Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Safe sex for beginners

    A woman went to the doctor for advice. She told him that herhusband had developed apenchant for anal sex, and she was not sure that it was such a good idea.

    "Do you enjoy it?" the doctor asked.

    "Actually, yes I do," She answered.

    "Does it hurt you?" he asked.

    "No, I rather like it," she responded.

    "Well, then," the doctor continued, "There’s no reason that youshouldn't practice analsex, if that's what you like, so long as you take care not to get pregnant.

    The woman was mystified. “What? You can get pregnant from anal sex?”

    "Of course," the doctor replied. "Where do you think people likeChuck Schumer, NancyPelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Boxster, HillaryClinton, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Al Sharpton came from?"

  • It's Elizabeth Warren. I like her tenacity, her courage, but more importantly her character, compassion and honesty. Too me, she seems to be a great person. :)

    Oh...... OK,
    Mrs. Dancing with lies (her given indian name, LOL) AKA Fauxcahontas
    Found this on one website about her=
    Her abuse of asbestos victims, her attempts to get ahead by passing herself off as a minority Rachel Dolezal style, her constant clamoring about income inequality when she was pocketing a fortune while hardly doing any actual teaching all show how little shame Senator Warren has.

    Sorry, I just don't care enough about her to read or post any more of her "History"
    I will just say she fits right in with the California dirt bags.



  • It's Elizabeth Warren. I like her tenacity, her courage, but more importantly her character, compassion and honesty. Too me, she seems to be a great person. :)

    She lost me at gun control. She is for other things that I'm not on board with, but that was the deal breaker. As long as I'm a law abiding citizen with no mental or anger issues, the only gun control I find acceptable is hitting the intended target.

    I'm 57 years old. I've been shooting for 50 years. Zero accidents, or misuses of anything weapon related. I carry on my person everywhere you see me. Leave me and my choice of weapons (and capacities) alone.... one day I may save you or one of your loved ones.

  • @Goats_Hogs I can't fault you, as a 2A guy I get it. I just can't right politicians off because they have one or two different opinions than me. I would be writing them all off. And some are doing their best for America despite the others. I just vote for Republicans to offset the Democrats I vote for and vise versa. "Balance is a key Danielson". ;)

    @AllIn5450 You can stick with only conservative news sources, all saying how bad she is, and still see the blanks in the story being filled in. They should have made a pact to only print the same thing. Heck one asks "How is she worth 15M? Here are her incomes....there is money unaccounted for...". In another article they point out her "hypocrisy" for flipping houses before the crash yet ripping on Trumps business practices and his "hoping for a crash for business purposes". They answer where the missing money in their previous article came from, as flipping houses wasn't mentioned as an income while suggesting she's hiding income sources. If you dig down both their rabbit holes, there really wasn't any hypocrisy there.

    The average Harvard Professor income is higher than all other colleges average pay for professors. She made 385-400k a year, slightly higher than the 310k average highest pay. "What a piece of crap!"? ?(

    Her parents told her she has Indian heritage, some articles are saying 1/32 Indian. From what I can gather, she did mention it on some Harvard paperwork, but not in a spot that would suggest a preferential treatment grab.

    Just seems the few things people bash her for are pretty thin. Heck the "She's rich and claims to care about the middle class, what a hypocrite" claims are silly. How is it that one automatically precludes the other? Warren Buffet one of the Richest men on the planet has given Billions to charity, championed for the poor and willed most of his fortune to charity. "What a hypocrite"?

  • @Goats_Hogs I can't fault you, as a 2A guy I get it. I just can't right politicians off because they have one or two different opinions than me. I would be writing them all off. And some are doing their best for America despite the others. I just vote for Republicans to offset the Democrats I vote for and vise versa. "Balance is a key Danielson". ;)

    We agree on some things Wolf. I respect you, and you have all rights to form your own opinions. For myself, I WILL wright off any politician that is pro gun control. No matter the stance on any other rights a person has..... once the 2A is gone, I truly believe that the other rights will gradually go away.

    Perhaps the loudest statement that you have said that resonates best with me to date was this.... "I would be writing them all off". That right there might be the biggest step in correcting this political mess we are living in. Keep no one, start over fresh. Can we just eject them all and fill the positions with non career politicians now? (Well, right after we are all home safely from MV!)