Posts by Bill Martin

    You ain’t never fixed me somethin I pushed away before - actually now that I think about it how bout one of each ?????? :00008172:

    @sideseatdriver I see your point and agree up to where you said “hate speech is not covered under the First Amendment”. Sorry but the Supreme Court unanimously affirmed hate speech is covered under the First Amendment. Here is a copy of their opinion:

    Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote separately, also for four justices, but on this point the opinions agreed:

    A law found to discriminate based on viewpoint is an "egregious form of content discrimination," which is "presumptively unconstitutional." … A law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government's benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society.

    No matter how distasteful whomever has the right to say it !!

    With my comment about an innocent kiss and getting slapped for it. Have we gotten to a point where men AND women don’t sometimes send a wrong signal or perceive a signal incorrectly resulting in an attempted kiss or advance. Does that make him or her a sexual predator or assaulter ??? People been he-n and she-n since the beginning of time - how is a young boy gonna learn he stepped over the perceived line if he doesn’t get slapped once or twice. Then again - if your in you forties and still gettin slappped....ya prolly deserve a kick in the nuts :00008359:

    President Obama lied and covered up resulting in lost American lives, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied and covered up resulting in lost American lives, Trump may have lied and may have covered up screwing a porn star ten years before he became President. I guess that gives the Dems and Libs purpose to take the moral high ground??? @WOLF - known your politics for a long time and you are a very reasonable left leaner and will teach your son very well. The liberal thoughts are being instilled very young and depending on the University he chooses they will attempt to poison him against conservative issues. Libs cannot win on facts so I believe their plan is to raise a generation of socialists to change America forever!!

    Colleges have become bastions of liberal ideology whereby conservative views are suppressed - even punitive actions taken. @WOLF - that beautiful baby boy you have - don’t you want him to be prepared once he is entering this cold cruel world without your protection?? I can assure you that educators in general (save and except @sideseatdriver) do no such thing with passing kids to the next grade without proper skills, participation trophies, teaching we are all the SAME. We will never all be the same. No matter race or creed some will be much more driven with a burning desire to succeed - some will not !! I do not think you are paying close enough attention to the small changes made daily to our current society, Always remember Liberals are very patient and are happy with baby steps dismantling things in society they hate - balanced education for one - capitalism another!!

    I have a Dr friend that told me while we we discussing “cry closets”. He told me a story back when he was doing his residency. A fellow resident didn’t show up for an emergency in the middle of the night for one of his patients. The Chief Surgeon called him in the next day. His explanation was he had to study for the State Licensing Exam and was too stressed to come in when other residents were available. The Chief profusely apologized and then promptly booted him out of his residency program saying he could restart the program again the following year when exams and patient welfare wouldn’t be such a stress issue for him. Guess “cry closets” have been around a long time - just not quite so “touchy feely” :00008172:

    PS - the resident ended up being a Chiropractor / plenty time to cry then :00008359:

    So your sayin “POLITICS SUCK” ..... musta been a genius started this thread :00008172:

    Saw a small segment on FOX News ..... I give ya a little more back across the pond ... cry closets at colleges, safe spaces at colleges, for every poor bastard that tried to steal a kiss and got his face slapped whereby the woman was not arrested for domestic assault, history being rewritten on a daily basis, Dems with no message but obstruct, obstruct, obstruct...Sleeping Beauty only makes me wanna throw my coffee cup at the TV .... the rest makes me wanna throw the whole coffee maker :cursing::00008359:

    I gotta get my Sling back and get away from the TV. I’m getting to the point to where I wanna throw my coffee cup at the screen. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??? The children’s movie Sleeping Beauty is no longer acceptable - Prince Charming did not have permission to kiss Sleeping Beauty to awaken her!!! ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDIN ME ??? The feminist left won’t be satisfied until we men won’t be able to speak to them unless we are spoken to first. Our country is going absolutely berserk!!