So disgusted with RI

  • I just can't believe this. Checked with the website and the House has tabled the bill for autocycle classification for the slingshot to be legal here in RI. Stated need to do more research/study about the issue. The Senate is meeting today to discuss and praying they will be passing it, so this can finally be resolved. This is so frustrating, since 26 have all ready been registered and re-registered, before they put a stop on them for not falling under the RI law of a motorcycle. DMV is backing 100% based on our conversations with their legal dept., but can't register until resolved legally. Only in RI! So bummed out and aggravated with this. Losing what little summer we have to enjoy slinging. Had hopes of it being resolved by the 10th based on last communications. I know of three of us that are sitting on pins and needles for the approval. Sorry, just needed to vent! :evil: