Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • .

    On a side note: Does anyone else smell something ?

    Almost like someone walked back in to the forum with dog crap on their shoes?


    I'm trying boss, I'm really trying .....

    ...... angel-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • Uh... WHAT?!?! How does higher pump prices stimulate the economy?! If people are spending more at the pump, they spend less elsewhere. Duh!

    Going electric? Fine. Let’s do that first. He’s got it backwards. Develop electric first and THEN wean us off of oil. He’s killing oil (& jobs) first with no backup plan.

    Let’s say your only transportation is a bicycle because that’s all you can afford. So, in your infinite wisdom, you sell your bicycle so you can start saving for a car. Uh, wait, that was stupid. How about finally getting that car & THEN sell your bicycle.

    they are going to make the people dependent on the government....people will be begging the government to save them...when you’re on your knees you’re not in a very strong position...

    Rolling blackouts....the government is in control. Please turn on my electric...I’m freezing...or it’s so hot....commiefornia already has them every summer....Biden wants the rest of the states to be like commiefornia... soon.....

  • Uh... WHAT?!?! How does higher pump prices stimulate the economy?! If people are spending more at the pump, they spend less elsewhere. Duh!

    Going electric? Fine. Let’s do that first. He’s got it backwards. Develop electric first and THEN wean us off of oil. He’s killing oil (& jobs) first with no backup plan.

    Let’s say your only transportation is a bicycle because that’s all you can afford. So, in your infinite wisdom, you sell your bicycle so you can start saving for a car. Uh, wait, that was stupid. How about finally getting that car & THEN sell your bicycle.

    see the democrats think trump lowered taxes to help big business.....who profits from higher gasoline prices....BIG BUSINESS..... how does that help us? Higher prices and taxes means Less money for vacations, less Money for house payments....less money for car payments...less money for food ....damn Trump for trying to help the country...I just hate trump....that statement starting to keep you awake at night? Biden will save you LOL...

  • I'd hope you're referring to Wolf, but something in the air tells me that's not true...

    And if it's not the air you're referring to, them maybe they beamed down from their space craft?

  • Uh... WHAT?!?! How does higher pump prices stimulate the economy?! If people are spending more at the pump, they spend less elsewhere. Duh!

    Going electric? Fine. Let’s do that first. He’s got it backwards. Develop electric first and THEN wean us off of oil. He’s killing oil (& jobs) first with no backup plan.

    Let’s say your only transportation is a bicycle because that’s all you can afford. So, in your infinite wisdom, you sell your bicycle so you can start saving for a car. Uh, wait, that was stupid. How about finally getting that car & THEN sell your bicycle.

    Didn't someone here recently say necessity is the mother of invention?

    If that bicycle works, maybe for 47 years, you'll never get that car... laugh-squared

    Why so worried?... It's slow, sleepy, Joe... He can't do anything in 47 years, no way he'll take guns away, gas away, walls away, etc jn just 4 years... angel-squared

  • Didn't someone here recently say necessity is the mother of invention?

    If that bicycle works, maybe for 47 years, you'll never get that car... laugh-squared

    Why so worried?... It's slow, sleepy, Joe... He can't do anything in 47 years, no way he'll take guns away, gas away, walls away, etc jn just 4 years... angel-squared


    I wouldn't argue renewable energy power generation with Tripod .......

    ...... angel-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • Don't be mad because there are more of them than they...

    You've got Fox, Newsmax, OAN is it? And other websites I'm sure... Bigdog, give Mr. Bill your media sources... He needs a right-fix...

    Unless you changed your race - you can change your sex now depending on how you feel that day (thanks Uncle Joe) - you fit into this demographic...

    I know I’m ready for him if he comes for me - what you gonna do with this “articulate journalist” when he comes for you?? Show me something like that by any news anchors from networks you mentioned... patiently waiting 🤔

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Schumer wants Biden to declare a national emergency on climate change...

    WOW they are in a big hurry to raise our taxes ...what 7 days in office....

    Trump cut off the democrats slush funds for 4 years now they are going to make up for lost

    And in other news....

    read the Hebrew definition of Covid

  • According to Chuck Schumer..

    Climate change is the major threat we are facing in this country — more than...

    1. COVID

    2. The economy

    3. China, Russia, Iran, N Korea

    4. Political violence

    5. Political polarization

    6. Border security

    7. I could go on and on

    DAMN CHUCK...who knew ??

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Didn't someone here recently say necessity is the mother of invention?

    If that bicycle works, maybe for 47 years, you'll never get that car... laugh-squared

    Why so worried?... It's slow, sleepy, Joe... He can't do anything in 47 years, no way he'll take guns away, gas away, walls away, etc jn just 4 years... angel-squared

    you obviously are ignoring how much trump interrupted their plan to turn us commie ...they are going to make up for it....really fast....look at all the 7 days…n-in-his-first-three-days

    his hand should be cramped by now...those nuns should have broken his hands

  • It’s a slush fund....that’s the emergency ....trump stopped our money

    Just like planned parenthood....research where their money goes...

  • Unless you changed your race - you can change your sex now depending on how you feel that day (thanks Uncle Joe) - you fit into this demographic...

    I know I’m ready for him if he comes for me - what you gonna do with this “articulate journalist” when he comes for you?? Show me something like that by any news anchors from networks you mentioned... patiently waiting 🤔


    I'm not worried about it... Yet...