Unpleasent Experience!

  • I was watering my garden this evening. I felt an annoying biting sensation looked down to see a swarm of mosquitoes. In revenge a single swat terminated three. I win! I didn't get a picture.

  • Ouch! I hate skeeters .. they have been really bad here this year until things turned brutally hot and dry. Now we seem to have way more copper heads then in past years. But I am proud to say my slingshot helped settle a territorial dispute between me and a angry one yesterday morning. He was in my driveway in ambush mode just waiting for something to wander by. I tried pushing him with a stick towards the woods but he was not giving up his spot. Lets just say the Lone Wolf whacked him with one of its three paws. I hate killing anything unnecessarily but this boy was plain mean.

    Bill Martin I terminated him in your honor.

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • I remember when I was backpacking up in Alaska and was sleeping out beneath the stars one night when I woke up and saw two Yuge mosquitoes hovering over me. One of them asked the other, 'do you want to eat him here or take him with us'? The other one replied, 'we better eat him here otherwise the big'ns will get him'!=O

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • I remember when I was backpacking up in Alaska and was sleeping out beneath the stars one night when I woke up and saw two Yuge mosquitoes hovering over me. One of them asked the other, 'do you want to eat him here or take him with us'? The other one replied, 'we better eat him here otherwise the big'ns will get him'!=O

    I actually ran a few miles down Denali Mountain just to get away from the skeeters! Beautiful area, big moose and very tasty salmon bakes!

  • Ouch! I hate skeeters .. they have been really bad here this year until things turned brutally hot and dry. Now we seem to have way more copper heads then in past years. But I am proud to say my slingshot helped settle a territorial dispute between me and a angry one yesterday morning. He was in my driveway in ambush mode just waiting for something to wander by. I tried pushing him with a stick towards the woods but he was not giving up his spot. Lets just say the Lone Wolf whacked him with one of its three paws. I hate killing anything unnecessarily but this boy was plain mean.

    Bill Martin I terminated him in your honor.

    How about this copperhead road!