The Amazing Story of WWII Seaman Calvin Graham

  • FINALLY!!! An entire thread about seamen! :saint:

    There’s a movie about his life, “Too Young the Hero”, 1988. I actually have it in ‘My List’ on Netflix but haven’t watched it yet.

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • My father being a Seabee in WWII, I really enjoy these stories of heroism and patriotism. Thanks again BKL !

    In keeping with the theme of this thread:

    A whale couple was out swimming one day when the husband recognized the whaling vessel that had taken his father some years ago. He quickly concocted a plan and shared it with his wife. He said, "Let's both swim underneath the ship and blow as hard as we can through our blowholes and capsize the ship". She agreed and they both swam underneath and gave it everything they had. Sure enough, the ship rolled over spilling all of the whalers into the sea. "Come on, let's go eat them!", shouted the husband. The wife says, "Look, I went along with the blow job but I refuse to swallow the seamen!"

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • Try finding one of today’s 12-year olds with enough patriotism to voluntarily go off to war. Their “heroes” kneel during the national anthem...

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • My father was one that joined at 17. Similar to the situations the articles described, he was the oldest of 6 boys including twins 15 years younger than him in Greeley, CO, and did whatever he could to help put food on the table including working on his dad's Coke truck (the soda) and coming out to Vancouver, WA with his father to work in the Kaiser shipyard building Liberty ships. I have a few of his diaries including 1941 in which he recorded his reaction to Pearl Harbor as a 16 year old boy. As soon as he turned 17 he joined the Navy, then the next brother joined the Navy, the 3rd the Army, and the 4th brother joined the Air Force. I'm not half the man any of them were. Never will be.

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)