Yesterday I learned somthing pretty obvious

  • I took the SS to work yesterday. Along the way i went down a local road that I remembered had a pretty significant rise and then fall on the other side... I remember this because I used to ride a school bus to school and every day the bus driver would go a little faster over this area just so we could get air borne in the back seats of the bus. (Pretty fun).

    Well I couldn't help myself, so the first time I drove over it I could see the front end come way up and unload the weight off the springs quite a bit... So I figured a little more speed would get the front a bit off the ground. Each time I passed over the hilltop I would gracefully come back down and smosh the front shocks and no harm was done... (and it was just like 0g in the schoolbus!)

    Leave it to me to find out that going the opposite way would have a more dramatic effect. Up till now I had been making a circle around the empty subdivision and then hitting the hilltop the same way each time. This time I spun around and went the other way... Let me tell you that a hill that drops off quick one way will turn into a RAMP the other way.... I have NEVER had my belt to jump a cog till that moment...I had to have had all three off the ground for a split second. When my front touched down I think I heard the front nose scrub. And the even worse part is when my back end unloaded it's weight it caused my belt to slip. It made a popping noise that I had never heard when it lost its weight on the asphalt...

    Don't play with woopty doo hilltops unless you want to really test you belt tension....... I won't be back on that hill again.... It taught me a lesson quick....

    Look how innocent it appears in this picture. It is not to bad... But look at the second picture and you will see the ramp that I was refereeing to. And you may notice the "children playing" sign. There hasn't been any children playing in a long time. Probably 10 years or so.... Well not until yesterday when this 44 year old kid was using the road for a physics lesson.

  • Difference between a boy and a man is the size or in this case the power of their toys. I can just picture you having a total blast and getting braver each and every time then you throw in an other dimension and all hell breaks loose. Just to funny, glad no damage was done cause that's what usually happens when I screw around and push the limit just abit more.

  • We have a spot similar north of town about a mile. It was at an old unused RR crossing. Nice jump heading west, launch ramp heading east. The RR has been pulled up since, and they have topped off that section of road long ago. But I remember, when I was 16 (thankfully learned this lesson early in life) riding my Honda 350 Four over it at 60.... just a nice launch and not too hard of a landing at the bottom. Then I went the opposite way and learned said lesson. I had the bike at least 15 feet in the air, if not closer to 20. Came down Hard! But being a dirt bike rider, I didn't lose it. I also didn't ever do that stuff again!