• This time last year was a very scary time for my wife and me. She was diagnosed with uterine cancer and very aggressive. Many prayers and a successful surgery we beat the beast and now are enjoying every day we have. I have 34 official working days left. I am pulling the plug on work the end of July and after taking all my holidays I have just 34 more days to show up. Enjoy what we are blessed with as tomorrow is not promised. Cant wait to see everyone down in Maggie. We are arriving on the 22nd as we are attending a dog show down just outside of Asheville before the rally. We plan on hanging around for a few extra days past the rally also. Taken in a relaxing few weeks instead of the normal rush down enjoy and rush back to be at work. I have 3 weeks off in a row which is the first time I have ever had that much time off in a row except when I had neck surgery. See everyone soon