Posts by Zorasmiles

    @sideseatdriver wow, you really read into every single thing but I'm okay with that. My sarcasm and dry humor doesn't come out all the time over the net. My desire to perk interest did exactly what I meant it to do minus the personal attack (or perhaps you didn't mean to call me out). Actually, I've been published beyond the local newspaper but that's neither here or there. I've been blessed to "have my voice heard" as well. I've petitioned my legislature for a few things actually but nothing that has appeared on the floor for vote. Some people are made for politics as I mentioned, some are made to do change from outside of the profession of it. Just imagine if we all thought our calling was that of a politician because we had a dog in the fight...

    After the last heated debate...I was actually just trying to ease into this one. I honestly don't think our general population is ignorant, I think they've perhaps grown complacent in different ways. Some who think things will never change, some who think they can have aggressive change overnight and that list can go on and on...but to say ignorant, I wouldn't go that far...but that's me.

    American jurisprudence has devolved into a horrendous array of frivolous lawsuits - one of the leading factors of my early retirement!! That is why I am a proponent of the British system whereby you sue me and lose - you pay my attorney fees ....never happen here sadly

    Isn't it sad that our names can be dragged through the mud in civil and criminal court with no payments after fraud is proven? I'm sure there would be less lawsuits if those with false allegations or frivolous lawsuits were held financially accountable. Often the response would be, "they have no money, so you're going to get blood from a turnip?" Response would be, "No, the law allows me to sue their attorney as well for knowing the allegations were false or they were pretty sure." That might make those soliciting for suits think twice perhaps?

    Yes, we have term limits but we're losing ground to who can out campaign who in the money arena. Money seems to dictate voter outcome in most situations but we haven't completely gripped it yet. They keep everyone fighting and pulling left or right while they profit. Take away paying these lifetime benefits, take away these health care benefits that allow them to live above the people they are sworn to serve.. Perhaps if "we" the people can not rebel and eat our own vomit we can get it right and move forward. On both sides of the table are career politicians, how long was Newt there? We just have to do better. It's not about left or right leaning, it's about what's "right".

    Politics is painful. I think perhaps in the beginning the naive politician heads to the hill. Think they have sway power but they realize they are committed to party power. They are given a blue print for moving up or moving out. They discourage those who desire not to get stuck in a long line because of seniority established, or they feel they can not do any good. We may have lost some of the brightest minds by our darkest moments...but hey, I'm just a voice without a voice.

    I don't know if it's an upgrade or downgrade....called Conservative this morning...and leftist this morning. I tell you what SlingRazor, to make your day...tell me which group you see yourself in and I work hard to be in the opposite. Yes, this is sarcasm in case you can't figure that one out. Honestly, my intents aren't meant to ever anger but if you're angered and I am not, if you're upset and I'm goes to show you that...never wouldn't understand. Sometimes you just have to pray over it.

    Good suggestion that we move on...perhaps we can discuss how Puerto Rico has thrown the budget off, climate change, or Pence's speech at NASA. Naah, those are boring. We don't want to get into second amendment rights, or perhaps we do--not. Yet they are all on table and so much more. I have it--term limits!

    Sounds like I struck a nerve. I am far from a racist. I find it funny that you can find some type of racist insight into my response and yet you find nothing wrong with previous post.

    I know that I am judged by the company I keep so block me and keep me hollow to you, Funcycle and anyone else who chooses to do so.

    I don't post for your likes. I don't post for your favors. Keep that in mind.

    LOL@me being racist LOL

    @Bill Martin if it isn't about hatred, why the negative portrait of who they are as a person. Negative views tend to spread hate for an idea. Which occasionally turns into negative actions physically as they lash out. Why is it that most that I know, to include myself, my wife, those that I served with, the military members that I worked besides all think that they are exercising the rights that our service afford them. In discussions with those who are not happy with the kneeling they have agreed that the act does not tarnish what we all set out to do. The bringing of disrespect is when others use our service for their own self serving needs and political debates. As one soldier put it to me "Sir, they never worry about us until there is a photo op, a military ceremony or we're needed as poster children for a cause. They leave us out of everything else, why don't they please not bring us into this. We serve along side those who believe in what those are kneeling for and those who disagree. Yet we all believe that it is because of us, our actions--they can do this. Our service even affords those who desire to use those who've come before and will come after us, to drive home their point."

    Remember the athletes have entered into lock outs and of course everyone whined and complained they'd never watch another game..each time. Now, those same people are complaining about the kneeling. I bet if they kept their promise the first time, we wouldn't be having this dialogue.

    See, you see it as "disrespectful" because it isn't convenient for you, or those around you. They see it as convenient because it is the largest arena that they could protest and bring light to the issues. As I suggested, do the questions. Kap isn't being paid, he isn't playing. He made his choice and team owners made theirs. This same thing happened in Denver Nuggets basketball years ago and few will remember. This isn't the first time. Other athletes did it standing on a podium with their fists raised.

    When you have to tear at the character of a group of people to try and drive home your point, when that isn't the issue--it's coming from your hatred of what has offended you. When you have to post that response, whether you agree or not, you are supporting that hatred. When you click like and say awesome, you are contributing to that negative stereotyping and that hate.

    I call it like I see it.

    The bearings have nothing to do with the double adjustable feature.

    The spring bearings are for the height adjustment...making it easier to raise and lower if its something your adjusting frequently.

    @WrongWheelDrive thank you but I understood that. My question is how often a person would be adjusting them before they needed to have the spring bearings. The coil overs are sent at riding height, they can be adjusted for height but frequent adjustments appear to require the "spring bearings". So what would frequent be? Twice a week?

    I appreciate any and all responses that increase my knowledge with these coil overs. I have used them in other vehicles I own, with minimal adjustments after finding what was right for me and my riding area. Before settling on the right combination, I did make a few frequent adjustments initially. Hence the question.

    This might sound silly but some sort of disclaimer on your part stating that you are not responsible for the mistake that is likely to happen if more than 10 of these are sold.

    I can see someone not attaching it right and it falling and causing damage or someone drilling through the gas tank, best to have your rearend covered for gremlins stupidity, I wouldn't want your goodwill of offering these at low cost come back to bite you.

    Remember that we are in the country that people sue after being burned by hot coffee because they were not told that the HOT coffee was HOT.

    Very good point. It saddens me that it has to be made but I would not want you to be the victim of an act of "goodwill".

    To start off with the implication that the NFL players, especially those who are taking a knee, struggled as teens, lived on the wrong side of the tracks, that they came from homes where their mothers were the leaders of the family.....

    The implication of this stereotypical racist garbage is why we have the problems that we do. This is the reason they are taking a knee. They are taking a knee because people who pen letters like this continue to create a racial divide. They are taking a knee because they run into stadiums to entertain millions over a weekend but are still subjected to racial profiling. They are taking a knee because it shows more strength than it does to throw a punch. They are taking a knee despite the hatred, the words and the blowback they will receive for raising social awareness. They are taking a knee because it isn't the paycheck, the fame that will change the minds of those who choose to take a higher belief that somehow they are inferior. They are taking a knee because they are tired...tired of the garbage that they, their family, their friends and loved ones are continually denied the rights that someone in their "family" has fought and perhaps died for.

    All the acts that you attribute to NFL players are found in the professions of doctors, lawyers, accountants, laborers, and "those who serve". Your desire to point out the failures of those in the public eye, without any mention to those who contribute to their communities is another reason they are taking a knee. You want to use the military as a launching point... why does the military have a drug testing program? Why do the military routinely put soldiers out of the service for the use of drugs? The same 18 year olds who enter the military with a drug history continue it, and some pick it up. Why does the military have domestic violence counseling? Why do soldiers receive Article 15's for the violence they levy against family members? What about those members that are escorted to Leavenworth?

    Your shame should be that you don't see that we have a societal problem. It is not only concentrated to the military but it is rampant. The moral decisions that the every day person makes isn't always right. Often those who sit in judgment have at some point in their lives did something dishonest. Perhaps they were a habitual liar that injured others, a thief, an abuser, a bully and so much more.

    The American dream? Perhaps you see it from a sofa but you don't live their lives, so why sit in judgment of a group of people peacefully kneeling. Did you type of a diatribe when the players were kneeling in prayer after the games. Some of the very players that are kneeling are of the same group of Christian athletes that prayed before and after every game. Yet, the act of kneeling has caused such a fray.

    Every military member who decides to serve raises their hand "voluntarily". They are not forced into service. They are aware of exactly what their contract demands of them, to include "giving their lives if their country calls on them". Every military member raises their hand for personal reasons--some for the college money, some as a family tradition, others because they feel that is their calling. I have yet to stand in a room of potential service members where they have all said they were joining because of the flag.

    Just as the NBA is a means to an end for players. The military service is a means to an end for them also. Some military members sit in an air conditioned office eighty to ninety percent of their service years to retirement, yet when they retire they are very patriotic as they claim medical compensation and any benefit that they can acquire. There are service members who never attend sick call while in the service, whether injured or not. They take their military service to heart. They live and breathe to serve our country. They don't complain about who's in office, as they swore they'd follow....

    It's funny, that I was able to watch a few military documentaries this morning on "my day". Military history...sometimes you leave the service but it never leaves you. You have a true sense of respect for all of those who serve, past and present. Yet, somehow you always keep an honest view without over glorifying what essentially is a job. Some jobs are high profile--some are not. Some jobs you're in front of the camera, others you are behind the scenes ensuring that those who are can continue doing what they choose to do.

    Almost the simple definition of a military members job would require one to function in a role that entitles everyone the freedom and liberty to do all things that the Constitution and laws direct. There may never be a public recognition but when you're doing it for the love of country and God--it suffices.

    So, if kneeling is an issue to you, turn the channel, go for a walk or run, spend time with your family and convert that negative energy to something positive. Perhaps if you have so much hatred and anger--perhaps you have a problem that needs to be addressed between you and God, or you and your pastor, or you and whomever you think would be honest in giving you a view that makes you happy.

    If boycotting football would bring about change, awesome! If not, let them keep kneeling. Burn your jerseys, season tickets, any and all gear related to football. Scratch off one more sporting activity that gives you an excuse to gather drink, gamble and act out rudely (to the fans who do not no offense).

    Until you understand the problem, you want step to the table with a solution. The longer you inflame the problem and make it worse--you won't contribute to anything positive.

    Ask yourself: Why am I angry? Does the act or behavior that offends me harms me emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually? Does it change who I am as a person? Does the act have any merit? How can I contribute to the removal of the act in a positive manner? Does it benefit the world for me to act out negatively, neutrally or positively? Does my actions solicit others to respond in a negative manner?

    I'm pretty sure once you answer those questions, it will be easy to push away from the keyboard or continue in a berating manner to anyone whoever may offend you by their actions.

    I have and always will support those in the military. I have and always will support those who have the strength to stand up for something that is wrong in our world. There are those who have stormed the shores of beaches under distress. There are those who have sat at lunch counters under distress. Both defending what our Constitution and laws dictate is afforded to us all. There are those who truly defend against an enemy at the 38th parallel daily. There were those who walked arm in arm while dogs were unleashed on them, water hoses..yet they persevered. Stop leveraging one group over another, that is the problem. Open your eyes to something greater than your opinion. Let good win over evil, and recognize which master you serve.

    Try smiling? Try using the gained football time to converse with God and read some scriptures. If you're not a religious person, try finding something positive to do in your community. Wrath is and never will be mine... I pray hatred stays out of my heart... If I offend my brother I pray they accept my sincere apology.

    #Phil 4:13
    #Eph 6:10-20
    #Matt 5:22

    @SlingLow AWESOME!! SUPER NICE WRITE UP AND RESEARCH!!! Thank you for going through so much problem to create a product that is well thought out, looks great on the sling and of course will not only be for show but protection! Pearl Red w/diamonds polished and powder coated will be pretty awesome..hint...HINT LOL

    Just wow..thanks!

    What a smooth, seamless transition the roof makes. Looking forward to updates on how it handles highway speeds in the 70-80mph range while cruising. Looks like visibility looking up at the light signals will be challenging. Time to head to the stealership and see what they have installed and get a test run in.

    I come from a state that has strict gun laws and I’m pro gun and for the second amendment but I think when these laws were originally written I don’t think they could mentally grasp that these type of weapons would once sure if fully automatic weapons existed at the time our founding fathers would probably have written that amendment a little different then what is it today. everyone should have the right to bear arms but I don’t believe anyone needs enough fire power to wipe out a small army. Theres gotta be a limit.theres gotta be more regulation just think if any of these people were your relatives would it change your perspective ? And I get it guns don’t kill people stupid people with guns kill people. But something has to be done I mean who knows what could possibly be the next massacre.sad thing is it’s goin to happen again not that anyone wants it to except for the sick people out there like this guy from Vegas. But how many massacres have to happen before something is changed

    Unfortunately, as stated before the criminals and those who desire to destroy our communities will always find a way to acquire the firearms and fire power that they need. They do not go into their local gun shops or big box stores that carry firearms and fill out applications to purchase a firearm legally. They pay a bit more to purchase those weapons either for anonymity, illegal or both reasons. Do you realize how many firearms have been sold in between a registered owner actually going off the rails and doing something like this? I'm sure quite a few. I think the background check for mental health poses so many legal land mines but it should be a viable thought for legislation.

    You will never know when it will be your neighbor who has to arm your community to defend off a group that is set on taking away your right to live as the forefathers framed. We will never know when that AR built for sport shooting is used to defend our nation against invaders from foreign shores.

    I once lived in a country that was beautiful and peaceful. They spoke highly of the lack of murders on the scale that we had here in the US, let alone mass killings. The police officers did not carry weapons but instead left them secured in the trunk. Unfortunately, a group of former Russian special ops and others decided to rob a local bank. They knew the bank guards did not carry firearms, how the local police would respond and the procedure the local police had to go through to just retrieve their firearms from the trunk. They slaughtered anyone that got in their way that day. As they were retreating from the bank heist, they came across to police officers sitting in their car waiting on that go ahead to retrieve their weapons. They were killed sitting in the car, on a beautiful park near the church that was the center of the town. I don't think anyone could have ever imagined this would come to the city, let alone the country.

    My point is that we can only go so far before we leave ourself bare and open to anyone and everyone that has a bad agenda. We must continue to not stay to one extreme or another but find a solution that will be viable. A solution that will move us forward in a manner that is safe not only for our country, states, communities but our families. It all begins with us all sharing and being open to finding a solution.

    And I ask, where is all of the reporting from the last church shooting? Is it because he was African American from the Sudan?

    Actually it was on every hour on the hour in our market to the point where I turned off the tv! The few days I decide to watch the dumb thing and my heart is broken.. What I heard that really made me turn off the tv was that he did it in revenge for the "young white kid from America" who walked into the black church and shot everyone--after they were so inviting to him. Let's not make it about color please. Killers are killers. The fact that the church killing was dropped was because they had a bigger and better grossing story to put on tv every 15 minutes. FYI--most news outlets never identified the Las Vegas shooter as white but they did keep stating that he was a millionaire. That is what was so sickening. Whether they were rich, poor, black or white--they both caused irreparable emotional, mental, physical and spiritual damage to so many people immediately and the family members, friends who will be dealing with the lost of loved ones for a lifetime.