Posts by SZurlo

    I have not had any issues out of it at all. some have complained that the wings might warp but I haven't had any problems. I think it makes it look more like the batmobile lol and less of an off road type vehicle. personally I don't like the flat top types. but that is just me.

    Did you have the dealer install it or DIY?

    You definitely want a top, regardless of brand. I drove Sling to Maggie Valley from Ft. Myers FL in 2015 without a top and was miserable between being wet, melting from heat and sunburn. Got a U.P. top (now Fab Factory) which I don't think is even still available (see link) and drove up to MV again in 2016 and it was a hundred times better..Cooler, no sunburn and less wet.…p-2017-polaris-slingshot/

    Yup. The round trip to Key West in September with no top convinced me that I probably need to invest in one.

    I think that if you can get past the price of it, the slingshade, (to me) looks the best and gives it a sporty look.

    Yeah, that's the thing that makes me gravitate towards the shade. It doesn't look aftermarket, like most of the other solutions. However, when I bought my SS they had a SS there that had the shade on it and I had some concerns about the quality and fit and finish. I may have to go give it another look.

    I've actually seen a SS with that one on it and it seems really well made. Strangely, slingmods says it's been discontinued, but it appears to still be available on Twist Dynamic's site.

    Edit: Actually it appears that Slingmods has stopped selling TD stuff altogether...

    I figure you are going to get a lot of responses to your questions. I did my due diligence and decided to go with twist dynamics canvas top. The deciding factor on this was that I was able to install and take off a luggage rack across the top. I can also take the canvas off very easily and store it during days when the sun feels good on you.

    OK, the luggage rack is nice! I could have used that while trying to carry 10 days worth of cloths, etc. on my trip to Key West.

    If you will do a search and you will find bukoo info on this topic.

    Therein lies the problem. You may have to read 100 posts in 10 different threads to get the answer to 2 or 3 questions. It's one of the issues with ANY web forum. It would be cool if someone could create a forum with some kind of intelligent indexing and aggregation that could automatically create a FAQ out of unstructured post data. But until then, the same questions will sometimes get asked over and over.

    I didn't consider the possibility that a roof would trap cabin heat. I imagine thee Slingshade would be even worse than a canvas top in that regard. Good info. Thanks :)

    How is it at freeway speeds? Does it flap/make a bunch of noise? BTW, I'm KK4UMI :).

    So I've had my SS about 3 months now and have put about 3500 miles on it, a good portion of which was a trip to Key West in September. When I bought it I was convinced I'd never want or need a roof, but I'm starting to question that. Sitting in stop and go traffic in the Sling in the noon day sun when it's 96 degrees can suck the fun out of the whole experience. So basically I'm looking for some feedback. Those of you who have installed roof systems, over all are you glad you did? Any particular brand or model that's the gold standard? Are some better than others at freeway speeds, etc? I like the Sling Shade, but not the 3k price tag. For 3k I could put on a DDMworks stage 1 TC, but that's a whole other post :P.

    Installed my PC this AM and took the SS for a short drive. I'll tell you want you don't want to do, beside sport or sport+ in the rain, and that's sport or sport + in first or second gear trying to crawl over a really bad patch of asphalt. Every time I hit a bump I barked the back tire and practically gave myself whiplash.8o

    rabtech, I just did a quick search on Priceline and there are a few other sub-$100 a night hotels around Murphy that have rooms left. The Days Inn @ $84 and the Sunset Motel for $72, for example. Yeah, I don't know how to use a football bat either, but somehow I doubt that on my deathbed my last words will be "I wish I had spent more time watching a bunch of guys carry a ball back and forth across a big field" 8o

    For anyone that has considered cooling seat pads for their SS, I can recommend these. I rode to Key West and back last month and they made a huge difference. Obviously they're not designed to get wet but they got soaked while parked once and still worked fine, although they do soak up a ton of water and take forever to dry out. The only other issue was that there really isn't anywhere under the stock seat to attach the hooks on the front of the pad, but I just left them hanging and it still stayed put fine. As far as bang-per-buck goes, this is probably the best accessory I've purchased so far. A must-have if you travel in hot climates and suffer from swamp a$$ like I do. :P

    I think the factory has done one oil change, and replaced seats that they messed up. other than that, NO recalls, no other oil changes or anything. I did the 500 mile, right now I am close to only 4K so not near the 5 thousand mile check up? and I bought mine in October of 17. I am sure that I have voided warranty by now. I put on the top, exhaust, cai, wing, seats, radio, backup camera and a dozen other things. . . . . .

    Yeah, but I assume bolting on a turbo instantly voids the factory warranty and the way my luck runs the following day I'd have a catastrophic crankshaft failure :P

    Yeah, I rode to Sturgis last year and pretty much every attraction I wanted to fly at was a no-fly zone. I finally did fly it at an attraction called "Carhendge" (bunch of cars planted in the ground in the shape of Stone Hendge), because there were no
    "no-fly zone" placards anywhere, and the proprietor gave me a lecture for not asking permission first. Unless you're out in the middle of no-where, finding a place to fly that is also picturesque can be a challenge.