Posts by FunCycle

    What day do you need the room?I have reservations thru Sunday June 3 but will be leaving on Saturday June 2
    We can work it out when I get there Monday

    Cannot get a room at the Comfort Inn for Sunday night, I am still there for all week. so I will probably look for another room for tomorrow.

    What day do you need the room?I have reservations thru Sunday June 3 but will be leaving on Saturday June 2
    We can work it out when I get there Monday

    Oh! I have Monday thru Sat night at the Comfort Inn, I just do not have Sunday night 5/27

    Damn straight. I even get pissed off when people voice THEIR opinion on things BEFORE I give it to them ;)

    Kind of like people running down SSITS for being to Commercial. Damn if you don't want to come and see and join in with your friends and future friends then stay your ASS at home. You do not have to even register and if you cannot or will not get a room, read the previous sentence. Ain't no one wanting to listen to you anyway. :00000003::00000003::00007991:

    Our local forecast for this week showed rain every day and it turned out sunny and hot! An 80% chance means there is an 80% chance of some type of precipitation sometime during that 24 hour period.

    Looking at Maggie weather, the forecast changes almost hourly to the good or bad. My Sister lives there and has had some afternoon showers for an hour or two and then partly cloudy or partly sunny.
    Those who cancelled last year regretted it because is was gorgeous 90% of the time.
    You all put your “Big Boy” pants on and show up. Even if it constantly rains all the time, just being with fellow Members is worth the journey.
    If you are riding there and run into some rain, just use caution. Wait it out if you can and just get there safe!

    I'll be headed that way around 4am Tuesday morning. Will drive through a tornado to get there if I have to. @FunCycle you be safe.... I hope you can make it..

    I am coming, HELL or HIGH WATER. I am thinking about leaving in the morning if everything looks good. I just finished wiping down the Sling for the last time before leaving. WHOOP --PE! IT IS TIME for SSITS 2018

    My rule for me, I love people who buy things on credit. It has allowed me the opportunity to buy lots of stuff at a reduced price when they sell. That's the beauty of living debt free, cash on hand.

    That is the way that I do also. People today even look at the homes that they decide to buy about how much money can I make if I sell tomorrow. Damn you bought the thing to live in, the last thing on my mine is selling. If I did not want it I would not have bought. Everything is not about return on investment, I have more things to worry about than that.

    It bears watching, but also keep in mind that storm paths and intensity can change drastically within any given 24 hour period, especially once over land. Don't fret just yet, stay optimistic.

    You are talking to the one that left Georgetown in the SLINGSHOT at the same time the hurricane was making landfall in Charleston.

    Things are not looking good people. Not only with the rain forecast for the whole week, but now we will have Tropical Storm Alberta to deal with if the forecast path holes true. It will be running over us on Wed. or Thurs. Damn I hate to call this trip off.

    Years ago at the NSRA show Columbus, Ohio Fair Grounds they flooded out probably at least a couple thousand cars. They pulled the plugs turned the engines over and put the plugs back in and changed the fluids (Trans and rear ends) and drove them home.

    The problem I have is requested pressure causes my tire to wear down the middle but if I run 28psi it wears evenly. Now I am stuck in a lose lose situation LOL

    The problem I have is requested pressure causes my tire to wear down the middle but if I run 28psi it wears evenly. Now I am stuck in a lose lose situation LOL

    I always run whatever air pressure that will give me even wear across the tire tread (which also means more traction). On the SS it has been from 26 to 28 PSI in the rear tire. It will vary with the brand of tire and what width rim the tire is mounted on. Any auto parts store has the gauge to check the depth of the tread on your tires and check all of the way across. This will also indicate if the swing arm is not lined up and is crabbing.