on.

    BTW I am not defending Bill Cosby but talking in general, I am tired of people tearing down statues or portraits because someone did 1 thing bad(by today's standard) 100 years ago and we seem to forget the 100 things they did right.

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.