MyToy Bucket List

  • I know I mentioned in an other thread who I (we) would like to visit.
    I will keep the list short. :P
    We met a bunch of our great Forum Members in Person, so yes we want to see you all again.
    And for the rest I would (we) like to meet you all down the road, because it looks like I would miss something.
    A Special Mentioning I have to do to the one on top of my list, which is @Painter I will visit you with our SS even if hell freezes over.

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • I know I mentioned in an other thread who I (we) would like to visit.
    I will keep the list short. :P
    We met a bunch of our great Forum Members in Person, so yes we want to see you all again.
    And for the rest I would (we) like to meet you all down the road, because it looks like I would miss something.
    A Special Mentioning I have to do to the one on top of my list, which is @Painter I will visit you with our SS even if hell freezes over.

    Anytime my friend! The welcome mat is out. If we are gone, just make yourself at home, feed and pet the dogs, mow the grass once a week, check the pool chemicals, shoot any intruders ( I have lots of firearms!) and enjoy the peace and quiet down on Painter's Farm!!!! :D