Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Bones just be careful around Trump! I warn you this man is dangerous like a thief in the night.

    TRUMPS lesser of 2 evils HANDS DOWN... Need a totally different shake up, cause OBama didn't work out... She's gunna carry on a legacy.. Those words are all I needed to hear. I honestly feel Trump could bring more "Change" & make America GREAT AGAIN...I can't afford to go more insane or sink deeper into American depression. I can't pay attention to what happens in the world anymore things are so sickening!

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • TRUMPS lesser of 2 evils HANDS DOWN... Need a totally different shake up, cause OBama didn't work out... She's gunna carry on a legacy.. Those words are all I needed to hear. I honestly feel Trump could bring more "Change" & make America GREAT AGAIN...I can't afford to go more insane or sink deeper into American depression. I can't pay attention to what happens in the world anymore things are so sickening!

    Bones I am not sure how you are doing in your neck of the woods with the economy and everything else. I am fortunate to be doing well with a nice house, several vehicles. put my daughter through college and my son is in Iraq as a contractor. I am not saying Obama helped me with this blessing, I feel sometimes life can be rough in certain parts of the country. I retired from the Air Force in 2000 and I continue to work one full time job and a part time job. I could just quit both jobs and still live comfortable with my current salary. Most of my friends are not struggling as hard as others but a few of them are trying to make ends meet the best way they can. I recently helped a colleague of mine with some household items when his house burned down, just to see the despair on his face was painful. Me and a couple of my buddies pitch in some money to help him get on his feet soon, thank god he had home owners insurance to cover the lost of his valuables and home. I hear mostly everyone on this forum talk about how bad Obama is, I just ask you how were you doing under Bush? I was doing the same under Bush's watch. We all talk smack about each others candidate and respond accordingly. All I can say I wish everyone a happy and prosperous life as possible. I know you are a diehard Trump supporter and I do not have any other choice but to vote or Hillary. I truly wish it was another candidate whom I could support for the POTUS. I just could never vote for Trump. If Hillary or Trump wins, my life will continue to be the same. I don't care who you vote for, just vote!

  • @Sling Beast I am very pleased to hear about your prosperity. I, myself have enjoyed many years of prosperity allowing me to live a quite enjoyable retirement. However, I believe that all these things we enjoy can evaporate in the blink of the eye. We are at $20 trillion in debt, the Fed keeping rates low to prop up a floundering economy. World wide the dogs are barking at our heels threatening to deliver a viscous bite. It is clear Obama has been a complete failure dividing our country arguably as much as since the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's. Hillary's plan free college, no troops against ISIS, continuing Obama's legacy of failed policies and the continuation of her corrupt activities. That combined with a left leaning Supreme Court nominee it will only be a matter of time before you, I, and the rest of the American people can kiss prosperity goodbye. With Hillary we are headed to a failed state making Greece look like a well ran machine. Trump may take us down as you suggest but at least he will do it quickly - not like Hillary with death by a 1000 cuts!! Just food for thought!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • @Sling Beast I am very pleased to hear about your prosperity. I, myself have enjoyed many years of prosperity allowing me to live a quite enjoyable retirement. However, I believe that all these things we enjoy can evaporate in the blink of the eye. We are at $20 trillion in debt, the Fed keeping rates low to prop up a floundering economy. World wide the dogs are barking at our heels threatening to deliver a viscous bite. It is clear Obama has been a complete failure dividing our country arguably as much as since the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's. Hillary's plan free college, no troops against ISIS, continuing Obama's legacy of failed policies and the continuation of her corrupt activities. That combined with a left leaning Supreme Court nominee it will only be a matter of time before you, I, and the rest of the American people can kiss prosperity goodbye. With Hillary we are headed to a failed state making Greece look like a well ran machine. Trump may take us down as you suggest but at least he will do it quickly - not like Hillary with death by a 1000 cuts!! Just food for thought!!

    I respect your opinion Bill, but my heart will never allow me to vote for Donald Trump. What do you think if Trump become president what this country would look like. You think this country is divided now it would become a total hell hole. No world leaders would take the Donald seriously with his rhetoric and his uncontrollable temperament. What right person that runs for office calls the President the founder of Isis? That is total nonsense that he states that Obama was not born in the USA, you and I know that he was born in this great country of ours. He also stated that he agreed with the invasion of Iraq on the Howard Stern show in 2002, now he states he did not make that statement. So this just show us that both of our candidates are truly a POS. We can go back and forth with our dissatisfaction for each other candidates all day long and nothing will sway my vote or your vote as well. We all know both politicians suck to the max, but it depends on who you ask. I know no candidate have the magic potion to please every single voter but I do feel that Hillary would do a better job than Trump. It's a shame both parties cannot work together to solve our country problems, as long as we are divided on both sides no matter who wins we all lose. I can't see the future concerning my or anyone's prosperity with whomever become POTUS. What I can tell you is that I do have a back up plan if things happens to go south. We will have to wait until November and let the people choose the best candidate to occupy the White House.

  • No world leaders would take the Donald seriously with his rhetoric and his uncontrollable temperament.

    But they are taking Obama seriously? Look at Iran, North Korea, Russia, hell, the Phillipines, and even on some levels Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Do you really think their actions are those of respect? Maybe an uncontrollable temperament is what we need to throw off the international political norms.
    As for the social aspect, before the election, Trump was never considered a racist or bigot. He's pandering to an angry part of our society, just as Hillary is pandering to BLM. If you think she will be any better in that aspect (especially when it comes to setting the direction of the country through SCOTUS) then I hear there's some tropical land for sale in Siberia for sale that I could get you for a discounted price.

  • @Sling Beast I am not saying that Trump is the best possible candidate. However it is indisputable that Hillary is corrupt and believes that she lives above the law. Do you think that will work out well with her as President? I see our basic difference and I respect your decision. You feel that our country is doing well and want to see another 4 to 8 years of the same. Adversely I see our country heading like a freight train running off a cliff. Don't know who is going to be right, only time will tell. The one thing I believe is that the future of this country most certainly hangs in the balance. If you are comfortable with Hillary as Commander in Cheif who has contempt for the military to lead us against all the worldwide threats good for you - I could never abide by that decision!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Interestingly enough, Trump is corrupt and thinks he lives above the law. He has also stated "our generals have been reduced to rubble" followed by "there will be some new generals when I'm in office". Not talking about, as Pence tried to spin, what the Dems did to our military and he was talking about the generals.

    He is tagged as a racist not because he wants strong borders or deportation statements. He is tagged a racist in part for his long history of resident practices, but mainly for all the racist adjacent crap he spewed while running for the nomination. Yes, he has taken a step back and softened his language, but it is out there and no amount of rephrasing erases a first impression. Even all of you must admit, if you had no knowledge of Trump before he started to run, he came out with a horrible first impression.


    "Which is worse: to denigrate some members of a group or religion or race – or to kill them by the millions? And maim more millions and displace even more millions? Which is more “racist”? "

    More interesting points to ponder in the full article ....

    Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • I'm listening @Orangeman . In your words please clue me in. I know WMD's, but the larger narrative from all news sources has been "fighting terror and seeking regime change because of human rights issues". I suspect oil and other resources play a big part, but that rarely brought up.

    As a man in the know, can you enlighten me?

    None of the above ... while it started before, the main driver for our current situation is that we, yes we (our government) put Saddam Hussein in power and supplied him with the knowledge and materials to fight the fight we directly could not .... then when the dog would not stay leashed the personalities and politics involved used a tragic (unrelated) event to justify forcibly removing him and attempt removal of the machine we created. It was too little, too late, and because of the unrest caused we as a country may never be done paying for decisions made by a very few for reasons of personal belief, bravado, and arrogance. The first step is removal of the entrenched in our government ..... a good start will be anyone who has Kissinger as a mentor .....


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......