Posts by Edward Neal

    I guess you missed all the videos about raising taxes, and new green deals, and killing fossil fuels and amnesty for 22 million illegal aliens, about all the free college, Medicare for all....which is going to cost trillions of tax can’t afford to live in California now, just wait....

    no I didnt miss them, but what they say pandering to their base to win votes is very rarely what they actually do - - - other than Trump who was the last president who actually kept the promises they made to their base?????

    Also with the Republicans having at least 50 seats in the Senate its going to be very hard for Biden to do much of anything substantial without bipartisan support

    I guess you missed that part

    Oh - and just for fun - after withdrawing his concession in the 2000 election Democrat Al Gore didn't actually conceded again until December 13th

    And even with that rather long delay they still managed to deal with a transfer of power to the new administration

    Considering this I really dont see why people are so worried about Trump not conceding - - there is actually no legal requirement that says he must concede and even if he never does it wont stop Joe Biden from taking office.

    The way I see it its just Trump being Trump - - - even if I like what he did politically I still have to acknowledge that he can be a total A$$ - - - hell if he could have toned it down just a notch or 2 he would probably have been reelected 8|

    also just to help people remember

    "Following Republican nominee Donald Trump's presumed electoral college victory in the United States presidential election of 2016, a group of computer scientists, cyber security experts, and election monitors raised concerns about the integrity of the election results. They urged the campaign staff of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who had conceded the campaign on November 9, to petition for a recount in three key states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. When the Clinton campaign declined to file for recounts, Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein agreed to spearhead the recount effort on November 23, on the grounds that unspecified "anomalies" may have affected the election's outcome. The Clinton team subsequently pledged to support the recount efforts "in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides." President-elect Trump and his supporters filed legal motions in all three states to prevent the recounts. Two other states were the subject of recount bids that were separate from Stein's efforts in the Rust Belt states: American Delta Party/Reform Party presidential candidate Rocky De La Fuente filed for a partial recount in Nevada on November 30, and three Florida citizens filed for a complete hand recount in their state on December 6."

    so just to be clear Hillary may have conceded on November 9th, but that does not mean she and didnt keep fighting along with others in hopes of changing the outcome - - - its not like a concession cant be withdrawn - just ask gore

    They bitched about him, fought him on damn near everything and tried to impeach him. They never contested the legitimacy of the election. Hillary conceded election night and Obama had Trump at the White House a (EDIT PER TRIPOD:) 4)year(S) ago yesterday.

    There is some humor to be found, but not where you found it.;)

    and they tried for almost the full 4 years to say he only won because there was collusion with Russia to impact the outcome of the election - - - - personally I would classify that as contesting the legitimacy - - and on top of this there were all types of total left loons crying "He's not my president" - - as if they had a choice

    I may not of voted for them man, but when Biden takes office he will be my President and I will wish him nothing but success in doing great things for my country

    WTF is wrong with people?! In addition to the usual litter that pigs throw out of their car windows (beer cans/bottles, soda cans, fast food bags, etc.), I’m now seeing face masks.

    These people REALLY piss me off! :cursing:

    pisses me off even more when I am in my Slingshot riding behind some a$$ hat and they keep flicking their ashes out the window to blow back right in my face - - - people are pigs

    well - they finally called the Alaska Senate race for the Republican giving the Republicans 50 seats and the Democrats 48 States with the 2 runoff elections in Georgia to decide the final balance - - - So - if you live in Georgia please get out this coming January and vote Republican - - Seriously even if you are not a Republican do you really want one party to control both houses and the presidency?

    As a side note - even if the Democrats were to win both Georgia Senate races the balance of power in the Senate would be so equal that the odds of the Democrats being able to pack the Supreme court or eliminate the filibuster would be close to zero :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    That is a really nice feature. When I read your post it reminded me that I have a busted windscreen on my Bell Pit Boss helmet so I decided to call them and order a new one. They asked how long I had it and I told them about 2 years, and they replaced it free of charge. She said something about a 4 year warranty even though their website clearly states 1 year, and recommends replacing every 3 years. It's nice to get good customer service every once in a while. Two thumbs up to Bell!:thumbup::thumbup:

    The photochromic screen is not an option for my helmet.:(

    it shouldn't have been a option for me either, but I got such a great deal on the Vortex helmet that when I looked at the price of the photochromatic shield and it was just as much as the helmet it was hard to swallow - - - oh well at least I have it now and considering the fact I only use this helmet for less than 1/2 the year it should last a very long time

    Its not a true mod, but it does qualify as a goody

    finally shelled out the cash to get a photochromic / transitions type face shield for my cold weather helmet - - I have been putting it off every season because of the cost, but I finally got tired of constantly changing face shields to deal with sun one way to work and darkness the other

    this morning it was great riding into the sun on my way in, got nice and dark - - brought it inside and in lightened right back up just like it should - - - Its going to be nice not to have to decide which shield to put on before I leave the house and to not have to deal with the compromise of not having the right shield when conditions change on the road


    So - now we have the North Carolina Democrat senate candidate has conceded to Tillis, the republican, and unless there is some kind of huge shift it is pretty much a sure thing that the Republican will also take Alaska - - that will leave us with 50 R's and 48 D's with the 2 Georgia runoff elections left to decide the balance - if the D's were to win both then it would be 50 to 50 with the VP as the tie breaker, but even then with so many of the D's being moderate and 2 of them are not even D's they are independents who caucus with the D's one being far left Bernie Sanders and the other being a very moderate just left of center dude. - - - - as such it looks to me like its going to take both sides working together to get anything worth a damn done, and it also looks very unlikely that even if the D's do win both seats in Georgia that they would be able to do anything extreme like court packing or ending the filibuster - several D's have already said they do not support these things - - - :thumbsup:

    Back on a serious note.,,…porters-praises-joe-biden

    I was a De Niro fan for many years but I will never watch him again. He is probably too old to care about the near 70 million people he just insulted. These Hollywood/liberal elitists do not want unity and harmony - they want you to think like they do or you are a piece of crap. I have never supported boycotts of any kind and that is not what I am suggesting. How about the 70 million people spend their money at conservative/Republican businesses. The liberals want to protest with looting & burning - let conservatives protest with their cash and let’s see who bends to the will of the “people” first!!!

    So here we have a president that has done more for Israel and middle east peace than perhaps any other president in my lifetime and De Niro thinks this president should be compared to Hitler - - - - - - - - - really?