Posts by Bill Martin

    Distance is not an issue for crew membership. Honorable member? As if the rest of us are without honor? Bad start, dude. You just need a sling, or be a former sling owner AND a hot tasty chick like @hrmiracle. Hello Miss Miracle!
    Oops, mind wandering. Miss Miracle does that. What were we talking about?

    I support your application, but I will need a 2nd from a member in good standing to support you. Neither coonasses nor @Bill Martin will do. Anybody?

    In anticipation, PM me your full name, spouse(s if that is what you do) name, cell#, email addy, postal addy. I will return my contact info in kind, and we are off to the races.

    Annnd ......... on it goes for me ....


    I have a BS in Economics and worked on Wall Street during the roaring 90’s ~> politics aside ~> if you do one thing in all of this: BUY BUY BUY NOOOOOW!!!

    *it’s going to be a free-for-all next year... I mean, just think of all the easy mod-money to be had!! :thumbsup:

    I’m with ya Sis - already moved from very conservative to aggressive on my portfolio - time to make up for the last 8 years !!!

    I cannot disagree with much you said @ericastar76 A point overlooked by many ney sayers is large corporations fiduciary duty is to the stockholder...not the employees. If the business friendly aspects of this bill open the door for companies to expand thusly expanding profits....THEY WILL ... then in comes increased wages and a strong workforce ..only time will tell!!

    The King says it all !!! :thumbsup:

    I think the bill will provide a boost to the US economy in the short-term ~> but long-term (lets say in 2 years), that boost would dissipate and any GDP growth will fade. In the meantime, I’ll be shifting around some of my portfolio to agressive stocks before the national debt balloons.

    *IMHO (and purely from an economics perspective), this bill is one giant <see pic> for America:


    How could it possibly be worse than the Obama years???? The debt already exploded under poor liberal leadership - the bar for Trump has really been set pretty low - but you are right - the time is NOW to make a shit ton of money in the market - something unseen for the last 8 years!!!

    If you notice I am smiling this AM!! Gee you do not have to pay for health insurance you can’t afford anymore ....BAD TRUMP!!! All is speculation on the national debt but if the GDP goes up to 4 to 5% it will be an economic boom for ALL Americans ....BAD TRUMP!! Big companies investing massive amounts of new money in the USA giving bonuses to thousands of employees .....BAD TRUMP !!!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN......BAD TRUMP. Who the hell is this Obama fellow you speak of so highly ??? :00008172::00008172:

    Because I know her personally, I'm biased. Friendship aside, she's really the best person for the job ~> definitely qualified (the irony of her win however ~> EPIC)!! :thumbsup:

    could you please pull some strings and see if she can take this asshole’s place??

    He really pisses in my Cheerios daily or even better

    With Hillary and Reid gone - 2 down 2 to go - then I can go....HAPPY :00008172:

    Good reading, vibes and people tonight. Plus LMAO here and there.

    Hey did anyone catch Jessie Waters Saturday night discussing meat with the vegan and his producer brought him out a nice Ribeye cut and he began to consume it? I was on the floor rolling!

    LOL -I did - Jesse is doing a great job of drivin the liberals batshit crazy - he is my hero !’

    'Baby, It's Cold Outside': Festive Tradition Or Date Rape Anthem?…_5a3841cce4b055fc5fb2b187

    Y’all know I can’t keep my mouth shut on many topics of the day but have refrained on this till now. As evidenced by the above video are all male/female rules of pursuit being changed before our very eyes?? I been listening to that song every Xmas since I was a child and NEVER even thought of any sexual connotations (and I’m usually lookin :) ) - especially rape as suggested here. As we see men from all walks of life being accused of sexual impropriety with lives and careers destroyed where is the new line not to be crossed. While I am sure we can all agree that any type of forced sex or using a position of power to extort sex is wrong and should not be tolerated - what about the good ole man pursuing woman since the beginning of time?? If you lean into steal a kiss and get your face slapped that USED to be the end of the story. How the hell are our sons and grandsons to know (when hormones are raging) how to pursue our daughters and granddaughters? Are we now to believe that all men are rapists just waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of some poor unsuspecting female?? That women now hold all the power to ruin a man’s life by just suggesting sexual impropriety without proof?? That men or women do not use every tool in their toolbox to choose the mate of their choice and when that fails vindictiveness could set in. The madness continues - Santa better be careful going down the chimney - he could be very soon be accused of attempting rape rather than delivering toys!!