Posts by ethermion

    Nice. There are probably more slings than you know.

    I am the den mother of the Wrecking Crew largely based in Virginia, but have members from all over the place, and can assure you it is a chore. There are maybe 60 or 70 of us, but keeping track is definitely worth it 100%.

    I started a thread for the crew, and keep it updated with handles for all crew members. First post. Anything of interest comes up, just cut and paste into the new thread. It works.

    Other times, I have to ring phones. These days, nobody is accepted into the crew unless I get full contact info. It helps a ton. A slingshot is fun, but getting 10, 20, 30, 50 together is really something. It doesn't happen magically, but is awesome cool when it comes together.

    Another dude here is trying something similar on Facebook, but not sure it is getting traction. Smart, nice, successful, peaceful, thoughtful, daily bathing, people don't Facebook.

    PM me sometime. We should compare notes. Perhaps negotiate a peace treaty, in case we need to cross into each other's turf. I have to suffer Chattanooga when visiting my girls... Dang, that is really forked up traffic.

    I would hope so but my wife tells me "I'm and ignore-able kinda guy!" LMAO in other words maybe thats the same as an ASSHOLE! HAHAHAHA

    I agree with your wife.

    Still mad at you for pranking me at the rained out track day last year. I'll get you for that. After I get Rocky for pranking me at track day 3 years ago...

    Nice thread though. I am up for insurance renewal, and it seems like everyone is paying less than I am.

    Why did Polaris add a bunch on new ones?
    Mine is a 2015 SL and there is 1! Well two. The second one was added to the rear swing arm after the bearings started to go bad on many other Slingshots. Not mine. I took precautions before it became a problem.

    Mine is the faster 2015 base Titanium (Unobtainium now and much more desirable). Only one zerk. I extended the WARRANTY before it became a problem. Just about everything else crapped out on my sling, so what's the worry? Currently, my sling is part 2015, 2016, 2016 and 2018. The only giveaway is that it is dirty. Yeah, gauge cluster replaced with odometer reset to zero so you can't count miles... Yeah, it is fun, but what a lump of coal.

    Hrrrrm, what was the question? I wouldn't stress about zerk(s). People 100x smarter than me don't. Seriously.

    I got pulled over a few weeks ago from a local sheriff, really nice guy I see him around all the time.
    Said he just wanted me to know I was out of warnings - to be safe and have a great day.
    That was his way of telling me he was watching.

    But everyone knows I can barely hit the speed limit so I don't understand his meesage

    I got pulled over a few weeks ago from a local sheriff, really nice guy I see him around all the time.

    Said he just wanted me to know I was out of warnings - to be safe and have a great day.
    That was his way of telling me he was watching.

    But everyone knows I can barely hit the speed limit so I don't understand his meesage

    Pfft. Silly you.

    You just need to tell 'em that you know ME and that I know the MAYOR.

    If you find yourself in a pickle, just call me. I'll sort it out for you.


    Few LEOs are nice. Here, they always check your inspection, registration, insurance. Jeez, next they will want a sperm sample. Even in broad daylight, they will shine a flashlight in your face, 'cause the flashlight is also an alcohol detector. Your plates are run, before they get out of their vehicle. Your ex-wife is now on their speed dial in case they want to double check your story. And, then there is the helicopter.

    I doubt he really thought you had a nice vehicle. He didn't want to check it out, he wanted to check YOU out.

    Is this an advertisement for a new product from you? If so, well, ... I don't want that one. Most happy with my other ones - so you are still maximally way cool in my book.

    See you again, again, sooner or later, sooner being better, hugs and kisses to Barbie...


    Damn you guys... Lets not talk about spiders... I had a huge wolf spider in my truck bed last week. I almost gave him the payment book.

    Yeah, we get wolf spiders here too. Some are the size of my shoes.

    I was told that they were harmless. One day, I messed with one with a stick. It bit the stick which went "CRUNCH".

    Me no like wolf spiders. No, no, no, no, no like.

    Yeah, @Designer and @Firefly will be there too, I suspect. @Sling Cat and most beautiful bride always post too.

    We are getting there. Apparently, I have been recruiting with my mind. Poof.

    @av8ingtom, what about @A-Team SS? Is he going to puss out 'cause he has to DJ a wedding? Hope not. And there are a few more of your neighbors. My bad for not signing them up to the crew at Uncorked, but I think there are three more potentials in your neighborhood. One guy has a wind deflector from @lrobbi, one has a sling with a madstad top that he got from @Hpocus, one, well, I just don't remember.

    @Bu11sh1t is coming? Awesome. Stupid handle for him, as he is anything but.

    Sun is up. Just because I am the nicest most polite kind smart charming (and handsome) person in the world, I am leaving the phone on the charger until 08:30. Then, game on. We'll get 30+, no problem.

    Installing floor mats made my lovely bride happy. No more complaints about heat. An easier install than other options discussed here.

    Beware a cat delete. Yes, the cat has to get blazing hot to perform properly. Delete the cat, and you will get stink and new complaints about that. It doesn't seem to matter where the exhaust exits. I can smell a cat delete from 100' away, as can my bride. Yucky.

    No, I'm on my second belt after my angle drive took a bit big smelly shit. Only so much abuse a belt can take. Under normal circumstances, the belt should last forever. Under abnormal circumstances, a belt will behave like ... me.

    All the same, you and I are having a bourbon and a Cohiba in Clarksville this fall. And, I'll be packing some real deal serious 'shine. If you are on best behavior, I will share. If not, that's my breakfast.

    Wow. A little late to this party, but I can offer a little bit.

    Harley has been using (Gates) belts since mid 1984. I believe the replacement interval is never.

    For a while, I was selling robotic devices that used similar (Gates) belts. Replacement interval was never.

    Belt wear like that is not a fault of the belt. FYI, new one is $200 - perhaps a bit spendy, but should outlast most everything else on the rig.

    SALE STARTS tomorrow,... actualy in a few hrs

    No it doesn't. Tomorrow is now today, and you are supposed to be at Château E today. Perhaps, the discount starts today, but ya' ain't processing any sales today. Today, you are having a nice civilized time with good friends.

    Good deals though. Still love my dress up, and looking forward to the waterfall. Red to match my eyes, good on that are we?

    Guess who is gonna be on your porch smoking cigars and drinkin bourbon Friday evening :D


    Dang. Now I am really looking forward to this. Need to talk to my 'shine connection for some of the good stuff. Sigh, another trip to Clarksville that I won't remember.

    @MACAWS, by the power vested in me, by me, I proclaim this to be the official B&B in Clarksville thread - hosted by @av8ingtom. Snooze, you lose, and you lost. Change anything, and we will party without you.

    Considering it's a whole new front end , it's very reasonably priced. For comparison just damage your existing lower wing and front end and see what Polaris is going to charge you for it all !

    Just the bracket for the snout is $150 or so, plus labor. I know. Replaced once at the dealer, mangled one back into shape with help from @Cameron Roberts, another new one from @WraithSS.

    Dedicated curb eater, and not ashamed to admit it. The stupid snout is evil low. And once you droop it, the more curbs you will eat, and the more it will droop.

    The observation that damaging the lower wing and front end can be spendy, rings very true to me. Need to discuss with my CFO.

    And, Madstad rocks in my book.

    And, was it @kev that donated the wine for the @MACAWS event that I won? If so, Kev rocks too. It was tasty. I like Kev. Buy something from him, folks. (Yes, an alcohol influenced endorsement, the world really works that way, so deal with it.)