Looking for some help... Powder Coating

  • Hi All,

    I've done some searching around on the web and just like everything else, there are wild swings in opinions regarding powder coating wheels. I have searched this forum and the other one and am seeking some guidance from this group of fellow slingers. That being said, I would like to have a professional powder coat my stock rims on my 2016 SL. Is this a good idea? Do I need to worry about cracking due to the coating, heating, and cooling process? Are there specific questions I should be asking? I have never had anything powdercoated, but again I am very interested in having the wheels done. I am going to a very reputable local powdercoater and he has done a set of base slingshot wheels in the past? Besides the obvious look and size of the base wheels, are they more robust than the SL wheels? Is there less of a worry on cracking? I expressed my concern to the powder coater and was told he has literally done thousands of wheels, motorcycles, cars, big rigs, etc. and has never had a wheel failure related to powder coating I also understand that there was some initial cracking on the SL wheels, and I have been continuously inspecting mine. I don't see any hairline fractures, and again my gut tells me that powder coating the wheel would indeed potentially make it stronger. Again, I know insights will differ on this subject, but I'm looking for some help. Thanks in advance.


  • Hi All,

    I've done some searching around on the web and just like everything else, there are wild swings in opinions regarding powder coating wheels. I have searched this forum and the other one and am seeking some guidance from this group of fellow slingers. That being said, I would like to have a professional powder coat my stock rims on my 2016 SL. Is this a good idea? Do I need to worry about cracking due to the coating, heating, and cooling process? Are there specific questions I should be asking? I have never had anything powdercoated, but again I am very interested in having the wheels done. I am going to a very reputable local powdercoater and he has done a set of base slingshot wheels in the past? Besides the obvious look and size of the base wheels, are they more robust than the SL wheels? Is there less of a worry on cracking? I expressed my concern to the powder coater and was told he has literally done thousands of wheels, motorcycles, cars, big rigs, etc. and has never had a wheel failure related to powder coating I also understand that there was some initial cracking on the SL wheels, and I have been continuously inspecting mine. I don't see any hairline fractures, and again my gut tells me that powder coating the wheel would indeed potentially make it stronger. Again, I know insights will differ on this subject, but I'm looking for some help. Thanks in advance.


    Powder coating is Solid! you should have no issues. They powder coat Cars, Bikes, Slings etc for that custom look/ color ALL THE TIME!!Powder coat is durable & if DONE right looks like a smooth gloss finish. With that anything get can dinged by a rock/ debris whether powder coat, chrome, paint.

    Your all set Buddy-Go for it!! :thumbsup:

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/