minor mods

With my white and black SS, I've always felt it needed some color highlights, but was never sure where to put them. I'm a technical guy, not color coordinated. But with some help from my better half, she suggested some green, since I have a green helmet, Kawasaki green, since I have a Kawa bike. I'll be adding some color to it over the next few weeks with parts on order, but here are a couple of first steps.

The new wheels required new lugnuts and they only come in chrome, which I didn't feel worked well, so installed lug nut covers.


Swapped out the gear shift handle for something green, doesn't quite match my helmet, but I don't care :)


Next up is the rear wind restrictor, finally got a night picture of it, and yeah, I know it's not green, they didn't offer it in that color...


Rear view pic of it:


Installed remote jumper ports in case I need to boost it again (faulty wiring issue already caused me to need this once). That other wire is my rear camera feed, not perfect, but it's out of the way :)


And behind the seat:


More to come later!

small edit - got in a hurry and forgot to give credit on the wind restrictor from kev at https://allthingsslingshot.com... Sorry Kev!

Everything else came from ebay/amazon, let me know if you have questions

Another edit - got asked a few questions on the remote battery posts for jumping, so created another article about it here.