Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • are we watching a movie?

    several years ago I witnessed a real hologram of an airplane. It looked absolutely real and the amazing thing is it was on a bright clear day.....the airplane was flying toward my location. so the question becomes....where was the projector? It had to be somewhere above earth beaming down.. I did not for one second think it was not a real airplane I was looking at.

    So grab your popcorn....the final scenes are playing....the climax is coming and it has a happy ending. Unless you’re in the deep state.

  • the legal clock is ticking for the 60 day window of opportunity for the return of 2.0. Only 30 days has to be done with all of the “i” s dotted and the “t” s’s his last unfulfilled campaign promise of draining the swamp. For the good of all mankind everyone should be praying for his success. Two things are giving me hope in this endeavor, the fence still around DC and the presence of the national guard and the law that was updated in 2019 voted on by congress giving complete control of the military to Trump for 60 days after the inauguration....

    Biden has done nothing but prove how he wants to wreck the economy, open the borders and kill jobs....In the name of creating new jobs and building back Beijing.

    Was the weather catastrophe in Texas a weather manipulation plot to prove the new green deal will not work? Who campaigned on the prediction of a long dark winter?

    The item I colored in red is what I agree with whole heartedly.

    Is 2.0 coming back? I don't think so.

    In my years of following politics I learned that democrats are rarely held accountable for what they do. Examples:

    Hillary Clinton: There is not a person on this forum who would not be in prison for moving classified emails through a private server and thinking the "C" stood for "cookie" will not be an excuse for any of us.

    Bill Clinton: I remember the non stop coverage of the "pubic hair on a coke can" during the Clarance Thomas hearings, it was nearly deafening, not as deafening as everyone's silence when the credible rape allegations were raised.

    Eric Swalwell: Mr. Gassy himself. Literally banged a communist spy and isn't he holding some type of spot dealing with intelligence? You literally cannot be more compromised than he is.

    Almost forget Mayor Cuomo: How many seniors did he murder? While there are "calls" for an "investigation" he should have been in front of a firing squad for 2nd degree mass murder, but he's democrat royalty and he'll get away scot free.

    The democratic party is absolutely evil and they know how to get power and how to retain it. They now know that they can comfortably steal elections. Media and big tech will still side with them. Was Trump amazing? Yes, but he is just one man against evil like I've never seen.

    Don't ever change though, not gonna lie, your pretty entertaining.

  • Bigdog You aught to be writing books your stuff is really good. Wish it was true but a lot of it probably is but it will never happen. Just look at all the Generals that hate Trump it would be very hard for the military to keep this plan secret. There are Democrats in the military also it would be hard to cover this up till it happens. This kind of stuff works in the book I read but I doth it is going to in real life. I enjoy your stuff so keep it coming saves me from buying books to read about the same stuff. One question I have for you is and I may have missed it in a post. Do you have a Slingshot?

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • Bigdog You aught to be writing books your stuff is really good. Wish it was true but a lot of it probably is but it will never happen. Just look at all the Generals that hate Trump it would be very hard for the military to keep this plan secret. There are Democrats in the military also it would be hard to cover this up till it happens. This kind of stuff works in the book I read but I doth it is going to in real life. I enjoy your stuff so keep it coming saves me from buying books to read about the same stuff. One question I have for you is and I may have missed it in a post. Do you have a Slingshot?

    I do have a slingshot....I use it to hunt small animals.....I’m pretty accurate......thanks for asking.....

    We will know within 30 days if things I've said are true or not.....I’ve been waiting over 4 years...things concerning Trump.....there are many other things I’ve talked about.....

    just remember, everything is a conspiracy...... they are always wrapped in a thick layer of truth....

    this article should explain everything you need to know about conspiracies.....and why you should believe all of them......look at the source of the DENIAL....


  • the only explanation for letting them all “slide” that makes sense to legal system is mainly controlled many democrats....positions filled by you saw with Comey, and the rest of the alphabet criminals that have been fired already. They manipulated evidence and used lawyer double speak to loophole everyone out of charges.....the reason Bill Barr didn’t “find evidence” (purposely) was he saved everything for the coming event....if he did press charges on the swamp rats...they would have already been acquitted by their cronies....and they would not get any or very little jail time...if the coming predicted event plays out....the swamp rats will be taken into custody by the uncorrupted military...and they will face military tribunals.....there is no escape. Many of the generals are swamp rats.....because of blackmail, bribery, political affiliation ...whatever....just as with all the people in the Trump administration that he fired....he found out they were swamp rats.....

    Do not be surprised by anything that happens within the next 30 days.....prepare yourself with food, water and other survival stuff to last at least 3 weeks......look at Texas.... do it TODAY, TODAY TODAY TODAY....I think camp pelosi is going to be very active emergency alert on your phone will be the beginning.....if you hear that you will not be allowed in the won’t be safe...and it will be illegal to be electricity means no running fresh food heat......TODAY TODAY electric means no grocery stores will be banking, no gasoline...TODAY is the day to do whenever you need to stock up....TODAY!!!! Stay safe.

  • trump didn’t willingly do the last 4 years of being constantly publicly tortured to not get his revenge... he does not like to lose and he’s a fighter....and a true patriot....on so many levels.

    We all know the players...he exposed them for the last 4 years and well into this year. The swamp will be drained.

    2.0 is on the way.

  • one other thing you all need to know.....Trump had all the evidence he needed to drain the swamp before he took the job....he sacrificed a lot of his personal life, time and money to this country. To serve his clean up the corruption and so much more...all will be revealed...he was asked by the good guy generals to run. He was given guarantees.

    Many of the countries around the world have submitted to Trump.....that was why he traveled to all those countries in the beginning......he has all the dirty evidence on the entire world....he threatened to make it all public. They surrendered.. the big thing you need to know is.....every form of communication, money (financial) transaction, internet stuff.....everything if its electronic around the world goes through the NSA (1984) complex before it gets routed back out to where it was supposed to go. It was all collected first. 33,000 emails...uranium sales, deals between foreign countries...the underwear you bought at Walmart, your valentine day toys....are you getting the big picture? The swamp will be’s all in motion .....was before Trump came down the elevator... buckle up. He knew he was going to be impeached again. Part of the plan. Have you had enough of the China quid pro quo bribin liberal lefty commie Gitmo joe....wave bye bye to them as the plane flys over.....on its way to gitmo.

    Enjoy the end of the movie..

  • I'm afraid it's over for the republican party. With this massive and steady flow of illegal immigrants (non-citizens) freely crossing the boarder I just don't think the republican party has a chance. From what I hear the new reform bill has a quick path to citizenship. I'm trying to find something positive and why the constant push to throw money towards non citizens. There is a process to do it legally but I suppose going through the process legally doesn't make a connection to one specific political party so it's not acceptable as a way to gather votes (useless to the democratic party). Why not put that money into rebuilding outdated power grids, bridges, rail systems etc. I just think it's done for a power grab with the largest impact of possible votes being directed to illegal immigrants. Possibly dumping this much money and subsidies into the hands of people who will turn around and spend it immediately will be good for the stock market? It might help me, I'm retired and have money in the market so maybe I shouldn't be so critical? But it can't be good for American taxpayers competing for those $15 dollar an hour jobs. Sounds counter productive for that group of people competing for jobs?

    Brought to you by the letter "V" Vote & the letter "D" Democrat

    This message bought and paid for by the American taxpayers.

    Republican taxpayers should stop whining it's legal redistribution for votes.

    Joe Biden border surge prompts 'catch-and-release' restart in Texas - Washington Times

  • look at the Texas disaster ......people are saying it’s compounded because they are broke before this happened because Nancy had to play politics with the Covid relief money for 8 no power, no food, no water....

    Remember Nancy showing you her $$$$$ refrigerator full of 15 flavors of expensive ice cream.....shes nice and warm now chowing down on it....Lyin’ Biden’s gonna fix fossil fuels...and raise taxes so hey....there’s no’ll like communism...they live like this everyday of the year not just in the winter...consider it commie prepping 101.....don’t forget your 7 word Chinese translation book..... yes sir, no sir, please don’t kill me. I understand that not everyone in Texas is a democrat....and I feel sorry for every person going through manager said they have never seen anything like this even with the hurricanes and floods.....power is starting to come on and temps are above freezing but that’s not much relief...

    Prep for what’s coming.....they can’t even flush the does that smell after a week...

    I have about 30, 2 liter bottles filled with water and about 10 one gallon jugs......the yard is full of snow to melt for toilet flushing...…ithout-power-new-n1257964

    Do it TODAY.....3 weeks worth of food and water.....what can it hurt......just buy canned goods you would normally eat .....TODAY...soon the power will be going off.....don’t know for how long...but could be at least 10 outage coming....if you have an electric’re screwed...prep for a manual can opener? Paper plates...liquid bleach (not the gel kind) ..for water purification..... TODAY it TODAY. What can it hurt....look at Texas do you want to be them....

  • the Republican Party killed did the Democratic Party....republicans have been sending me stuff for donations....I’m done with the Republican Party...and China Mitch...

    they have been saying for the last 20 years 11 million do you believe nobody else crossed the border in 20 years? That number is at least 22 million and probably 30 million...that’s a lot of votes.....more than enough to turn an election....just think about all the mouths were gonna feed with healthcare and social security....and remember what Nancy just did...again..…-to-fund-2nd-impeachment/

    created another democratic slush fund to help the democrats next election...

    I can see into the future......looks like a social security tax increase for the people that still have a a wrecked the math....30 million fruit pickers making $15 an hour....apples will be $5 each....lettuce $10 a advice is to buy a nice tent to live in while you still have some money.....and start looking for a good place to pitch it....New Democratic slogan......”Democrats working for....themselves”...has a nice ring to it. Pretty soon you’ll be fighting for a job as a high paid fruit picker.....

  • Pennsylvania is considering taxing bridges on highways. It will be convenient, electronic :|. If you know Pennsylvania and you look at the bridges selected you will find that there will be no way to travel any reasonable distance in the state and not pay a toll. Coincidence that the five bridges picked will just about guarantee no driver can escape paying a toll (travelling any real distance). Of course I think it has something to due with the loss of income due to Covid -19 but I'll also say I believe it is being put into place due to the loss of gasoline tax revenues due to electric vehicles. Yet we have billions to throw away to other countries? What is wrong with America First?


    The concept was approved in November by the Public Private Transportation Partnership board, the first time it had approved a plan involving user fees since it was created by a 2012 law, and requires no legislative approval.

    PennDOT eyes tolls to fund work on 9 interstate bridges including I-95′s mile-long Girard Point Bridge in Philadelphia - 6abc Philadelphia

  • PA has always been known as the land of taxes.....democratic controlled much too long...