Computer reset

  • I’m having an issue with a 2000 Chevy van 5.7 ....the idle jumps up and down by itself....pressing on the gas does nothing...

    I saw this video about a simple resetting the computer procedure ...

    My vehicle is at my mechanics shop so I haven’t tried this or mentioned it to him yet...

    but I’m wondering if this procedure could fix some of our motor related problems without going to the dealer?

    any thoughts?

  • IT DOES WORK.I tried it on my slingshot this afternoon and was shocked how much better it shifted. Of course I had three beers while it was doing the reset. I wonder if that had anything to do with it? I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if it goes back to shifting normally once I purge the beer from my system. I wonder if the clutch will last longer this way now?

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • I talked to my mechanic about this today...he said he didn’t know about it..... we all know disconnecting the ground off the battery to reset... but this guy says there is a small battery inside the computer... don’t know if that’s standard for every computer or not...but the jumper drains that battery.. to totally clear the computer... the first I ever heard about it is from this video I just found a few days ago...

    Anybody know if it would or wouldn’t work on the SS...