how to do a search?

  • I can't find where the "search" line is for searching this forum. New here and glad to see this! Got booted from the "other" site for trying to start a Slingshot film festival of interesting rides across America.

  • oh, THERE it is in little tiny letters! I swear it wasn't there my first look...??? Maybe it appears only after you DO something? can't imagine, but glad to have it. THANKS, Ross!

  • Ross, just got bit by the SS bug. So, as a filmmaker, I started doing some videos and am urging others to do the same. I did a SLINGSHORTS FILM FESTIVAL at Springsling and want to grow it with other riders' submissions of their favorite rides for future rallies. I bought SLINGRIDES.COM where I will post what people send me, including my own stuff. There is some stuff up right now, if you're up for some chuckles. Tell me what you think...

  • damn. thanks! I turned off the AD feature, as it was causing problems! I'll check it out. YOUTUBE is problematic, whereas VIMEO is perfect. But YOUTUBE links up automatically, but then causes problems... )>;

  • just check my site, and things run as they are supposed to! that's one problem with youtube. I can't logon as a different user than the guy who created and posted the video in the first place. will put the vimeo link next to the youtube link and see if it acts differently... Then, I may have to kill the youtube link altogether...

  • Ok, Ross. I have put the link to VIMEO and it works now. but users have to click on the NAME and not the image to go to the video. That is NOT how it should be; but it'll do for now.
    It may be easier to try to get youtube to behave, since my web builder "likes" youtube and offers an easier interface--supposedly! Thanks for the feedback. Hey, btw, where did you hear about/find the video? It hasn't been posted much, to my knowledge, and I haven't really "advertised" the site. I asked the PRP, Assault, Slingmods folks to put out the word, but I don't know exactly how they did that. Oh, and Slingking put up a link to my new site. Maybe that's where you found it? tricky thing, these networks. but good!

  • I know your talking about your site but I wanted to take a minute to show the difference when you share a video from YouTube with the share button on YouTube. It creates a different HTML tag.

    Just make sure when y'all post a video on here you dont leave out the http:// or https:// when you post it or it will show up as a link... I haven't see this happen but a couple of time so it isn't a big thing but if it does happen that is why...

    and the same video...