Happy Memorial Day 2021

  • Ok, here's the skinny. This applies to MANY fallen soldiers, but this man is just one of America's best. There are way too many story like this, but this one hit me hard when I heard it today. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and celebrates with family and friends and gets to finally enjoy getting the masks off and the worst of the pandemic behind us all.

    But besides being a holiday to over eat, over drink and tell a bunch of lies with a straight face, PLEASE take the time to remember that for us to enjoy these days, there have been way to many brave men and women who gave their lives to ours a whole lot better.

    Growing up and learning about this holiday early in life made me wonder why. Why some were drafted into service, while others were not. Why some knew the dangers of the times and conflicts they would face, and chose to enlist anyway, and more importantly, why so many selfless people were willing to give their lives so others would live. There's really only one true word for these soldiers - HEROES

    Since 9/11, there have been so many heroes returning with severe injuries both permanent visible and non-visible as well as those coming home being draped with the American flag. You would think that seeing this on an almost daily basis would be enough for our leaders to work together in government than to tear apart those "on the other side" or whatever petty differences they have. But there's a whole other thread for those discussions.

    Today's Nascar race in Charlotte NC held special meaning to a lot of families. As in years past, every race team featured the name of a fallen HERO prior to going to commercials, the tv announcers would name a couple of them with a brief bio. The One that stood out the most (IMHO) was on the #10 car of Almirola. The soldier he honored was Michael Monsoor. He was a member of the navy Seal team #3. He was awarded the BRONZE STAR for his bravery.

    While in Iraq in 2006, he was stationed with two others from his team on a rooftop during a battle. He was closest to the escape route from that location. when a hand grenade was tossed towards him. he stood up and yelled "GRENADE" to warn his fellow seal team members. With virtually no time to react, he had the closest route off that roof which would have saved his life while his two friends wouldn't have been so lucky. But he knew what he had to do and instead of saving his life, he dove onto the live grenade and it exploded as he landed onto of it. His selfless actions saved the lives of those two soldiers at the expense of his own.

    While EVER soldier who dies during their service to this country is a hero, this man is a remarkable person. If we all could take a few minutes to thank Michael Monsoor and the other brave heroes who protect us daily, it would drive home the meaning of the holiday. All gave some - some gave all.

    RIP Petty officer Monsoor

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

    Memorial Day is a day we come together, as a country, to honor and remember our servicemen and women who answered America's call to service and paid the ultimate price. We hope that you will join us by standing up and saying, “Thank you. We remember you".
    And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. –Lee Greenwood

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch