Corona Virus

  • Oh, it's real, and given the alternative, I'd take it today without reservation.

    I just hung up with a buddy that had Corona months ago and his sense of smell still has not come back. Fortunately, he's not suffering like the thousands of long haulers out there who have been debilitated by this disease.

    My best friend called me Monday as he had just tested positive. He's a builder by trade, a few pounds overweight, and on the diabetic fringe, and I'm really concerned for him.

    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents

  • they already admitted they don’t know the answer to that question.....

    being a lab rat is above my pay grade.....

    Better a lab rate than having them strap a ventilator on you. Once that goes on, the likelihood of it coming off with a positive result is not favorable.

    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents

  • The Naval base has 6,000 residents which includes 1,500 troops, and their vaccinations all began in early January. The above story pivots on the Defense department informing the prosecutor that they will be vaccinating five detainees. That's a single vial of the vaccine as shown above.…ered-coronavirus-vaccines

    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents

  • I was stationed there 4 years on a 2 year tour. There is still scratch marks on the tarmac where they had to drag my family to the plane to get us to leave. I would have stayed but had 6 months to retirement and the navy wouldn't let me extend another 6 months and I had already extended 2 years of off the Jacksonville they sent me but I would have to stay there for two years if I wanted to retire. That is why I retired with 21.5 years not 20. My wife went back there once as she had a civil service job there and went back to train people. She visited the prison while there.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • Daughters friend's mother and daughter died from covid today. Daughter has friend in UK and he says the vaccine is not the silver bullet over there. Allot dying who have had the vaccine.

    I think "A lot" is a great exaggeration. Data shows that infection after vaccination is very low (less than 0.01%). Death without Cause of Death is a useless statistic. Everyone dies. Everyone dies after doing something. Eating burgers, crossing the street, kissing someone else's wife... :)

    The smarter you get, the funnier I am.

  • I think "A lot" is a great exaggeration. Data shows that infection after vaccination is very low (less than 0.01%). Death without Cause of Death is a useless statistic. Everyone dies. Everyone dies after doing something. Eating burgers, crossing the street, kissing someone else's wife... :)

    Remember the rules:

    Everyone who dies that it positive for Covid is a covid death, no need to prove COD.

    Anyone who dies after getting a covid vaccine didn't die from the vaccine unless you can prove COD. Follow the science 😁

  • Science, you mean like cough in the crook of your arm then bump elbows instead of a hand shake. Or I hand my credit card to the person at the drive through window with my germs on it. The person is wearing gloves so the germs get on the gloves and she passes it back. Takes the next persons card adds their germs to the gloves and sends them all back to that person and this goes on and on. Not to mention the food and drink they pass you with the same gloves. No body thinks these things out. it sounds good, looks like their trying so just do it.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • Science, you mean like cough in the crook of your arm then bump elbows instead of a hand shake. Or I hand my credit card to the person at the drive through window with my germs on it. The person is wearing gloves so the germs get on the gloves and she passes it back. Takes the next persons card adds their germs to the gloves and sends them all back to that person and this goes on and on. Not to mention the food and drink they pass you with the same gloves. No body thinks these things out. it sounds good, looks like their trying so just do it.

    You bring up a good point... Perception again...

    At school we check for Temps and have plexiglass dividers. Temperatures can be irrelevant and plexiglass are pointless because the virus is like an aerosol so it can go over the divider... But... Parents and teachers feel safer with those 2 measures.

    Really, just mask up and wash hands (and be mindful of what you're touching in between hand washing and/or sanitizing). We can do a lot of what we're used to with just those 2 things in mind.

    Now eating at restaurants, no thank you. Order to go and eat in the comfort of home, yes please. But that's just me.

    Another good thing is we test/screen weekly for asymptomatic cases. This gives a lot of peace of mind and knowing there pretty much isn't any school spread if safety procedures are in place and once identified, sent home for remote learning.

  • I glad your schools are in session the students need the social connection they miss online. I spent 14 years keep the schools here PC and such up and running. The last few years was networking 26 schools and office buildings. I had many friend from teachers and staff all the way to the top management people. A bunch of liberals but all good people.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • Science, you mean like cough in the crook of your arm then bump elbows instead of a hand shake. Or I hand my credit card to the person at the drive through window with my germs on it. The person is wearing gloves so the germs get on the gloves and she passes it back. Takes the next persons card adds their germs to the gloves and sends them all back to that person and this goes on and on. Not to mention the food and drink they pass you with the same gloves. No body thinks these things out. it sounds good, looks like their trying so just do it.

    Just like taking your shoes off at the airport. Do something even if it doesn't really make you safer, perception over reality.

  • Friends wife died from lung cancer. Hospital said covid 19 on death certificate. Friend is pissed. To have it changed to what she really died from he would have to prove it wasn't covid. Yeah spend allot of money to do that. Autopsies cost between 5 and 10k if the death is not suspicious. I never trusted the covid numbers.

  • I feel there are a lot of fault positives and negatives they are not telling us about. They are ok with the fault positives as it makes the numbers high just like reporting a death as Covid 19 death.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • My father was asphyxiated when he ruptured a blood vessel while coughing in his sleep and he drowned in his own blood. Cause of death, chronic heart failure. Did I mention he had stage 4 lung cancer, had just finished his third round of chemo, and his prognosis wasn't good. Also the blood thinner he was on, Pradaxa, had the known side effect of serious bleeding risks. This was pre-covid. He didn't die of cancer, he died because his heart ran out of blood. Oh, did I mention that he smoked three packs a day of cigarettes for fifty years, hum I wonder if that had something to do with it?

    My point is this, while someone may have terminal lung cancer and death is imminent, if you come along and shoot them in the head and they die instantly, then the cause of death was the bullet, not cancer. In this case, replace the bullet with the Covid virus.

    Doctors and hospitals have too much at stake to risk losing their licenses or insurance company funding by falsifying records.

    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents