Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • everyone and everything on any site is nothing but lies?

    denier....only you have access to the total truth from .....wait for it .....honest main stream media...…tatus/1332421817227763718

    after reading this and connecting the evaluation of this entire Flynn thing it could have been a ploy to have Sidney Powell get deep knowledge of military operations from general Flynn himself without raising the suspicions of other military personal and deep state actors...after all look at his command credentials. He’s no dummy to be in those positions....and he obviously had clearances and intel on many secret things like the kraken...which is going to be the big ace in the hole for the entire election fraud takedown.....

    EVERYBODY knows that Twitter Twits are much more believable than NBC, CBS or ABC.

    Like you, if they look through enough garbage, they'll come up with a morsel that matches their taste for rot and decay.

    If a Twitter post says it's 2021, better check a calendar

  • yes but their “foundations” were millions richer.....

    and all three committed treason and were at Epstein island.....

    Please tell us all the facts...

    And none of them had to stop the economy from crashing into a gigantic depression..while fighting one phony democratic hoax investigation after another......which both sides of Congress had played politics with.....people are still losing their jobs and businesses forever......

    So tell us math would you fix the economy and save us?

    Pick one

    National debt to worry about paying down in the future or

    economic depression forever...far greater than 1929 and no way to survive.

    Which one is the best option for your family?

  • The economy was "stopped" to fight the Greatest Hoax of all Time: COVID-19.

    Obama had to save the WORLD from another depression after George the Idiot did what all Repugnant Presidents do, he gave the rich a huge tax cut. Then he started wars in the Middle East that are still being fought.

    Clinton left the Treasury with a SURPLUS., which George the Idiot promptly blew. I find it entertaining that the only reason Bush Lite won't be remembered as the Worst President in History, is that Cadet Bone Spurs came along. He's still Number Two. poop emoji.jpg

  • So Mitch has his own honey pot China doll and she’s very connected to the Chinese government.....and I guess he’s going to hang now for treason too...

    no wonder he doesn’t want a win for Trump 46...

    China quid pro quo gitmo joe doesn’t look so bad after all....or swellwell or diane many more swamp rats will trumps trap catch.....he’s a master mind .....for 4 more years...too

    Now you know why Trump keeps saying China is going to pay for the virus....he keeps calling it the invisible enemy.....he’s actually taking about all the compromised “Chinese bought” politicians. Comparing them to a virus..

  • Now you know why Trump keeps saying China is going to pay for the virus....he keeps calling it the invisible enemy.....he’s actually taking about all the compromised “Chinese bought” politicians. Comparing them to a virus..

    YUP. The same way Mexico is going to pay for the Wall.

    If Little Donnie's mouth is moving he's lying. Or he has a date night with Stormy.

  • The economy was "stopped" to fight the Greatest Hoax of all Time: COVID-19.

    Obama had to save the WORLD from another depression after George the Idiot did what all Repugnant Presidents do, he gave the rich a huge tax cut. Then he started wars in the Middle East that are still being fought.

    Clinton left the Treasury with a SURPLUS., which George the Idiot promptly blew. I find it entertaining that the only reason Bush Lite won't be remembered as the Worst President in History, is that Cadet Bone Spurs came along. He's still Number Two. poop emoji.jpg

    Economics 101

    A poor man never signed your paycheck. Corporations have to be profitable to pay employees. The owner of the steel mill I worked in was a millionaire....

    if you don’t think all these politicians use the government as their personal piggy banks.....please buy my slightly used bridge..

    They start wars to create untraceable slush funds...this is part of the swamp Trump wants to eliminate....that’s the reason they all hate him....he’s killing the money tree.

    MSM won’t tell you that. They are too busy telling you the democrats are Gods....that they do nothing wrong. They are above the law. All republicans are evil...some are...

    Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton, Obama, Hilary, biden are all traitors and will be remembered as the presidents put to death for it....

    You can not spell triumph without trump....he will be in the history books as the greatest president ever...

    Who is ending all the wars now? And bring the soldiers home?

    who is getting all the peace agreements in thd Middle East?
    who stopped North Korea?
    who is about to stop Iran?

    This isn’t going to end the way you think it will.

    Biden will never be president... TRUMP 2.0 mo China quid pro quo Gitmo joe...

    Obama’s entire administration will hang.

  • The computer came to fruition in to 90's virtually no one possessed one. In the coming years the vast majority of the world purchased a computer. They revolutionized business efficiency and at the same time created millions of jobs supporting the technology boom.

    In comparison the Covid-19 virus shut down the world economy. Boeing, the worlds largest aerospace industry collapsed. Not a level playing field, not even close. While our economy has been damaged along with the worldwide economy. I'm amazed how well our country has faired to this point.

  • The economy was "stopped" to fight the Greatest Hoax of all Time: COVID-19.

    Obama had to save the WORLD from another depression after George the Idiot did what all Repugnant Presidents do, he gave the rich a huge tax cut. Then he started wars in the Middle East that are still being fought.

    Clinton left the Treasury with a SURPLUS., which George the Idiot promptly blew. I find it entertaining that the only reason Bush Lite won't be remembered as the Worst President in History, is that Cadet Bone Spurs came along. He's still Number Two. poop emoji.jpg

    I believe you have overlooked another fine Democrat President that actually holds the record for the worst President ever...


    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I believe you have overlooked another fine Democrat President that actually holds the record for the worst President ever...


    Jimmy Carter has become one of the finest humans on this planet. Trump will not do 1/1000 the good that Carter has done for his fellow human beings. On the contrary, he will continue to spew hate, lies and division until the day he dies.

  • Vacuus.

    adjective. Definitions: devoid of, free of. empty, vacant, unoccupied.

    What is a vacuous person?

    Lacking intelligence; stupid or empty-headed. ... The definition of vacuous is empty or not intelligent. An example of vacuous is a ditzy person who has no smart or useful ideas.

  • he will continue to spew hate, lies and division.

    Please, inform us of the "Hate" that Trump has spewed.

    Whether he is lying or not is open to the interpretation of what he said and your own left-leaning way of thinking.

    And Trump has not "spewed" division, he has been the recipient of the most division "SPEWED" by the democratic side in HISTORY!!!!

    So the democraps have done everything you said, NOT Trump

  • Please, inform us of the "Hate" that Trump has spewed.

    Whether he is lying or not is open to the interpretation of what he said and your own left-leaning way of thinking.

    And Trump has not "spewed" division, he has been the recipient of the most division "SPEWED" by the democratic side in HISTORY!!!!

    So the democraps have done everything you said, NOT Trump

    "Good people on both sides", he said about white supremacists. Told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by".

    Jump in guys. Defend the scum of the earth.

  • YUP. The same way Mexico is going to pay for the Wall.

    If Little Donnie's mouth is moving he's lying. Or he has a date night with Stormy.

    Mexico is paying by putting them on an equal playing field and bringing jobs back to us.
    They never were supposed to write trump an actual check. Duh....

    If you didn’t see penetration then nothing happened that you Can prove.