Posts by Red

    I don't give two shits about renaming army bases because of who they are named after. Name one Camp Unicorn sounds fine to me. It makes me mad when retired generals make political statements to make themselves look relevant. They took no action when in positions of authority because they valued their power and position over doing the right thing. It wasn't a problem when they were in charge? I've never trusted anyone over full bird, you don't get stars unless you climb the political pole. End of rant.

    Lots of folks here are done with social distancing. The protests and riots put an end to people taking it seriously.

    One story indicated a spike and a quadruple increase in ICU patients.

    That may be bad or it's a great way to say they went from one to five patients. I'm always sceptical when they don't give the actual numbers.

    Red - always like your expert opinion as a retired PoPo😂. I’m watching all these politicians stating all the “reforms” they want to do to police departments nationwide. In your opinion will it make it even harder to hire quality recruits AND as a unintended consequence - cops taking cover until it’s over when shots are fired as opposed to running toward gunfire as they have in the past leading to even more deaths? If we hamstring our police departments will the years long decline in violent crime be erased?

    You're going to see a huge shortage in law enforcement. Mass retirements for those who can and new recruits resigning and starting new careers. You'll be left with whomever can't leave.

    Of course a new batch of experts will teach the new way and make a lot of money doing it.

    Law enforcement has been slowly pushed into a social worker role and away from enforcement. Unfortunately people are going to suffer before this gets sorted out.

    As info about the killing of George Floyd continues to trickle out more questions need to be asked. Now we know that at least one of the officers involved was being trained by Derek Chauvin. If the reports of Chauvin's past misconduct are true why was he used as a training officer? The DOJ is starting a probe into the department but the media appears to have little interest. In other incidents involving police the media, politicians and activists call for those in charge to be fired or step down, not in this case.

    I don't know what the Field Training Program looks like in Minneapolis but it doesn't look like the one we used. Training officers were selected by a long list of criteria. The big question we always considered; If the trainee turned out like the FTO would you be happy with the results? Maybe nobody at the MPD asked themselves that question or maybe they did.

    or don't buy that gimmick and just mash the pedal get the same result and have 300 left in your pocket.

    It has been out for over a year now, where are the test proving it does anything other than placebo effect?

    Again there are vehicles out there that do benefit from a device like this but from driving NA slingshots with and without one I can say the NA slings is not one of them.

    If it doesn't do anything why did he warn us not to use it in the mountains?

    As I said before - if you want a first class police department it has to be run just like a successful business. You have to make a compensation package attractive enough to draw the best candidates. Who the hell would want to put up with what cops do for for little money? That thin blue line is the only thing between law abiding citizens and anarchy - if that line snaps our society is doomed!!

    In a few months you'll see stories about a rise in crime that will hit minority communities the hardest. The case will be described as "de-policing". In an attempt to avoid conflict and complaints officers will simply stop self initiated activity. Less enforcement emboldens the criminal element and crime increases. Unfortunately it will be just another chance to blame law enforcement for social decline.

    I started telling people to find a better career choice several years ago.

    Had a teacher friend tell me that police are racist. I responded with teachers molest their students. His immediate response was that he was offended and told me he's never touched a student. I simply replied "don't be mad, my statement is just as accurate as yours". He's still pissed but I think he understood my point.

    Isn't this the same Creepy Uncle Joe that didn't know that is was an AR-15 not an AR-14... He is just saying anything he can to try and get elected. Right now this isn't about shooting ( yes that does happen) this is about excessive force being used to restrain a person.

    This all stems from a basic lack of respect for any thing in our country. Police have to deal with it every day. I understand that it should not take 4 cops to subdue anyone but if people just had basic respect these types of issues would not occur.

    It always amazes me to see 4 or 5 police show up for a "normal" incident. The over-response lends to over action in my opinion. A lot of times we see that it is not the first cop that arrived that over reacts but one of the others who may have wanted to "get in on the action". Just my 2.5 cents...

    let's not forget his excellent advise of "fire off a few shots in the air" that he made a few years ago too.…ining-shoot-em-in-the-leg

    Red - I gotta ask your opinion on Uncle Joe’s solution - teach cops to shoot em in the leg!! Think he is supporting this because he shoots himself in the foot so often :00008172::00008172:

    At my old department we had citizens academy. It was a chance to cultivate understanding with the community and help them understand what we did and why. When we covered use of force there was always a soccer mom or twenty something that would ask, why can't you just shoot them in the leg? We would go into a lengthy discussion on stopping the threat and firing under pressure, etc to help them understand why it's not a good idea. At one academy a local College Professor didn't ask the question but stated that we should shoot them in the leg. I simply asked him a question, Why do you think I practice shooting while laying on the ground? He did not know. I practiced shooting from the ground so I could still fight if injured and couldn't stand.

    Red - feel free to correct me if I am wrong. The way I see it is once upon a time LEO was a highly respected job which selfless people did a difficult job for not a lot of money. Fast forward to recent years - police officers are vilified, assaulted, assassinated for that same low salary. What happens? The caliber of people departments hire drops significantly to put a warm body on the street. IMO if you are gonna give one person the authority to take another one’s life - it’s just like anything else - you want stellar outcomes you need to pay stellar wages to entice the best !!

    It has deteriorated to the point that it's nearly impossible to get high quality applicant. 30 years ago the pay wasn't great but you got lots of applicants and only the top 10 to 15 percent actually got hired. Now you have low numbers of applicants and hire to the bottom of the list. None of the departments in my area can reach full staffing. It's been going down hill long enough that the below average officers have become supervisors and command staff. Recruiting minority officers is a real challenge. Most officers of color won't apply in jurisdictions where they grew up. I've watch a number of them go to departments in other areas to avoid interacting with friends and family while working. The fear of alienation is stronger than the chance to help the community they grew up in. It's a giant shit show, I completely understand why so few seek a job in law enforcement. Low pay and a label of racist, I'm just glad I retired when i did.