Tennessee Slingers, hope you are all ok

  • I just wanted to update this and say thank you Br4hm4. It's been a long week to say the least. I am glad to say that it appears everybody in the slingshot family in the area dodged the storm directly. However, it's essentially impossible to not know someone directly hit by this storm as it stretched from one side of middle Tennessee to the other. 25 lives lost and countless homes and businesses gone. The storm spanned ef2 to ef3 status across Nashville until finishing as an f4 50 miles from the start.

    Luckily, I guess there is a reason they call it the volunteer state. The amount of support and help everybody has given one another is amazing. Most unfortunately this was not the first direct hit to Nashville in my lifetime. As everybody knows, these storms don't discriminate. They don't care about the color of your skin, how much money you have in the bank, political or religious beliefs, social status... Fortunately, neither do the people in this community. No sooner than the storms pass everybody comes together as one to start rebuilding...

    Nashville has another round of storms coming up through Arkansas tonight with a tornado warning already issued. Hopefully round 2 will not be a repeat of last week.