Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • @Sling Beast the game isn't over until NOV. 28th. Trump told us the real election date. Don't trust the liberal media's Nov. 8th lies. :D

    We are going to see some crazy Jerry Springer stuff in the next few weeks. Either side could have a campaign crushing news bomb dropped on them. The worst thing you could do is assume your side is safe for a win.

  • @Sling Beast the game isn't over until NOV. 28th. Trump told us the real election date. Don't trust the liberal media's Nov. 8th lies. :D

    We are going to see some crazy Jerry Springer stuff in the next few weeks. Either side could have a campaign crushing news bomb dropped on them. The worst thing you could do is assume your side is safe for a win.

    You watch most Trump supporters will go to the polls Nov 28th!

  • When Donald Drumph becomes President! :D

    You should have said, "When Hillary releases here emails", it's the most valid response in this thread. It is irrebuttable without calling for Trumps tax returns.

    "I have a Sling, and it's the best, most wonderful Sling out there, trust me. I will show you my Sling as soon as Hillary releases her emails( that I just finished accusing her of deleting, which means never if you were paying attention, but you're probably blinded by my wonderful, best words or your need to trap me, that you didn't catch that I promised never to release my Sling photos)"

  • Most Clinton supporters will wait until the 3rd for the guvenment check for gas ;(

    Bill why haven't you came out of retirement and defend your candidate? You are a attorney right? He could really use your help about now. I am sure you are probably saying "I would not touch this shitbag with a 10 foot pole"

  • Bill why haven't you came out of retirement and defend your candidate? You are a attorney right? He could really use your help about now. I am sure you are probably saying "I would not touch this shitbag with a 10 foot pole"

    I wouldn't come outta retirement for NUTHIN!! Imma havin too much fun traveling the country meeting Slingshot folks who unlike Clinton and Trump are good people! Fortunately I have enough in my nest egg if either candidate makes things too bad here I can go be @Canoehead s neighbor in Canada!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • So far, All the women that have said Trump "ALLEGEDELY" assaulted them in some way has come forward with no PROOF, so it is a he said, she said situation.

    People say "What benefit is it to them to come forward????? Why, oh why would they subject themselves to the media shit storm?
    I'll tell you why.
    Follow the MONEY.
    They will be offered hundreds of thousands of dollars for an interview with multiple news hack outlets, ALL with NO PROOF of it ever happening. All you need is a good imagination.
    Do you believe Monica sucked ole willy's willy? She had PROOF, actual DNA PROOF. So yes, I believe Monica sucked ole willy's willy. Do I care? HELL NO. I would rather Monica do me than Hillary.

    WHY have they hired an attorney? WHY do they think they will NEED an attorney? The statute of limitations has LONG passed on this. NO charges can be brought against him for something that ALLEGEDLY happened 30 years ago. And even IF charges could be brought against him, WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? WHERE IS THE PROOF? A legal case takes proof to win. Otherwise it is just hearsay, assumption, allegation, claims.
    And as Bones said earlier. WHY NOW?
    Why not 6 months ago? Why not 1 year ago? Why not when it frickin happened? Because it would not have had the impact to the election then. It would not have helped Killary then. But it MIGHT now. It won't help her with me, but it might help her with some weak minded individuals that does not have enough common sense to see it as it is, just a political move by the left to help their candidate.

    WHY have they hired an attorney? I'll tell you. Even though the statute of limitations has passed on the alleged "crime", it has not passed on the upcoming SLANDER lawsuit that I hope Trump files against them, which by the way there is nothing but PROOF of slander. Intentional slander. Which resulted in the intended damage to his reputation. So they are guilty as hell of that.

    If the left is SOOOOOOOO concerned with "crimes" of a presidential candidate, then why in the hell are they not having a conniption shit fit over the PROVE-ABLE, EVIDENCE EVERYWHERE, INDEFENSIBLE crimes the Clintons have done, approved of, ordered?????

    Because the left has no MORALS. All they care about are themselves, and what they can get for FREE, to hell with WHO it hurts, to hell with how it hurts the country, to hell with how it hurts businesses as long as it DOES NOT HURT THEMSELVES RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE. They don't even care if their children will be the one it hurts, they figure they will be long dead by that time, so who cares?

    I, AllIn5450, approve this message!
    IF you do...... :00000436:
    If you don't........ :00000014:

  • Hi, Wall. I don't know why I bother. You are the best Wall. You are all knowing. You know without proof, everything that is true and everything that is false. You know without proof or thought everyone that broke a law and everyone falsly accused. To be a Wall must be great, to know without question and to smash all questions with "you're stupid".

    My deepest appologies for not knowing everything that happens behind the scenes in the great detail in which You do. You have far more insight than I, oh great Wall. I will now believe you blindly as you know all and see all. All Praise The Wall. :D