Just a short take off video at the gap....

  • @rabtech you and I have spoken at length about building a stronger motor and at one point like you I was ready to do a DIY. But you are 100% correct some things are better done by the guys who do it every day. I think when a lot of people look at cost they never include the vale of their own time. The prices DDM is charging for a completely built motor are more than reasonable when you take into account parts / labor and warranty. The purpose of this endeavor was to build a stronger motor and take away the worry of a catastrophic failure. We both could have saved a few pennies and could have made a simple mistake causing a failure.
    But the very best part is MORE FRIGGIN POWER!

    I completely agree that @Jeff@DDMWorks and @Dave@DDMWorks know what they are doing... It is worth every penny....and good vendors deserve our support!

    Now lets go do the Dyno Wars!

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • @'rabtech Thought you might get a kick out of this one. As a retired professor of criminal justice, I have been shooting prison documentaries for years. Got my SS and a go pro and decided "why not?" My first foray was SPRINGSLING in Irvine CA last spring. So you like squealing tires?

    A few weeks after that, I did another video ride east of San Diego, into the Laguna Mtns.

    I over-ambitiously bought the website SLINGRIDES.COM to try to get others to submit their favorite rides for posting; played a bit with it, then got drawn back into my "real" documentary work. I also sponsored a SLINGRIDES film festival; I even got kicked off of another forum, as they said i was spamming with my invitations to submit videos for the festival! Anyway, I got hundreds of submissions from 43 countries (using a different source). But alas. Not a single one included a slingshot adventure! even got some softcore stuff! ha. Still think it was/is a good idea, but needs some official force behind it. Always game to shoot good stuff! Thought you might get a kick out of it...Paul