update on meet and greet at village motorsports

  • NEW
    hi folks, hope everyone is well, healthy and happy ! just a reminder for the meet and greet we are doing at Village Motorsports on July 16. i was thinking about where we would ride: from the dealership west on 20 to Orange then 15 south to Gordonsville then 33 west to 231 which is a great ride through Somerset then some back roads to Trump Winery. i thought we could stop there, beautiful view of the vineyards and for those that want to they can get some wine. the road there is super fun !!! from there, there are lots of great roads if folks want to get some more driving in. we open at 8:30 and will be leaving at around 1:30. we will have some food and refreshments available. if you can let me know if you will make it so we can have a idea of how much food we need. I look forward to seeing and driving with the crew!