Who would be up for a mid Feb trip to Murphy NC

  • Sorry about not posting more but believe it of not i haven't had much to say LOL. I truly would love to see everyone again and if anyone wants to come up a single or couple i have a spare bedroom that is always open just remember i have 2 large German shepherds that live inside

  • @rabtech, @Wrenchmn, unfortunately, my bride is right, as usual. I will be driving down to Greenville on the 17th to close on our new house (barring any cat-ass-trophies), and then on the 18th we are hosting our going-away party at the house. And packing. And cleaning.
    Although...now you've given me the idea to maybe drive the Sling down to Greenville, if the weather isn't too cold.

    We all know that Murphy is really an excuse to exercise the newest reincarnation of the white beast....Is @Dogs going to lead the charge again?

    You should leave your Sling in my shop until April. Then you would have your Sling here while you are in town and you can ride down to Clarksville for the Uncorked event. I will trailer your Sling to Greenville for you after the event.

  • I am sitting here in bed thinking that hopefully there will be a warm weekend in February we could meet up in Murphy. We can just leave the date loose for a week or two and keep an eye on the forecast. If it looks like it's going to be a 55 degree or warmer weekend coming up we should nail that down and make it official. And if the weather turns out to be too cold in Feb we just keep this thread open till March.

    I know some would like to have more than a 7 day notice but it's going to be difficult this time of the year...And it's just a ride. No fancy vendors or planned events. Just like we did last time in Murphy. We just ate good food and hauled ass each day...

    What do y'all think? I need a good weekend of riding to give my new engine a shakedown. So this would be perfect...

    "No fancy vendors" :(

    Jeff Mellor
    119A Highway 183
    Piedmont, SC 29673
    Orders - 864-438-4949
    Tech Support - 864-907-6004