Rules for Slingshot maintenance

  • Ludd’s Laws of Technology

    Ludd’s First Law

    Technology always fails you when you need it most.

    Ludd’s Second Law

    Never buy Version 1.0 of anything.

    Ludd’s Third Law

    Buy quality. Buy it once. Keep it forever.

    Ludd’s Fourth Law

    It doesn’t matter how cool the tech is if you never use it.

    Ludd’s Fifth Law

    If it’s not there, it can’t break.

    Ludd’s Sixth Law

    Newer is not necessarily better.

    Ludd’s Seventh Law

    It’s possible to have too many bells and whistles.

    Ludd’s Eighth Law

    If you need to keep referring to the user manual, the device is probably too complicated.

    Ludd’s Ninth Law

    There is value in adopting technology that you understand.

    Ludd’s Tenth Law

    Parts designed to be serviced are a sign of quality.

    Ludd’s Eleventh Law

    Electronic technology becomes useless long before it wears out.

    The reverse is true of mechanical devices.

    Ludd’s Twelfth Law

    Any information that relies on technology for storage will, in effect,

    cease to exist once that technology becomes obsolete.

    The smarter you get, the funnier I am.