Posts by Funinthesun

    Just picked this up off of the old forum from dwilson. I believe it is what most of us expected.

    My sister was the person killed in this accident and she WAS wearing her seat belt! In fact, the seat belt is what caused my sister's death and it was also the cause of the critical injuries to her husband (the driver). For all you Polaris Slingshot owners I would recommend you DEMAND a 4-point harness type seat belt in these vehicles! My sister's main artery was severed from the seat belt. Even a go-chart has a 4-pt harness for extra safety. Don't thing a regular seat belt is going to save you from injury but it won't. I truly believe if they had this type of seat belt, my sister would be alive today.

    I pray to God you ALL move forward in DEMANDING a different seat belt design!!!! I hope some how this information helps you.

    dwilson, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I remember hearing of an accident that took someones' life based on the seat belt, but did not know who it was (or who she was related to). After seeing the results of this last fatality, and the original one where the rider did not have the belt on, has really awakened a lot of people to this issue. I wouldn't be too surprised to see a lot more people upgrading the belts soon. When my new seats come in, I'm gong to look real closely at getting that done. Thank you for your posting regarding the accident. I'm sure it is difficult knowing a life could have been saved if a simple decision to spend a few more dollars on the assembly line was made.

    I missed the dinner on saturday night last time. We can get together Friday evening and pick a place when everyone is around. I'm getting a little excited. I don't have any other Slingshot owners to hang out with around here. The local owners are old retired people that just drive around town. I haven't been able to catch up with any of them when they are stopped.

    See y'all Friday. Drive safe,


    Old retired people? Gee Stephen, I guess you'll be glad I had to cancel this trip then.

    If I was smart, I would stay the hell out of this thread. BUT all I'm going to say is this. ONE OF OUR OWN WAS KILLED IN A SLINGSHOT ACCIDENT ON A LEGAL HIGHWAY THIS WEEKEND. While those of us are morning the loss of a true friend (Jim Mosbey) and are sadden by the horrible injuries his wife Pam is starting to deal with, why can't this constant back and forth bull shit end right here right now? Let's be thankful that Tango was not hurt and the other two non-slingshots that were involved in altercations were as lucky to escape injury free. There's a time and place for everything in life, and let me tell ya'll this much - Today is not the time and THIS is not the place to fight about this incident. Out of respect for Jim, please let it end now

    Pam honey, I'm so very sorry for your loss and your injuries. It still hasn't sunken in that Jim is gone. When we all met last year, it was easy to see how much in love you two shared with each other and to all us strangers. One minute after meeting you both at the track in Stark, we all transformed from strangers to family. Hearing how far you both traveled in October/November and the experiences you shared were priceless. I still have to smile when I think of you and Jim on the beach with the slingshot when the rear tire was spinning and the sand was flying all over you both. The dinner we shared in the tiki hut and the uninvited flying "guests" that kept on biting us all, and the fun time walking the streets of key West will permanently be etched in my mind and heart. Then to share more time with you both in Panama City was priceless. My heart bleeds for both of you and your families for this horrible loss, and hope you are able to fully recover from your injuries. Jim may be gone, but he'll never be forgotten. Your loss is shared by all of us who were fortunate enough to have met him. Please know you are special to us and again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    While out in the Slingshot to I noticed 2 things.
    1. A dead skunk in the middle of the road requires more ground clearance that a SS has. I did not try and straddle it.
    2. A pile of horse apples in the road is higher the the bottom of the SS. I did not try and straddle it.

    Yes I live in the rural Wisconsin. Land of Beer cheese and cow

    Third observation. if it was turboed, you could have changed lanes and gotten back into your own lane and missed both piles in the road. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. I hope the clean-up isn't going to BE as bad as it SOUNDS. Oh, and welcome to the forum

    Wow Bones, we had a similar weekend so far. First the grass needed to be mowed - check. The cars needed to be washed to get that pollen off them - check. The windows on the house had to be washed to get rid of the winter "salt water stains" that blows in from the ocean - check. The dirty dishes that had been piling up all week needed to be washed - check. Finally the grocery shopping had to be done - check. Today, I'm still exhausted thinking about how my wife has the energy to do all that work while I'm out riding the slingshot with my buddies.