Posts by jorgebri60

    You all are a bunch of amateurs!!!! :thumbdown: 5 daughters buddies... <3<3<3<3<3 32, 27, 17, 14, 4. My advice is to keep involved in EVERYTHING they do. There is no such thing as privacy (for them) until they're out of the house. Know ALL their friends, who they're with, what they're doing.....get in their business...but most of all, be a daddy and do whatever the hell they want you to do :rolleyes: cause you're going to do it anyway :S
    @rabtech, keep up the good work buddy. Beautiful daughter.

    If I was smart, I would stay the hell out of this thread. BUT all I'm going to say is this. ONE OF OUR OWN WAS KILLED IN A SLINGSHOT ACCIDENT ON A LEGAL HIGHWAY THIS WEEKEND. While those of us are morning the loss of a true friend (Jim Mosbey) and are sadden by the horrible injuries his wife Pam is starting to deal with, why can't this constant back and forth bull shit end right here right now? Let's be thankful that Tango was not hurt and the other two non-slingshots that were involved in altercations were as lucky to escape injury free. There's a time and place for everything in life, and let me tell ya'll this much - Today is not the time and THIS is not the place to fight about this incident. Out of respect for Jim, please let it end now

    Exactly!!!! I for one received the news of the incident minutes after receiving the news about Jim and Pam. I'm still in shock over that and to read the squabbles going on about this weekend's track incident is kind of Shitty (to put it lightly). Lets move on ! angry-squared

    Hey!!!! how bout them cowboys :00002047: .. Can we all just Chill and move on. Lets not start the mess from the other side. Everyone needs to take a step back...take a deep breath...knock one out of you need to :00000019: ...whatever helps get us back on track.. @Ruptured Duck was right. This was an unfortunate accident cause by whatever!. It's an accident so lets move on to what's important. We're all wondering how that monster did before the unfortunate incident. What was is like being behind the wheel of that monster. I, for one, would like to know what it feels like compared to a stock or TC'd sling. Is is heavier? does if feel more solid and stable....etc....that kind of stuff. If @Tango decides to share what happened, then so be it, but can we please move forward on this before it festers into another mess like we had "over there"?
    Much Grass! cool-squared
    @Tango, hope you're doing well buddy and when you're ready, if you'd care to enlighten us as to how that thing feels, I'm sure many of us here would like to hear how it felt to drive that thing on a track.

    Got the Bullet. Entry and egress is nicer on older bones. Gotta get a little creative with the Wind Wings with either of these two tops. Velcro is not a real concern. Can be replaced easier than busted snaps. No flutter at 85 mph. And the canvas can be removed, shoved in an old folding chair bag and thrown beside, under, or behind seats.

    What he said, but increase no flutter to 130 8o

    Do you plan to leave the slingshot at the dealership after they update your ECU while you send the ECU back to Bob to be updated again for your turbo? It sounds like we really shouldn't even start the Slingshot with a turbo without bobs ECU tune.

    I don't think I have much of a choice. If the ECU update wipes out the engine programming portion then I'm told that it will run like crap if it even runs at all. I've let hem know at the shop that we're going to have to have the ECU sent out if they have to reflash for some reason. The tech told me that "he" doesn't really have control over what gets updated. Polaris just sends the re-flash and they plug the SS into polaris's software and let it do its thing. At any rate, they know not to mess with the ECU without first letting me know. At that point we'll coordinate with Bob and Henry to get the turbo programming back on there.