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  • If you get a chance Al, drop me a PM with your cell phone number. If I'm out riding your way and I'm solo, maybe we can meet somewhere for lunch or something and an EASY ride. My back doesn't bend that way as well. I see the neurosurgeon next tuesday to see if that's the way it's gonna be, if I'm gonna be imobile soon, or if they're a way to correct the back issues once and for all. this constant being in pain sucks. It's already forced me out of going to Maggie Valley for June. X(X(X(X(

    I know the feeling my back has really been giving me a problem pain wise for the past year

  • It was a sad day. The day I had to sell the Nemesis. Reason something related to age, bending, back, disks and so forth. Not everyone can be a Rolex like EjFord or a Timex like MACAWS .

    However Im pleased to know it will keep turning heads with a bigger ass. Just hope they dont put Godzilla speakers on it. I can deal with a big ass.

    To all my dear friends from Canada, west, central, east USA and the guy from the Flying Pig...I will always have a bromance with all of you.

    Stop by and say Hello from time to time---Al hope all is well with the family.

  • I had to give up the Harley because of the back and knees. Some times I can verily walk to the Slingshot using a cane, but when I get in I am fine. I been to the neurosurgeon and the back surgent and had all the test. L5 vertebrae is way out of place and pinching the sciatic nerve. Surgent says metal plates and screws and I will be down for a year. I may have as much pain even after having it done. This has been confirmed by several people that have had it done. My boss at my last job had it done and was still in so much pain he was becoming drug dependent. Surgent said well when you can't walk anymore then I will fix it. Don't think that is going to happen.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • I had to give up the Harley because of the back and knees. Some times I can verily walk to the Slingshot using a cane, but when I get in I am fine. I been to the neurosurgeon and the back surgent and had all the test. L5 vertebrae is way out of place and pinching the sciatic nerve. Surgent says metal plates and screws and I will be down for a year. I may have as much pain even after having it done. This has been confirmed by several people that have had it done. My boss at my last job had it done and was still in so much pain he was becoming drug dependent. Surgent said well when you can't walk anymore then I will fix it. Don't think that is going to happen.

    I had the lower 3-4 and 4-5 fused in 2005. 4-5 was bone to bone at the time. I was good for around 3 years but now the pain in the next joint up is so bad some time I have to stay in the recliner part of the day. It has been getting worse since around this time last year.

  • I was this way 2 yrs ago in my neck C6-7-8 had major surgery and they rebuilt me using titanium and plastic and pig parts and so far its been good but still have nerve damage that affects my left arm and hand. Oh well I can still walk and move so thats a bonus.
    Al Nemesis1701 we will miss you. Glad I was able to ride with you the last time down in Maggie. Never know how life goes we might cross paths again. Looking forward to retiring in 3 yrs and I will be wintering down your way for sure. Take care my friend

  • gooseman do you feel the urge to roll in mud puddles? My friend burned his legs very bad and they replaced the skin with pig skin and he said he couldn't walk past a mud puddle with out wanting to roll in it.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.