Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • You know, if you think about it, the nation needs marital counseling. The general "talk to each other with respect", "thank each other when they do something nice", "point out the good things they do", "forgive past transgressions, but try not to let them happen again", "don't argue in front of the kids", etc. etc. etc. ... Of course you'd have to add in there "don't shoot anyone that's not threatening your life or the lives of others", but still.

    Jokes aside, we need to stop pointing fingers, and act with respect. I respect you, you respect me (or pretend you do), we agree to disagree, we go on with our lives. Even better would be: I talk to you while you listen, you talk to me while I listen, we both learn to see each other's point of view and agree or agree to disagree but are better informed. Etc.

    And, lastly, if you don't like something, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don't just sit behind your keyboard and spout off at the mouth. Don't like something? Petition for change. Don't want to do that? Run for local office. Don't want to do that? Donate to a charity. Don't want to do that? Volunteer to help. Don't want to do that? Then you're lazy and just want the social media attention. Seriously people. And no, walking around with vaginas on your head, or tiki torches in your hand does not qualify as "doing something" in this day in age. Sorry.

    Amen! Speak the truth!!

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  • I absolutely agree with you! They are morons and worse but the idiots that don't want to let the have the right to say their stupid sh*# are as bad or worse. When I worked for the PD awhile back we had a group of those idiots that wanted to speak at the capital. Well there were a dozen of them and 5000+ showed up to deny them there right to say stupid shit. Well we had a minor riot and a bunch of antiKKK got hurt and a bunch of cops as well. The next year they demanded the right to speak again. The city opposed it but the court over ruled the city. The chief did the smartest thing possible. He said fine, you want to speak, you speak on the capital steps. We didn't let a single person within 4 blocks of them. There were 5000 counter protestors that couldn't see or hear anything. No riot, no problem. Guess what, they didn't come back

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