Slingshot cover

  • I’ve been using this cover for a few’s sorta like rip stop nylon....the sun cooks the material and it rotted and starting to rip....this isn’t the first cover like this..... but I’m looking for an alternative.... the issue is.... the cover is 18 feet could be a few feet shorter. It’s also 10.5 feet wide to go to the ground in the front on both sides.... I want to keep it covered all year long in all weather... its light so it drys pretty fast when it rains ..... I have a roof so that’s the other issue with finding something to replace this one... if you look at car cover places...they have set sizes.... I do believe they custom made this one for me....

    Has anyone tried one of these?

    I know they aren’t showing it over a roof....

  • I had a really bad experience with a cover with a lining to prevent scratches with a two wheel cycle. Even though it had vents to prevent condensation when I took the cover off in the spring there was rust everywhere on the chrome. I went crazy.
    The cover on my SS now is like Parachute thickness without a liner. That gives it the ability for wind to move it around. It helps it to dry off. Another thing I found out is to leave a few inches off the ground for the wind to blow under the vehicle.
    im not concerned with it staying dry as much as keeping the sun from shining on it. UV light kills everything. So I’m looking for one without a liner.

  • It doesn't fit that tight and only comes down to the bottom of the body. The Slingshot has so many airholes I don't think it is a problem. There is two vents but I suspect they are worthless.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • My Sling has been under cover in my carport fir over a year now. Only got it out a few times last year. Pulled the CoverMax off last week, not a speck of rust on any chrome, anyplace. I wouldn’t have any other cover.

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