Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Admit it or not, but any votes cast for the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, or Green Parties are wasted votes. If you want to throw away your vote to make a point, go ahead and do it. BUT if you want to take the lesser of two evils, people have to vote Republican in November as well as in November 2024 to get this country headed back the way it was. A country with financial deficits greater than 50% of their GDP, with more than 50% of their population feeding off the teat of the government and a Southern border that is wide open letting over 2 MILLION illegals into our country under the Democratic lack of leadership, enough illegal Fentanyl to kill over 3/4 of the US population and more illegal human trafficking is not a party that wants the United States to remain as a viable country. Vote as if your life depends on it - It DOES

    I am sorry, but I disagree - Right now I dont think the Republican Party is any less evil than the Democrat party - - the Republican Party that I proudly considered myself a member of for almost all of my adult life does not exist any more - todays Republicans are not fiscal conservatives they spend like drunk sailors - and that's an insult to drunk sailors - and todays so called Republican Party is just as hateful and divisive as the Democrats - - - when picking between todays Republican Part or Democrat Party - there is no difference, both are self serving organizations that only care about advancing themselves at the expense of the people. - - Voting for one of them just to win, or have a better chance of winning - - - might as well throw away all of my values

    No thanks - - I'd rather sleep well at night knowing I voted for someone I truly believed in than voting for evil just to win

    Trump had his flaws, but the one thing that really made him great is that he isn't a republican, never was. only said he was to get votes he wouldn't get as an independent - - - and you this is true just as much as I do

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I am sorry, but I disagree - Right now I dont think the Republican Party is any less evil than the Democrat party - - the Republican Party that I proudly considered myself a member of for almost all of my adult life does not exist any more - todays Republicans are not fiscal conservatives they spend like drunk sailors - and that's an insult to drunk sailors - and todays so called Republican Party is just as hateful and divisive as the Democrats - - - when picking between todays Republican Part or Democrat Party - there is no difference, both are self serving organizations that only care about advancing themselves at the expense of the people. - - Voting for one of them just to win, or have a better chance of winning - - - might as well throw away all of my values

    No thanks - - I'd rather sleep well at night knowing I voted for someone I truly believed in than voting for evil just to win

    Trump had his flaws, but the one thing that really made him great is that he isn't a republican, never was. only said he was to get votes he wouldn't get as an independent - - - and you this is true just as much as I do

    I see your point but agree with Funinthesun - it’s is not Rep vs Dem on the ballot in November - it is Prosperity vs Poverty!! The Dems have shown us the road to poverty - somebody - don’t care who - needs to take us a big 180. I just don’t see a libertarian with the juice to take on the Big Two !

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Admit it or not, but any votes cast for the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, or Green Parties are wasted votes. If you want to throw away your vote to make a point, go ahead and do it. BUT if you want to take the lesser of two evils, people have to vote Republican in November as well as in November 2024 to get this country headed back the way it was. A country with financial deficits greater than 50% of their GDP, with more than 50% of their population feeding off the teat of the government and a Southern border that is wide open letting over 2 MILLION illegals into our country under the Democratic lack of leadership, enough illegal Fentanyl to kill over 3/4 of the US population and more illegal human trafficking is not a party that wants the United States to remain as a viable country. Vote as if your life depends on it - It DOES

    Actually, in my point of view any vote cast for the same old same old is a wasted vote. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

    The two parties have always propagated this thought that if one is not voting for one of the parties it is a wasted vote. It is a fallacy to believe that. If enough people start to see this and know that the choices we are given by the two parties is never good for America, but only good for the party maybe we can make some progress to start electing people rather than parties.

    As long as this country is stuck voting for whom we are told to vote for we will never move forward. People like to say one party or the other is the reason for the way the country is... In reality both parties contributed to the current cluster f$$$ we call a nation.

    With the current climate, the best person in the world imaginable could run for President or whatever and if that person was not in the correct color approximately 50% of the people automatically would not vote for them.

    As you stated, vote as if your life depends on it... not if a party will remain or be in power.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • Its all a part of the Party indoctrination

    Democrat Party tells all of its followers that even if your candidate doesn't win the primary you must vote for the Democrat - even if its not your first choice its "the lesser of two evils" and voting for a third party is like throwing your vote away.

    Republican Party tells all of its followers that even if your candidate doesn't win the primary you must vote for the Republican - even if its not your first choice its "the lesser of two evils" and voting for a third party is like throwing your vote away.

    This is how they control you, this is how they keep their power - - for all of our adult life's they have been pounding it into us that voting outside of the Party is like throwing your vote away - - - - - its a cult like indoctrination that makes people forget their values because they are told that the party winning is more important than anything else

    The only reason why "we can't win" by voting for a third party is because the parties have convinced enough people that its true - - self fulfilling prophasy - that we all make true because by acting like lemmings jumping off a bridge.

    When the party winning means more than our values what does that say about us?

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • .

    When the party winning means more than our values what does that say about us?

    What if my values and those currently of one party are the same, am I allowed to vote a party then ....... or does that make me an evilracistmysogonisticsemi-facist ?

    If I have to pick between one authoritarian government or the other, I'll pick the one that has $2 gas, freedom to speak my mind, and to defend myself should the need arise.

    .......... winning.JPG


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • All I'm going to add is I'd much rather have a mean tweet several times a week and #2.00 a gallon for gas than what we have now. Someone who can't even read the teleprompter without screwing up and having people in his administration "walking back" almost everything he says saying that's not what he meant. He's fucked up everything thing he's done while in office and lies about how great the country is doing. It's so bad that he's even got the birds and the bees questioning if they really need to have their stingers removed, have a fake one added or just associate themselves as being unicorns.

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • But are they? - - a good part of the Republican Party leadership has been just as involved in trying to destroy Trump as the Democrats have - - are those your values? - - These days the national debt grows as much or more when Republicans are in charge as it does when Democrats are in charge - - are those your values? - - pretty sure if you listen to what politicians say on the pulpit you will hear as much division from Republicans as Democrats - - - is dividing the people one of your values?

    Many of us who were life long Republicans seem to act like the Party values are the same as they're 20 or 30 years ago, but looking at how Republicans have been governing lately its pretty clear to me that they are not.

    Seriously if your values truly align with todays Republican Party and what they actually have been doing and saying then yes! of course you should vote for them and support them

    But for me I dont see how anyone who's values aligned with the party of Ronald Reagan as mine did can even look at todays party and recognize it - - - My values might have changed a bit as I've gotten older, but not that much - - I think Ronald Regan would roll over in his grave at what has become of the Republican Party he once led.

    But anyway, enough of this. no point in arguing. in the end we are each responsible for the choices we make and no one else can make them for us unless we let them


    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • But are they? -

    Nothing is perfect, especially when a group of people is involved but from 10,000 feet, pretty much.

    This from a Conservative (not a Republican) who voted against McCain because I know what he actually was and Romney becasue he is a moron .......

    ..... angel-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • As one last thought before I excuse my self from this subject - - I really get confused by people who were / are Trump supporters who say they support the Republican Party

    I just don't understand how anyone can stand by the Party that has been complicit in trying to bring Trump down

    I just don't get it

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I know nothing of any guarantee attached to an Independent or other political party that would indicate any higher ground whatsoever. In fact looking at this list of current independent and other officeholders the only one with political potential would be Bernie Sanders. Thats not higher ground.

    Current independent and minor party federal and state officeholders…l_and_state_officeholders

    I'll base my vote on what I believe in. All of which have been in rapid decline the last two years. "Lower crime, economy, energy, security with a strong police force, control of drugs entering the country, supply chain stability, industry focusing on America first. 401k and retirement security, affordability of everyday goods, fighting divisive "wokeism", School vouchers allowing freedom of choice, freedom of speech, individual accountability etc.

  • Pretty sure that as of today Tulsi Gabbard is an independent - - - - and God willing we might just get lucky enough that she will make another run at the office of President

    Times are changing and people are starting to realize that the difference between the Republicans and Democrats no longer exists - they are just one big happy family that works together to divide the people and increase their power - - there is no party that is actually for the people anymore, perhaps if we actually have the balls to do something and get behind someone like Gabbie we just might be able to make something new and better

    We all have a choice - we can just keep doing what we have always done and expect a different outcome - and you know what they say about that

    Or we can try a new path - - - seriously what do we have to loose? from what I can see up looks to be the only direction left

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Edward Neal - just for the sake of the discussion - who in this big ole USA could garner enough votes bringing this amazingly divided country together to do anything more than split the vote giving a Republican or Democrat the win that they shouldn’t . Seems to me like a futile attempt to dismantle a corrupt process - a lofty goal yet unattainable!!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • So you vote a independent in and how many seats in Congress do you thing the independents can get. So you person becomes a lame duck on their first day in office.

    That exactly explains what the problem with our government is and why there needs to be term limits. As long as we have the same old same old going on there will never be a change.

    People are ingrained with Right/left and what that means that we fail to look at what may be good because they are not on the side we are on.

    There is no reason a Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Lehey, Grassley, and multiple others who have been living off the government tit for 35 or 40 plus years and people still vote for them because they are the right color red/blue and not because of anything they have done.

    Did I like Trump, no but that does not matter, he did an ok job. Do I like Biden, no but that does not matter because he is not doing a good job...Obama, ok job but I didn't care for him, Dubya, did an ok job and I liked the guy... Clinton did an ok job and I liked the guy... the point is that it doesn't matter if I like them, only if they are doing a good job. For some, the only people on the list of President that did or is doing a good job is based on party...

    What Trump and the media have done, in my opinion, was to remove any civility left in our society. Most past presidents that I could remember rose above the constant media shit storm, but Trump dove into it because again in my opinion he let his ego be president. With most presidents when the media says fuck you, they ignore it, Trump would come back with no fuck you and the horse you rode to town on...both are at fault for creating a culture where the first thing out of ones mouth is sheep, moron, idiot, stupid.. and so on. Anyway, I think I got off on a tangent...

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • Edward Neal - just for the sake of the discussion - who in this big ole USA could garner enough votes bringing this amazingly divided country together to do anything more than split the vote giving a Republican or Democrat the win that they shouldn’t . Seems to me like a futile attempt to dismantle a corrupt process - a lofty goal yet unattainable!!!

    The only thing that can bring this country together is for the people we elect to think of the constituency over anything else and do what is good for all. So to answer your question, the only one who can bring this divided country together is we the people by voting for a person and not a party.

    As was so prevalent in the last election I know so many people who say I hate Biden, but I hated Trump more (back to the lesser of two evils) and unfortunately a lot of voting is by who one likes or doesn't like. Sadly the system only gave us the choice of Joe or Donald. That is the problem...

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.