Posts by WOLF

    Ya know what I have found uniform about liberals? They always start with the premise that they are correct in all things. That somehow if “the great unwashed” could miraculously just realize how smart they are we would all be better off. It frustrates them in their eyes that conservatives are just too stupid to realize how smart they are.

    I know this because I have them in my family. Yes! A few have snuck in under the wire 🤭 They blurt out their options/ subjects then immediately say “but we’re not gonna talk about this because it’s too controversial” and then shut down any rebuttal or possible conversation.

    It’s actually become quite amusing. 🙂

    I tell my wife all the time that I don't have to be right. I happen to be right. Grant you I read, watch, listen to smarter people and do a lot of things. So my odds of being wrong are really low. Unless it is spelling, right Tripod :)?

    I find that both sides don't like debating with better informed people. I try not to talk down to people, but will very much hit back at the same level, very often with the same words.

    You know I don't shut down, walk away or say it is to upsetting. I do, very much, use kid gloves and pull my an effort to allow conversation to flourish and not trigger defensive shutdown mechanisms. Yeah, "Psychology for Dummies" there.;)

    I know many Democrats and let me correct a misconception so you can be more correct next time.

    You said: "It frustrates them in their eyes that conservatives are just too stupid to realize how smart they are".

    What frustrates them in their eyes is, "conservatives are just too stupid to realize how stupid they are".;)

    Right!? Bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, seat belts...wait, wrong line. Those are to protect yourself.

    Here we go...

    As a smoker, I am totally with you Tripod . Who gives the government the right to tell me I can't kill others with my second hand smoke. Does it even kill them or even make them sick? I should still be able to smoke where I want, when I want. Fuck your feelings pussies. Go somewhere else or stay home if you don't want the "sickness and/or death" I exhale. If you don't like the smell/chance of death wear a mask(optional).:00008172::00008356:

    Actually as a courteous smoker, I never smoked inside places before the bans. I also distance and gauge wind direction when outside with others.:*

    I hope one day people will understand that masks are to protect others, not yourself. Most masks or face coverings won't stop Covid. They will limit the distance it travels from talking, breathing and coughing. That alone has been proven to greatly reduce the spread of Covid.

    Over 100k a day are getting Covid now. Yes, some of that higher number is from more testing. More testing doesn't account for the increase in hospitalizations and deaths. Increased hospitalization and deaths are proof that more cases are really more cases and not just more tests.:/

    You kidding right? The left has been NONSTOP crying foul since 2016 ffs

    You are kidding right!?

    The topic is voter fraud. You are saying the left have been claiming voter fraud since 2016?

    I recall a certain President NONSTOP crying "voter fraud" since 2016. That guy has major mental issues in regards to winning and losing so it makes sense.

    I’m having a hard time reconciling this - perhaps you guys can help. When Stacy Abrams contested the results of the Georgia gubernatorial election for months and that was “preserving democracy”. Now Trump is contesting the results of the election and he is now somehow “destroying democracy”. The inmates continuing to run the asylum is my best guess...

    Quick answer, perception.

    When one cries foul after the election, that seems reasonable.

    When the other cries foul before the election then cries that same foul after the election, that seems like crying for crying sake.

    Kinda like the "crying wolf" story.

    One cried "wolf" for months.

    The other cried "wolf" once.

    This is not your typical " oh its 4 more years of another president". The democratic party has leaned very far left. I think we can all agree that with the rise of the AOCs and the Omars they have turned more anti-american than ever. You cannot be so partisan as to not be able to see this. Whether it was Trumps presidency that made them this way or it was a matter of time I do not know. What I DO know is that they will not get better. There's an insane indoctrination in schools and colleges teaching our kids that socialism and Marxism is the way and the best system. Teaching them to hate America and our history. I would love to make sure this country never goes thru anything NEAR of what I lived in socialism. This is why I am so passionate about this and I dont expect you to understand. Trump was never perfect but at least he stood for this country, for the american way. At least he is selfish about us. When was the last time the democrat party was about this?

    Is it not exactly the same, "oh its 4 more years of another president"?

    The same scare tactics being used to make people on both sides super duper scared of what the other side will do to the country, to you, to your paycheck, your religion, your guns, your marriage, your health.....

    BE AFRAID!!!

    It is very much the same!!

    The only difference I see is that more people each election year, on both sides, seem to be believing the fearful lines of BS.

    If you don't see the sheep in your party, you are one.

    If you think that applies to only one party, you are one.:*

    You know they didn't board up cities in case Trump lost.. Your suppositions of what could be are distinctly progressive.

    I have always contested that there are nuts on both sides that have done and will do stupid shit.

    When I suggest that a tweet that claims 0(zero) burning, looting...may be premature, based on the fact that there are nuts on both sides.

    Facts, by your opinion are "distinctly progressive".

    Unless you do not think there are "a few nuts" that voted for Trump. Which very much is more an uncertain belief than to believe there are "a few nuts" that voted for Trump.

    I dont think americans in this country truly understands the shit we are in the next couple years. Everyone who lived and knows how every socialist system begins KNOWS what road we are in at the moment. No socialist system has been implemented without the proper press propaganda and brainwash on the weakminded. We have been seeing it for 4 straight years nonstop and this fraudulent election (with the media complicit) has put the lid on it. Democracy on this country is officially DEAD and we are well on a road to losing everything this country ever stood for. The question is how much are we willing to put up with and when is it time to start fighting? Ask yourselves that question.

    Ask yourself this question with your doomsday prophecy in mind.

    Who won the last election?

    Did Obama take your guns?

    How much aluminum foil does it take to make a hat?


    Time will tell.

    70 million pissed off Republicans:

    Many of which are in a state of denial

    Hopeful for miracles

    Believe that when the Media reports that it is mathematically impossible for Trump to win that the Media is deciding how math works.:/

    When all the smoke clears, I hope they do stay peaceful. I suspect there will be a few nuts out there that can't mentally handle reality.

    The information you requested sir. A little sketchy that FOX news published a scary news article 3 hours after this one. But hey...politics.…-change-not-software/amp/

    Remember. Trump made all these same claims in 2016. Many of you guys took his side on this in 2016. Many of you cried these same tears in 2016.

    Trump appointed an election fraud task force. The task Force set out for a year and a half to prove Trump and all of you right.

    Do you remember what they found? No, because all of these baseless, conspiracy theories that Trump pushes end in a silent fizzles.

    The two year Clinton investigation started by Trump, ended with a, "There are interesting things that should be looked into". Two years...fizzle.

    Stop! Just STOP! If you are true Patriots that truly believe in our democracy, stop spreading lies and sowing doubt in our election process.

    Trump said, 3 months ago he was going to make all these exact accusations. Now 3 months later he makes the accusations and all his supporters are like, "Holy crap, look what Trump said the Dems are doing. He is right. This is fraudulent. Where are these ballots coming from"?:00008862:

    again the issue isn’t with the’s with whether the ballots are legit or not.....what’s wrong with you? Do you want illegal votes counted? That’s the problem....they want to count every vote and validity doesn’t matter. They are counting phony ballots as real ones.....thats a huge problem, its voter fraud, it’s a crime.....

    Keep believing everything a blatant liar and worst loser ever tells you.

    Donate to his charity to help people. Oh you can't he was forced to close it down for scamming people.

    I know, take a college course at Trump U. Oh, you can't. He was forced to shut it down for scamming people.

    Oh, invest in his Casino. Oh, you can't he filed bankruptcy after fleecing the last two investors for millions that went into his pocket.