Posts by Doc&Ruby

    I get it... I was a part of a couple of FB groups, slingshots, Akitas, astronomy & other stuff.

    Took the app off my phone months ago, I do check in now and again because I have family there, otherwise, not so much.

    FB has become an echo chamber filled with trolls; your description: "Drama filled high school playgrounds" is almost perfect....

    maybe "middle school playgrounds"! :thumbsup:

    I made a mod list early on that had three columns:

    Must Have (function & safety)__________Must Have (Performance)___________Want to have (looks, crazy performance, bling, etc.)

    I've checked off some of the things from each column (like lunch in a Chinese restaurant!), others I've let go. I made sure I had the cash for each one before I pulled the trigger, and I thought carefully about each purchase. Saving the cash spread the mods out, kept me in the Captain's good graces, and I haven't bought anything that I regret.... not yet, anyway!

    You obviously need an ammo box that floats, or an orange buoy and some stout line attached to yours!

    Since weather is not particularly promising this weekend, if anyone is getting in early and wants to go for a ride Wednesday morning through lunchtime and tour some of our lovely Ozark highways and byways, send me a PM and let's roll! Ruby should be back together and ready for a test ride by Wednesday morning!

    Just one thing, I have to be home no later than 3:30 so I can show up neat, clean, and ready for my 5 pm class at the University. (A professor's work is never done!)



    My new parts will probably not be in until Wednesday afternoon, so Ruby will not be ready until Friday when I come up to the rally... Sorry, no early ride for me! ||

    Ruby's birthday was September 12th!

    She came home a year ago and was only a few days old with a couple hundred miles on her odometer when we made our first visit to Eureka Springs together!

    We'll be there next week & hope to see many of you there!

    Brand new Ruby...

    Ruby & friends on her birthday. New seats, color accents, and the spiffy stripe tats she's sporting along with several improvements under the hood!

    She's a big girl now! 🤠

    In Rogers, AR staying with dangerdarrell and his lovely bride. Cool rides in am - ball scalding in the afternoons !! Looking forward to seeing you guys - met Doc&Ruby and his bride today (guess what his bride is not named Ruby- it’s his Sling 😂😂). Had lunch at 150 year old Ozark Cafe - great food and times !!!

    Really enjoyed lunch with Bill & his lovely wife... Angie hijacked our lunch check, potlatching retaliation is in the works!

    Cooper Zeon rs3-s

    Great tire, terrific grip, very predictable when charging around the corners.

    Highly rated tire without the expense of the pilot sports.

    I have just the opposite as funcycle for brand name steering wheel lol, mine is the d-shape by GODSPEED now lol.


    I've been looking at one of these because the Assault d-shaped wheel is so expensive.

    Have you found quality of the wheel satisfactory? Saw some comments online that worried me.

    Is the wheel stiff enough for dynamic cornering? I'm no wildman behind the wheel, but I enjoy active driving!



    My battery died after 1 year, just replaced it last week. Got a 30-la from O'Reilly's and it installed in the same tray & clamp as the OEM.

    I've also found that there is a lot of variation in batteries, and spending more has not been effective in terms of starting power or longevity.

    Like when the Wife sends me out to a store to get something and there are two similar items to choose from.....So theres a 50/50 chance i'll bring back the right one......

    And a 90% chance i'm wrong...=O.....

    The smart money says: buy both!

    Call her from the car on the way home... You wanted Brand X, right honey?

    No! Brand R!!!

    "Good sweetheart, that's the one I got!"

    And the other box? That sumbitch goes out the window before you get home! 🤠

    that is one thing about riding the Slingshot - - even people in so called super cars crane their necks around checking you out at lights. I even had a guy in a brand new Bentley who followed me for several blocks slowing down to get behind me and then pulling up along side before finally rolling down his window at a light to ask me "how fast does it go"

    No Bentleys here, mate.

    You might very well see a $100K pickup, though!

    Actually, this is my Astronomy for Educators class. All of these young women aspire to be K-8 teachers who want to actually Teach Science!

    Every student comes out to the ranch to do lab work, our hilltop property has great views of the sky!

    We take a class photo each year, this time all the girls flocked over to Ruby for their photo. 🤠