Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I have been heavily involved in the political thread on the dark side and started this one. It seems to me that anytime the conversation sinks below the rules of etiquette and civil discourse it has been a left leaner that has led the charge.

    To be fair and not disparage any one group I do believe it has been the same one individual (maybe two) causing the ruckus in every case ...


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • I know we shoot jabs at both candidates but I invite any left leaner to give me one valid reason to vote for Hillary other than she is not Trump. I, myself, have examined the FACTS and can't find a single qualifying factor in Hillary's resume other than she has been involved in government for decades. For the shape we are in she sure as hell can't run on that!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • WOW!! They are rioting in Charlotte, NC and I just saw a white Slingshot right in the middle of it!! Whoever it is - I hope their OK - casualties on the ground!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I know we shoot jabs at both candidates but I invite any left leaner to give me one valid reason to vote for Hillary other than she is not Trump. I, myself, have examined the FACTS and can't find a single qualifying factor in Hillary's resume other than she has been involved in government for decades. For the shape we are in she sure as hell can't run on that!!

    Mr. Bill you put forth facts to back your thoughts...not just ridiculous memes. It seems like when you ask for factual info all you get are fake photos full of falsehoods in return! Everytime I talk to a certain type of demographic person that's all I calling, down putting ignorant and sometimes just plain stupid rebuttals

  • I know we shoot jabs at both candidates but I invite any left leaner to give me one valid reason to vote for Hillary other than she is not Trump. I, myself, have examined the FACTS and can't find a single qualifying factor in Hillary's resume other than she has been involved in government for decades. For the shape we are in she sure as hell can't run on that!!

    These are top 5 when you google it.

    1. She’s Qualified
    To say that Hillary Clinton is qualified is like saying that baconized grilled cheese is delicious. Here’s a list of her accomplishments that make us all look lazy:

    • She was elected Senior Class President of Wellesley College
    • Graduated with honors from Yale Law School before completing another year of graduate studies.
    • Worked on Presidential campaigns of Barry Goldwater (1964), George McGovern (1972), and Jimmy Carter (1976)
    • Took a “summer job” on Senator Walter Mondale’s committee for migrant workers in 1971
    • Chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee while husband Bill Clinton was Governor
    • Co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
    • Named one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America by the National Law Journal in 1988 AND 1991
    • 8 Years as First Lady of the United States
    • Served as US Senator from New York
    • Served as US Secretary of State

    2. She’s Championed Some AMAZING Causes
    One of Secretary Clinton’s greatest achievements is the Global Health Initiative (GHI), introduced in 2010. Designed to put a focus on maternal an infant health, the GHI has implemented strategy to improve medical facilities, reduce the spread of HIV, and lower infant and maternal mortality rates.
    Beyond individual achievements, Clinton has made it her life’s mission to ensure the world knows one simple thing: that “human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.” In every position she has held, the former First Lady has fought to bring women closer to equality. Bringing issues like women’s health, equal pay, and domestic violence to the forefront, she has never stopped making cracks in the glass ceiling.
    3. Her Stance on the Issues
    One of the most important reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton (or any candidate) is that her views line up with yours. If you agree with her on the subjects below, you may have just found your candidate. (click the links for more!)

    4. First Gentleman Bill Clinton

    The job of the first spouse is an important one. In addition to serving as a public face for the White House, the first spouse is expected to take an active role in social activism, and holds a significant advisory role. Who is better suited for this position than one of the most charismatic presidents our country has ever seen?
    No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you have to admit: that charm is hard to say “no” to.
    5. It’s About Damn Time
    When a woman takes up the mantle of “Leader of the Free World,” our nation will cross a line, never to return. I’m not saying that Hillary Clinton becoming president will magically create nationwide gender equality, because it won’t. But when we join the ranks of countries like Germany, Denmark, and Chile by placing a woman as our Head of State, a new generation will grow up with an altered view of what a woman can do.
    When women take on leadership roles, the way women are perceived and talked about changes. In just the last half-century, the way women are discussed in the media has changed dramatically. Because my generation grew up seeing women as senators and governors, (and creating laws that improve the lives of women) we perceive them in a different way than our grandparents. Unfortunately (for now), I can only imagine the discourse of a generation that grew up with a woman in the Oval Office.

  • And these are top 5 why she shouldn't when you google it

    1) She’s responsible for Benghazi. There have been endless Benghazi investigations and if you believe the mainstream media, you’d think nothing came out of them.However, we did learn that over 600 requests were made for more security. In the end, four men died and Ambassador Chris Stevens’ body was dragged through the street because Hillary Clinton never acted to safeguard their lives. Since when do we reward government officials with a promotion after their negligence has gotten people killed?

    2) She hasn’t accomplished anything. Sean Hannity has a bit on his radio show where he challenges liberal callers to name Hillary’s three greatest accomplishments. Listening to them hem and haw while they try to come up with anything is hilarious. What her fans don’t want to admit is that despite her mediocre tenure in the Senate and as secretary of state, her real “accomplishments” are being married to Bill Clinton and being female. Take those two “non-accomplishments” away from her and she wouldn’t be in the top 1,000 people considered to be president.
    CARTOONS | Henry Payne
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    3) She’s a liar’s liar. Merely calling Hillary Clinton a “liar” makes her sound too much like an ordinary politician. To the contrary, Hillary is what a lying liar who spent all her days working at the lie factory on a lying machine would sound like. She lies about the big stuff, the little stuff and everything in-between. This is a woman who falsely claimed that she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. A roughly equivalent lie turned Brian Williams into a running joke, but there’s so much more with Hillary. After Benghazi, she told the American people that a video was responsible when she was privately telling people it was a terrorist attack. She claimed that she came out of the White House dead broke and in debt. She said she applied for the Marines in 1975 and was turned down. She claimed she was named after the explorer Sir Edmund Hillary who became famous when she was six years old. You can go on and on with the list. Yes, nobody expects politicians to be as scrupulously honest as pastors, but how can you vote for someone who’s so dishonest you can’t ever take anything she says at face value?

    4) She belongs in jail. In America, no one is supposed to be “above the law.” Not you, not me, not the president of the United States. Yet, if Hillary Clinton doesn’t go to jail over having classified emails sent to her private server, it will be purely for political reasons. She knew what she was doing was highly illegal from day one. Not only are there people in jail for doing less than she has, any normal person with a government security clearance who did what she did would EXPECT to go to jail if he were caught. How can anyone be okay with voting for someone to be President who would be in jail if she weren’t married to a former president and running for office herself?

    5) She is utterly corrupt. Back when Bill Clinton was in the White House, Hillary received $100,000 in bribes in return for putting $1,000 into the cattle futures market. The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion. That was small potatoes compared to the deals Bill and Hillary appear to have cut with foreign governments. Enormous sums went directly into Bill’s pockets for doing speeches or to the scammy Clinton Foundation and next thing you know, the State Department was doing favors for those shady deep pocketed donors.