Posts by Doc&Ruby

    What I would like to do is drive out and 'fly' my wife out, She likes to ride but long distance is not her thing.

    Yep! Same with the Captain. It would work great if I drove out to SoCal then had my wife fly in to Ontario or John Wayne! We could have a great time driving around, as long as the Captain didn't have to do the long trip out!

    Well... depending on who you ask as far as time frames my two week quarantine was up yesterday per the doctor that gave the positive result. So I'm back here at the doctor's office right now to retest and see if I can get a negative result and officially be on the recovered list so my kids can come back home. We'll see how it goes. Waiting now to get the toilet brush shoved up my nose again...:whistling:

    I had this test back in March, it's pretty horrible!

    Hope you are okay!

    well if what they say about sun light killing Covid-19 I should be safe as hell riding in my Slingshot home in 15 minutes or so - already 108 and going up I wouldn't be surprised if we make it to 110. thank God the humidity is only 7%

    Yea, if hot weather is the enemy of this thing we should be good to go pretty quickly

    One of the few things I miss from California is the "magnificent desolation" of the desert 🏜 scenery and the wonderful dry heat.

    People look at me strangely in Arkansas when I grumble that it never gets properly warm or cold here. But growing up in Wisconsin and 30 years in the low desert gives you a different perspective on these things!

    With the current situation, dealers are in no position whatsoever to be asking above msrp prices. Also, it should be fairly easy to get a 5k or more discount on a new slingshot. Heck, i would even say the 2020s are not selling well at all and put on top this Covid 19 situation it def wont be a good year for Polaris.

    Not sure about this, Polaris stock up 47% last quarter, primarily on strong Indian & Slingshot sales (according to Motley Fool & Business Insider.)

    Haven't ever changed my coolant.

    At what milage / age should radiator be flushed & coolant replaced?

    Also wondering at what age OEM coolant tanks tend to fail... do I replace it now or can I wait for a sale from DDM Works?

    (Asking for a friend...) ;-)

    Here's Kitty, the Captain's '09 Jaguar XK.

    Lovely 5.0 L Supercharged V8... And the Captain's kinda scary behind the wheel. She says I'm just a terrible passenger! 8o

    Edward Neal you are precisely correct.

    You won't ever get them out and the property owners lose everything. This is like planting a flagpole in your life raft!

    Not only that, but you poison the well as far as new investments and the neighborhood goes to hell.

    On top of that: Tourist dollars shrink to near zero and every home in the area loses value. Nearby business suffer as well. Stories of business closing because of homeless invasion abound. You can't run a profitable business if you have to sweep excrement and needles off your sidewalk *after* getting the homeless routed off your front steps.

    Typical Democratic playback. San Francisco and Los Angeles used to be wonderful places to live and work and raise a family 👪

    Not any more!

    CA schools are already red-lining fall budgets. In my kid's school district, which is mainly solid middle class, they are cutting positions. Last year, he took on a voluntary, after school position, manning a study session, held in the library. It was a step up from the old "detention" we used to get sent to. At this one, about 1/2 of the high school students kind of want to be there for extra time and/or help. Anyway- my kid was offered an hourly rate for this position. He was re-offered the position again this year- rate was SUBSTANTIALLY lower- 47% lower to be exact.... Superintendent & the Board are cutting school budgets drastically. My kid decided that it would be politically correct to take it anyway, given how things seem to be going...... Last year, the Board of Ed. only approved a 2% raise with a great economy- this year, we figure teachers can forget anything extra

    Hi NatomasSlingshot1

    I certainly get what you mean. I taught public school in California for 28 years. My salary peaked in 2007/08, after that the state & school board kept whittling away at it. It cost me over 10K per year by the time they were done (salary) about that much again in benefits and they trashed my pension (cut in half) so that I'm still working full time (and overtime when I can get it). I kinda see myself in the work until you die plan now... and don't even get me started on the thrice damned teacher's unions there.

    The last superintendent I worked for was able to jigger all his benefits as salary his last 3 years (insurance, retirement contributions, car, etc.) PLUS they approved him a 10% a year raise in that time. He retired on $300,000 a year, about 20% more than he was ever paid for working.

    Me? I got a special raise too. When I got my PhD, I was awarded $75 a month (10 months a year) in recognition of my special value to the district.

    I was never so happy to leave a place i loved in all my life. I'd advise your kid to get out now.

    so basically that would imply that 95% of the people here on this forum are in the high risk category and should probably do our best to stay the hell away from potential carriers

    only problem with trying to do that is that some studies seem to indicate that 50% or more of the people who have Covid-19 are asymptomatic and can be walking around spreading the virus without even knowing they have it =O

    frankly I hope this has all been blown way out of proportion - - and I guess as restrictions are lifted we will find out :/

    Yeah, this really bothers me.

    As an over-60 asthmatic with previous heart problems, I'm a high risker.

    This fall I'm supposed to go back teaching irresponsible 20-somethings face-to-mask at the University.

    No word yet if University has a plan to keep us old farts safe. Almost afraid to ask - don't want to be forced out of my job!

    Doc, what do you use to clean and lube the belt

    Dawn dish soap in hot water and a nylon kitchen brush. I take the gard off, scrub about a foot of belt, rinse, then roll the sling forward a foot or so & repeat until its all clean.

    I had brown suds for awhile, just kept scrubbing & rinsing until clean. I suspect even "dry" lube collects dust & junk after awhile.

    I let everything dry in the sun for an hour before relubing with Liquid Wrench silicone spray. I hit the toothed wheel that grabs the belt, too. (I used that drying time to clean the air filter.)

    After cleaning & lubing, the belt squeal was pretty much gone!

    Maintenance day today...

    Cleaned & relubed the drive belt...

    Then I did the same for the K&N air filter.

    That bad boy was filthy! Going to start cleaning it every oil change. 5000 miles was too many!

    Had to use 2 rounds of degreaser to get it clean.

    Sure runs nice & quiet now though!

    Baker Air Wings from act like old fashioned fly windows on a sedan. You can open them and get lots of airflow, close 'em in cold weather and stay out of the wind.

    About half the cost of a new windscreen (about $200) and they preserve the look of the stock ripper windscreen.


    If "everything is a conspiracy" then by definition, your ranting must be part of it.

    However, I prefer Hanlon's razor:

    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."